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Supreme Court allows Arizona voter-registration law requiring proof of citizenship

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posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 02:43 PM
Supreme Court allows Arizona voter-registration law requiring proof of citizenship

Here's another state with changed laws since the last election.

Sounds like a reasonable requirement for voting proof of citizenship especially for a border state, but nowadays is applicable virtually everywhere

The Supreme Court cleared the way Thursday for a provision of Arizona law that requires proof of citizenship to register to vote in some circumstances, the first time the high court has weighed in on a voting dispute in the run-up to the presidential election.

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The high court’s 5-4 action follows an emergency appeal by the Republican National Committee and lawmakers in Arizona, which is considered an important swing state in the upcoming election. Polls show a tight contest there between Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump.

As is typical in emergency orders, the majority did not explain its reasoning for allowing the citizenship requirement to take effect for state voter registration forms.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: putnam6

"Allows" should be "mandates". All voters required by law to demonstrate legal residence and citizenship.

I know, I know, SCOTUS doesn't write laws, they just verify that no constitutional directives have been violated.

edit on 22-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

Yeah, I don't like that wording either. It's like gee thanks for allowing us to require ID's when voting...

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: TzarChasm

Yeah, I don't like that wording either. It's like gee thanks for allowing us to require ID's when voting...

It's WaPo's headline what do you expect...

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 03:52 PM
We can have all the laws in the world but if they're not inforced they do no good.

With Dominion and the recent reveal that every single SS# has been compromized and sold on the dark web it's hard to have any confidence in our voting system.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Obviously your not familiar with Amicus briefs.
24 states joined that filing.

Nearly half the state attorneys general in the U.S. have filed amicus briefs with the Supreme Court to back an emergency stay that will allow the State of Arizona to require U.S. citizenship to vote in federal elections.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:52 PM
Four down.

46 to go.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 04:59 PM
It isn't that tough to do. I moved to Virginia and boy the steps I had to go through to get a DL and register my cars along with registering to vote.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

You do know most state elections run concurrently with the federal elections? ie you get your state ballot and it has all applicable elections both state and federal

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 05:05 PM
And i Suppose that makes you Very Happy.

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Another good development in the right direction! Thanks for starting this thread.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 05:57 PM
Interesting will be when we start seeing "voters" and "Officials" getting caught cheating with fake IDs 😃

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

Voter registration requires proof of residency, proof of birth and citizenship. In other words, you are natural born or naturalized as defined by federal law. Typically provided with your state ID or drivers license.

edit on 22-8-2024 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

Fine by me. If they can't show id for Arizona voting, they are less likely to try and vote on the federal side.

They are risking arrest on the state side if they show up.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: bluesman023
And i Suppose that makes you Very Happy.

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

The current Woke term is "Joyful".

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 09:16 PM
August 22, 2024

fyi: This relatively new GEORGIA law for DROP BOX and MAILED IN ballots, is just what's needed to keep BALLOT FRAUD to a minimum.

The Voter's Name on the returned ballot must match a name in the registered voter database.


In 2020, Georgia and the other "battleground" states that went to Joe Biden, either didn't have a way to verify that an "absentee" ballot was associated with a registered voter, or the envelopes contained the voter's name...and the envelopes were burned, or shredded.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I live in Mexico (legal permanent resident) just a few hour south of Arizona.

If I try to vote in a Mexican election (just try, mind, not even succeed), I would be subject to prosecution resulting in prison time and/or deportation.

Every citizen has what is commonly referred to as an INE card (Instituto Nacional Electoral, or National Electoral Institute). This is a photo ID card and is often requested of me when doing any kind of official business such as banking, setting up utility contracts, etc. (I have to produce my immigration card and sometimes US passport in lieu of it.) Without this federal photo ID, no one votes. It is used kind of like a driver's license and a Social Security number would be used in the US.

Nobody here whinges about it being racist or discriminatory. I tell Mexicans about how lose voting regulations are in some places in the US and they are appalled.

Go figure.

ETA: I've posted this about a hundred times on ATS, and maybe it's redundant, but it hits home. White liberals think black people are stupid, poor, ignorant, and that most of them are felons. Their racism is just bottomless. BTW, I think the black folks in this video were beyond gracious. These liberal twerps were not just "ignorant;" they were racists pigs.

edit on 2024 8 22 by AwakeNotWoke because: ETA.

posted on Aug, 22 2024 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: putnam6

According to the WaPo article, the requirement for documentary proof of citizenship is only for Arizona State voting. Voting in federal elections is governed by a federal law, which does not require proof of citizenship.

Is that because black people are too ignorant, poor and felonious to get proper photo IDs? (Asking for a friend, see my post above with the Ami Horowitz video.)

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