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Yemen’s Houthis show footage of Greek ship burning in the Red Sea

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posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 02:50 PM
Im still semi-amazed the world accepts this as the new normal. The environmental impact, and the economic impact,

separate it from Israel and Palestine It is stupid AF that it's allowed to continue
Yemen’s Houthis show footage of Greek ship burning in the Red Sea

Yemen’s Houthis show footage of Greek ship (SOUNION) burning in the Red Sea following Houthi attack.

The 25-member crew was rescued by an EU naval mission.

The tanker was carrying crude oil from Iraq to Greece when it came under attack.

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: putnam6

They went from annoying to terrorism.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:07 PM
it's a shame there is no strong leadership in the world at the moment. This is the new normal, until an adult enters the room.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: putnam6

They went from annoying to terrorism.

network dude
it's a shame there is no strong leadership in the world at the moment. This is the new normal, until an adult enters the room.

The crazy part we are spending millions being on station and reactive instead of going after the launch sites or Houthi leadership.

Its also crazy our media plays the news quietly as not to upset the election cycle.

If this occurred under a Republican administration Id be just as upset, and the media would present it as being more urgent as well

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Nothing happens by accident, and money flowing into the conflict is reason enough to keep it hot...
edit on 23-8-2024 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: putnam6

knowing how intertwined the MSM is with the democrats, it's questionable we will get any real news from them. X might become the new outlet for information. Raw unfiltered information that is. What news used to be long, long ago.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: putnam6

Nothing happens by accident, and money flowing into the conflict is reason enough to keep it hot...

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:21 PM
Muslim terror will never end, it’s instilled in their culture and all they know.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:38 PM
Houthis, Hamas call it what you want. Everything comes back to Iran. Until Iran is neutralised there will be no end to this terror perpetrated on the world and on the Persian people themselves. Somehow Iran needs taking out and its threat to world peace removed. No good can come of allowing this state sponsor of international terror to continue in its current form.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Houthis, Hamas call it what you want. Everything comes back to Iran. Until Iran is neutralised there will be no end to this terror perpetrated on the world and on the Persian people themselves. Somehow Iran needs taking out and its threat to world peace removed. No good can come of allowing this state sponsor of international terror to continue in its current form.

Let's be realistic, there is no way this administration would go after Iran, without serious provocation.

Thus we get the piecemeal, measured response BS, that costs millions, is not effective, and leads to soaring shipping rates and more worldly economic concerns.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: putnam6
You cannot separate it from the Israeli war against its neighbors (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine) because they are attacking these ships in direct response to their mutual defense pacts amongst the axis of Resistance. The Saudis tried to squash these guys with direct invasion and an endless bombing campaign that even saw them bomb funerals and the emergency personnel that arrived to help the victims of the bombing.

How many structures are even left standing in Yemen?? They will only stop when Israel ends its ongoing campaign of murdering non-Jewish Semites across the Middle East which they began with their precious ISIS. The Saud's spent years bombing and invading Yemen, and failed repeatedly. I have archived threads full of their inability to stop sandal wearing mofos from marching across a desert with a ladder and literally sneaking up and lighting fires under the Saud's asses on their own FOB's.

American power has been bombing them for much of '24 I believe. Do you believe a multi-national force sacrificing countless thousands and hundreds of billions in lost equipment is the proper solution?? Because they are going on a full decade of receiving millions of pounds of explosives as free gifts and not only has it not discouraged them, it has not even diminished their ability to strike out at targets.

Two options are on the table, a full multi-national end times army to invade the same location the Left Behind book series places an end times battle, or convince the Israeli's to end the war on their neighbors. FFS after their admission of the Hannibal doctrine it seems more likely the IDF killed more of their own citizens than Hamas did on Oct. 7 not including the hostages they have bombed to death in Gaza.

Those are your options. A multi-national full armageddon style invasion of Yemen, or Israel stops destroying its neighbors in the same 5-7 year cycles they always manage to fulfill like a pattern to justify its own actions.

If your choice is option A , welcome to Hell! Kiss your nephews, nieces, and grandkids goodbye, their bodies will be needed to catch bullets and bombs in the middle east.

Most sane people would choose option B, especially after the IDF admitted it killed so many of its own citizens after initiating the Hannibal Doctrine.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry're not going to get any traction with your logical dissertation...the simps are always going to simp...

The minds that your directing your commentary toward...have no ability to connect the dots in order for the full picture to be realized...

Tools...are designed to be...used...they have no innate ability to break free from their they remain as they were designed...directed by the hands of their betters...

Is what it is...

edit on 23-8-2024 by YouSir because: I can...

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 07:09 PM

Yeah now I remember why I signed up elsewhere

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Fortunately the houthis are also at odds with the true yemeni government. Its essentially a split country along idealogical lines. The true gov in yemen wants the houthis gone or dismantled.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter
Houthis, Hamas call it what you want. Everything comes back to Iran. Until Iran is neutralised there will be no end to this terror perpetrated on the world and on the Persian people themselves. Somehow Iran needs taking out and its threat to world peace removed. No good can come of allowing this state sponsor of international terror to continue in its current form.

Let's be realistic, there is no way this administration would go after Iran, without serious provocation.

Thus we get the piecemeal, measured response BS, that costs millions, is not effective, and leads to soaring shipping rates and more worldly economic concerns.

Yes you are probably spot on there. Iran is sensing weakness right now by the worlds policeman.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: yuppa

Who is the true government in Yemen?? They fell apart after the 2011 Arab Spring which saw many government and societies in MENA suddenly inundated with cash and phones from various foreign NGO's . Thats around the same time Syria and Libya became vulnerable to foreign invasion and bombings, when Mubarak was deposed from Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria also had problems which I believe they managed to stabilize.

You sure you want to go back and explore that history?? How did that Arab spring unfold again?? It had nothing to do with NGO's delivering cash and phones to anxious rebellious elements and then suddenly claiming some social justice cause did it? None of these former colonies were on anyone's get #ed list right??

Much of what is happening today, is a rebuttal to the attempt to overthrow Syria after conquering neighboring Iraq to secure an energy corridor to Israel for export the Europe. Ukraine was the other Hail Mary. All of what is happening today is a consequence of Euro-elites continuing to act all supreme and believe all of the Earth and its inhabitants and everything under the ground rightfully belongs under their control for trade on their European managed global market . Donald Trump is the American pushback to that Euro-centric world view of how Earth should be managed.

European citizens better depose their Monarchs and NAZIS in government asap, because it is their policies which is continuing to role back their rights in their countries. Follow the money, except in Europe where they are the only exception to the rule to the families who have all the wealth (and historical power) make the policies. Friggin dreamland they live in.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 11:33 AM
No one, no matter what country, no matter how powerful, will ever ever beat a rebel/guerrilla army as by their very nature who are innocent civilians and who are the rebels. There is only one way to beat them and it's an impossible scenario, and that is to take the country and kill all people. And no one is ever going to do that and they, the rebels, know that hence hiding in among the populace so even if you identify them you have to kill civilians to kill them.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
No one, no matter what country, no matter how powerful, will ever ever beat a rebel/guerrilla army as by their very nature who are innocent civilians and who are the rebels. There is only one way to beat them and it's an impossible scenario, and that is to take the country and kill all people. And no one is ever going to do that and they, the rebels, know that hence hiding in among the populace so even if you identify them you have to kill civilians to kill them.

Like russia was trying to do?

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