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They never learn do they

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posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:37 PM
Apparently Democrats haven't got the memo that companies don't like high taxes and more regulations. It's not enough that they're fleeing states like California, Illinois and New York because of it and heading friendlier states like Texas and Florida.

Now, Kamala has promised to raise corporate taxes to 28%. The current tax is 21%, so I'm wondering how many CEOs just started making plans to move your jobs to Mexico, Europe or anywhere else other than here.

We've already seen companies layoff workers, to "streamline their interests" so what ya thinks gonna happen when they start losing more money ?

Harris proposes raising corporate tax rate to 28%

Vice President Kamala Harris would work to raise the corporate tax rate to 28%, the Harris campaign has confirmed to Fox News.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Now, Kamala has promised to raise corporate taxes to 28%

The current corporate tax rate in the UK is 25% , France 26.5% , Spain 25% , Germany 29.9% .

If you vote for Kamala then Say hello to socialism America .

The Socialist Party of America aka ' the Democrats '

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Are you sure you understand?

What you see as a bug, they see as a feature. Only the wealthiest of corporations here and most abroad will be able to weather that kind of storm....

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

Oh, I'm not worried about Apple, SpaceX or the really big ones. That's lunch money for them. I'm worried about the little guy whose company run a tight budget and a tax hike will force layoffs or even some of the moderate sized ones will feel the pinch.. Companies love to downsize and a higher rate will mean less jobs, less hiring and no raises or bonuses.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

That's who they want to go under.

They've already worked their way through the lower middle class. Now it's mid and upper.

Making everyone poor is how you get them dependant upon the govt

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

I think both parties need to focus on how we can be a fiscally responsible country before they talk about taxes.

Sure, raising the taxes on corporations would have some fallout.

I pay more income tax than a corporation though, which is odd, because when we lowered corporate tax rates, it was said they’d lower prices and pay workers more. Neither of which really happened close to the degree their taxes were reduced.

Also, when we look at the “glory” years of the US, corporate tax rates were higher, Americans could live comfortably in a single earner household (even blue collar), but a house, car and send their kids to college.

It’s not the taxes that are an issue. I think it’s that we’ve slowly been selling out our own country. Especially since we let a lot of these corporations gobble up the competition. That wouldn’t bother me as much in a free market if we didn’t constantly bail them all out.

Her policy won’t make anything better just like the inverse won’t.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

...and people are still gonna vote for this because they think they're gonna "stick it to the man".

The Man is still gonna be sipping champaign while we're eating bologna sandwiches.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We don't need new taxes, we need to change the tax laws. There are so many loopholes for those companies to slip through they could make a billion in profit and only pay tax on $2000. That's why they have a literal army of tax lawyers to find the loopholes.

ETA - I have no problem with making those companies pay their fair share, but without a change to the tax laws, they'll just find more creative ways to use those loopholes. My worry is for the little guy.

edit on 19-8-2024 by DAVID64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:21 PM
But Harris is going to make sure that Corporations and stores don't overcharge for their products. I guess if she raises their taxes, they will make less profit...It makes sense, now people will just be paying more for food because corporations are paying more taxes to the government. So it will be the government that gains from this..not people.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We don't need new taxes, we need to change the tax laws. There are so many loopholes for those companies to slip through they could make a billion in profit and only pay tax on $2000. That's why they have a literal army of tax lawyers to find the loopholes.


But I also think the problem goes far beyond taxation.

If you look at the start of the decline, it was when we switched to fiat currency.

The purchasing power by the average American has underperformed against inflation, corporate gains, and pretty much any other positive metric.

To really get wealth these days, you have to learn the game. I don’t necessarily think that’s the best system if you want a thriving middle class. People don’t have time outside of family and a full time job to learn the complexities of the broader market. And I think they should be able to have an honest career, own a home, send their kids to college without crippling debt. And they should be able to comfortable retire and pass something along after that. That’s not insane, and it was done by single earner house holds not too long ago.

That said, I don’t see anything proposed by either party to correct that. Lowering or raising taxes will do nothing to address it.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:31 PM
Of course, any taxes corporations have to pay will be passed on to the consumer.

Anytime a politician promises to "make those rich fat cats pay their fair share", what they are really saying is that they want those rich fat cats to collect taxes from the peons and funnel it to the government.

Funny how politicians never promise to make the government live within its means, like the rest of us have to do.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 06:00 PM
so what if they hate high taxes, let them go out of business, why do we always gotta bend over backwards for capital interests all the damn time, especially with how they have ruined our communities and broke the social fabric all for profits while treating people like feudal peasants and slaves, maybe government should act like a government and stop sucking the corporate d like a desperate whore with a drug addiction.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

I'm all for increased corporate taxes. If anyone is going to increase ANY taxes at all, on anyone, corporations are the first that need to be hit. 100%.

We have companies that are valued in the TRILLIONS and they always find ways to pay less. It's high time for a complete overhaul of corporate taxing, minimum levels implemented, and all loopholes closed.

I would rather have new bridges and roads, schools and hospitals, than pad the wallets of those corporations that already have too much.

They've had too much for too long. And I have yet to see any of it trickle down to the rest of us.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Yet you keep voting and being a useful tool for the people who do none of that.....

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: DAVID64

That's who they want to go under.

They've already worked their way through the lower middle class. Now it's mid and upper.

Making everyone poor is how you get them dependant upon the govt

Won't those mid and upper levels realize that they would be next on the list for losing it all under Harris' proposed policies? She already promised corporate teke-overs of any company that didn't walk her plank, including the loss of their patents.

