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I have a dumb question about Ted Kaczynski

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posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 10:13 AM
Well here i am again, i was just thinking about the Unabomber, obviously and i have just reread his manifesto and really want to try and get trial transcripts or something but in the meantime i have a question for those who were adults at the time he was arrested i was a kid, and didn't know much about it beyond the infamous hoodie and shades sketch we've all seen. So basically, what i'm about to ask I am wondering if it was elaborated on at trial.

My question is, and maybe i am overlooking it here somehow but.......where did Mr. Kaczynski get the bomb supplies? how did he obtain them? was he getting them for free?? did he inherit money somehow?? was he stealing them?? they found furs in his attic of his cabin, well not attic but storage space under the roof of his cabin, was he selling furs?????? was his brother giving him money?? did he have some type of income because here's the thing guys, i've spent a lot of time searching for the answer to this question, and all of the articles and things about the unabomber i can find are biographical in nature and explain his life to an extent of course nobody knows what he's doing in that cabin for much of the time, obviously reading books, looking at maps and making bombs, he also had a large amount of empty vinegar bottles in his yard and oatmeal canisters and things he would reuse empty food containers for storage just imagine i was looking at photos from his cabin, and he had a multimeter in an empty oatmeal canister, now can you imagine being the FBI agent, knowing this guy is the legit unabomber, searching his cabin and picking up that oatmeal canister to feel that multimeter rattle around inside not knowing what was in there, but expecting to feel oatmeal or something.........CODE BROWN hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!

anyways, the majority of articles and things i am finding just seem to gloss over his like....what was he doing, yes he was hunting for food and had a garden, etc but how was he getting these bomb supplies? they are not free?! reading the manifesto again just made me curious about this part of Mr. Kaczynski's life and does anyone know the answer to this?

here is what ive found, at least here is one source of his background, but they are all mostly the same info, just glossing over this period of his life completely as far as income...

Kaczynski was a bright child, and he demonstrated an affinity for mathematics from an early age. He enrolled at Harvard University when he was 16, and completed his undergraduate degree in 1962. He entered graduate studies in mathematics at the University of Michigan, earning a Ph.D. in 1967 and taking an assistant professor position at the University of California at Berkeley later that year. Kaczynski had never been an especially social person, and at Berkeley he developed a disdain for technology and many of the trappings of modern life. He left Berkeley in 1969 and spent the next few years drifting from city to city. In 1971 Kaczynski and his brother David purchased a plot of land near Lincoln, Montana, and it was there that he would spend most of the ensuing 24 years.

Kaczynski lived in a 10-by-12-foot (3-by-4-metre) cabin that he built on the land. The building had no heat, electricity, or running water, and most of Kaczynski’s time was spent reading books from the local library and composing the early versions of a manuscript that would later become known as the Unabomber Manifesto. In 1978 Kaczynski moved to the Chicago area to take a job at his brother’s factory, and it was during this time that the first of the Unabomber’s 16 packages was delivered. Though crude compared with later designs, the bomb—addressed to an engineering professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois—detonated, injuring a police officer.

Kaczynski returned to his cabin in Montana and continued his bombing campaign, primarily targeting universities.

ok, he was an assistant professor for 2 years? then he drifted around a bit and him and his brother bought the land where he would erect his cabin? i got that. then 7 years later, he moves to "the Chicago area" to work at his brother's factory, it never says whether he was still working at this factory or if he quit when he "returned to his cabin" none of these biographical articles explain how he obtained these materials, where his income was, if he inherited money, if his brother was giving him money.

i can find nothing, has this information been hidden by the search engines, is there a comprehensive book i can read about the Unabomber anyone knows of and does anyone have the answer to this question which i am sure is a dumb one to someone who was an adult and understand everything that went on when the Unabomber got arrested and the trial and everything. the internet is not helping me today with this and it's bugging me.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 10:53 AM
There's also some good ideas that Kaczynski was involved in the famous Tylenol poisonings. ☠️

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

He manufactured all his device components himself. The triggers, explosives, and initiators.

That's one of the factors that made him so difficult to track down. There weren't any serial numbers or chemical signatures to trace to sources because he made them himself.

He's a singular subject of study in the bomb squad / explosive ordnance disposal schools.

As far as how lived, with regards to income. He had a professor's salary for a few years.

If you're living off the land with no bills, I imagine that can go a long way, especially back then when everything was vastly cheaper.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

That seems unlikely.

Uncle Ted targeted professors and academics, most likely as retribution due to the treatments he received during the Harvard '___' studies.

The random nature of the tainted Tylenol is incongruent with the specific and targeted behavior of his explosive attacks

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 11:07 AM
Wiki says in 1971, he moved to a remote cabin he had built outside Lincoln, Montana, where he could live a simple life with little money and without electricity or running water,[42] working odd jobs and receiving significant financial support from his family.

He had no monthly expenditures so any money from his family and odd jobs was probably plenty for the minimal supplies needed to carry out his manifesto.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

One of my friends was friends with one of Kaczynski's victims, the computer store owner. Another of his victims, the lumber industry lobbyist, worked, and was attacked, in a building I had worked in a few years prior.

Kaczynski constructed his devices using bits and pieces of common, everyday item; the like of which could generally be picked out of trash bins and garbage heaps, free, unnoticed, and, most importantly, untraceable.

The explosive he used originally was simple gunpowder, ignited by match heads. He the moved to ammonium nitrate (fertilizer) mixed with aluminum powder (which, when mixed with a type of rubber compound become.s the basis of solid rocket fuel as used in the Space Shuttle booster engines).

Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil would later become the explosive mixture of choice for the bombing of the Federal building in Kansas City.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

So he WAS just finding the stuff or taking it randomly I just didn't think it would be possible to do all this just finding stuff around for free, I am obviously not a bomb maker hehehe I had no idea he could have made these devices just by picking stuff up here and there like you said.

I was hoping for a conspiracy like.......maybe the CIA gave him the stuff. Well I suppose we never really know, right?

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

Back in the 1980's (?) there was a Lot! of stuff, including electronic bits and components, just tossed onto garbage heaps because technology was evolving so rapidly.

Easy pickings for savy scavengers.

And bombings were no where near as common(?) as they became. Without the internet, which did not appear until almost a decade later, learning how to build a bomb was not an "easy" YouTube video away.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: Mantiss2021

I was hoping for a conspiracy like.......maybe the CIA gave him the stuff. Well I suppose we never really know, right?

He is a documented part of the '___' experiment MK Ultra ran by the CIA. I thought I remembered him doing odd jobs in the area to make a little money, but living like he did didn’t take much.
edit on 8/23/2424 by Texastruth2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/23/2424 by Texastruth2 because: Can’t get rid of weird line

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Texastruth2


The Harvard L S D experiments were part of MK ultra.

They dosed up Ted, strapped him to a chair and berated him for hours.

posted on Aug, 23 2024 @ 10:56 PM
I think Ted knew a really bad person who thought killing people was fun. Ted went to this cabin in order to disappear. To escape this person. But when civilization expanded closer to where he was hiding the man found Ted.

I'm not saying Ted was innocent, or same, but there was at least one other person involved. And an unknown fingerprint was left inside one of the bombs. I believe this fingerprint was intentionally left by a third person who was forced to do the dangerous work of assembling the bomb.

So, this other man could have provided the materials, but who knows? The truth is that bombs are not that expensive to make. It's not a large investment and the components are not complicated. It's pretty easy to do.

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