I don't think big pharma or any of the medical field are going to suppoort her. What doctor is going to want to walk away from a seven figure income for whatever the government decides to pay him?

Sheesh; it's like the DNC is doing everything they possibly can to ensure Trump gets elected. It makes sense when you consider there's no way any POTUS can possibly put out the dumpster fire the Democrats, RINO's and uniparty have been fueling for decades.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 07:01 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani
a reply to: DAVID64

I'm all for increased corporate taxes. If anyone is going to increase ANY taxes at all, on anyone, corporations are the first that need to be hit. 100%.

We have companies that are valued in the TRILLIONS and they always find ways to pay less. It's high time for a complete overhaul of corporate taxing, minimum levels implemented, and all loopholes closed.

I would rather have new bridges and roads, schools and hospitals, than pad the wallets of those corporations that already have too much.

They've had too much for too long. And I have yet to see any of it trickle down to the rest of us.

If it's not the Corporations

Then it's the Government , Taking the Money in 50% or more income taxes and then using your money for you .

One way or another the money will never be in the hands of the people , At least with Capitalism people have the chance to make something of themselves and get their cut of the profits through hard work.

With Socialism it doesn't matter how hard or how much you work , your ability to earn is capped .
edit on 19-8-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2024 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
But Harris is going to make sure that Corporations and stores don't overcharge for their products. I guess if she raises their taxes, they will make less profit...It makes sense, now people will just be paying more for food because corporations are paying more taxes to the government. So it will be the government that gains from this..not people.

So, she wants to raise taxes, and then institute price controls? Sounds more like a way to insure that few, if any, businesses can make a profit.

How do they survive this? By partnering with the government, of course.

I think that's communism 101; government control of all essential goods and services.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Dapaga

Around here, the grocery stores have lots of overhead. The prices have gone up, but they need to pay bills to keep the doors open and people are just not buying as much which leads to more waste in the stores in produce and more outdated products in the discount bin. Some of them have lowered diversity, cutting back on types of products they sell so they do not have to have so much product on the shelves, they tax inventory here in Michigan so businesses bring down inventory before their fiscial year comes.

Stores try to please people and get more variety, like six brands of hot dogs, five brands of brats. Plus there are many types of hotdogs, all beef, skinless, chedder, natural casing, old fashioned natural casing, and footlongs. Then they buy like four brands with all those options and also a few cheaper brands of just hot dogs at a buck something for twelve ozs. for those who don't have much money to spend There are lots of brands of bacon too, and types of brats. A few stores rotate their products and give some of them to the food banks before they get past the BB date, plus they support the old people by taking products that are at that date and discounting them. We do shop the old bins ourself, a five pound tray of stoffers lesagna for 3.99 or a wedge of over a pound of an excellent brand of parmesan cheese , which they downsized brands of, for ninety nine cents.. the date was march of twenty five, got one for us and one for the two daughters...nine fifty a pound regular price. Yeah, we do take advantage of the clearance stuff. We are both on social security, and try to live within our means. Plus, buying some of those products for cheap gives us the oportunity to try it, we would never try it if it was expensive because sometimes they are so artificially flavored, we toss them out. I would rather throw something out that was two bucks than ten bucks. We buy some things at full price now that we would never have tried if they were at full price.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We don't need new taxes, we need to change the tax laws. There are so many loopholes for those companies to slip through they could make a billion in profit and only pay tax on $2000. That's why they have a literal army of tax lawyers to find the loopholes.

ETA - I have no problem with making those companies pay their fair share, but without a change to the tax laws, they'll just find more creative ways to use those loopholes. My worry is for the little guy.

And it is everywhere the same with these by politics left loopholes.
From 2009 to 2015

125 billions for Germany, 824 billions for the EU

And every time when there are money problems, caused by politicians not tax payers, then it is always kicked downwards instead of upwards, where the money vanishes. Yesterday a politician (CDU/CSU) actually proposed to cut the welfare money here in Germany so that we can send more money to the corrupt and openly fascist Ukraine. And these “world saviors” are surprised that the support for the Ukraine is seen more and more critically. Even by the biggest sofa warriors who would like to send everyone into the meat grinder, except themselves of course.

Here is a comparison of the damage caused by these loopholes with the damage caused by social fraud:

100 billions by the rich, 60 millions by the poor.

So much money is being evaded here by rich people that we could afford another Ukraine and at the same time repair everything here in the country and bring it back up to scratch, you could support three times as many welfare recipients as now and there would still be money left over.

But no, these politicians who don't dare to close these loopholes, cut people's pensions, plan to raise the retirement age to 70 (but no one will hire you at 45 or 50 anyway), cut social welfare instead of raising the minimum wage, want to save on us average Germans and anyway it's always the “lazy do-nothing workers” who are to blame for everything and plunge us into misery. Average germans who are not filthy rich despite decades of hard work. Who have not become rich through inheritance like most of the rich parasites in this once beautiful country here.

At the end we will have to eat the rich because there is nothing else left for us average people!

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Why do you support giving more money to a government that is fiscally irresponsible and totally inept?
This isn't even about where the money is coming from. This is about giving more money to an entity that can't even keep itself out of debt. We're not 30+ trillion dollars in debt because there aren't enough taxes. We're 30+ trillion dollars in debt because the government can't control it's own spending and doesn't even want to. You honestly think they'll build new bridges and roads and schools and hospitals if only they had more money? You really, seriously believe that?

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