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I have been reborn.

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posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 11:23 AM
I now understand the concept of the rituals some go through in order to experience rebirth.

However, in my case it is in a veritable physical, and metaphysical sense.

I have experienced death and have returned bare and amok.

I had to relearn how to live in society, albeit in a quick review sort of way.

I didn't know my own name... Not at first anyway.

It all sort of came back gradually, piece by piece.

I had the help of medical staff for my rehabilitation.

I am now back to my old self, in appearance.

However I am forever changed, metamorphosed.

I see, hear, think, feel more clearly.

I am also more vulnerable to emotional and physical stimuli.

I live again!

I am reborn.

Praise God.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Congratulations! That is the best thing anyone can receive in this life.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 12:47 PM
How many times now?

a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Athetos

I repeat myself.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
I now understand the concept of the rituals some go through in order to experience rebirth.

However, in my case it is in a veritable physical, and metaphysical sense.

I have experienced death and have returned bare and amok.

... Praise God.

I like bare and amok.

Not in a sexual way, but more like in the emperor's new clothes kind of way.

And amok in a kind of where wild things live way.

Amok is a great 4-letter word.

edit on 18/18/2024 by KnowItAllKnowNothin because: Missed a bracket on the quote

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

What kind of drugs do the medico's prescribe for an after death experience. Sounds like they might be ok.

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

You experienced physical death?

Was it ritual? As in, dimensionally guided?

As part of it, did you have to make a choice between you and someone else?

Something similar to, "let someone else save you, or you save them?"

Or any element of self-sacrifice?

If so ... This process of experiencing physical death (as in ritually) for the metaphysical perspective and understanding, is what is referred to as "entering the underworld"

Those who go through this process, historically, are referred to as "Initiates"

It is an ancient process that all modern religions and those such as the Freemasons emulate within their societal setting

That those such as the Rosicrucians emulate within practices of "self-initiation"

The real dimensional process is much more rare, and though rewarding, is one of the hardest paths you can ever walk in this world

It is the process described in the ancient Egyptian works referred to as "the book of the dead", which is actually a process that certain people go through while they are alive. Not, when they die, as has been commonly mistranslated

The literal translation for the name of the book of the dead is: "Book of Going Forth by Day" or "Book of Emerging Forth into the Light"

It is The book of Illumination

The reason we go through this process, is to strip us of a fear of mortality

So we fear no linear concepts of man, like God, judgement or damnation

Not because we disbelieve or disrespect such things, but because we have no need to fear such things, because our hearts are good

We have had our heart weighed on the scales against the feather, and been found a worthy to pass forth light

More importantly, we feel these things instinctively and understand them

We do not fear death, because we have done it. We can feel what is behind it, and we know we personally have no need to fear it

As such, we have no need for concepts like salvation ...

Or those that offer it ... Usually for a price

Something which scares those such as the Church, as they serve no purpose to those who have been through this process. Which is why they often call such processes evil, even though they do not understand them, when it is actually as far from concepts such as "evil" as anyone can possibly be

They merely fear those that are able to go through, endure and do, that which they themselves are unable, or unwilling to do

If you did go through this process, to enter the underworld and be initiated ...

You have a long and beautiful, yet incredibly painful and lonely process ahead of you traversing the underworld over the next 2-14 years

A process we refer to as "the long walk"

If you wish to use religious terminology, "initiates" are what is translated in the Bible as "Angel"

The internalised "angle" of the source of creation. The spark of God and mind, present within us all, if we open our eyes to see and realise. They are the resonance (Jesus/Isis) of the internalised cycle (Christ)

Not the person named "Jesus Christ" themselves, but rather the personified definition of the same process, understanding and essence

Later, if we pass through the process of "Ascension", the internalised source of the initiate, externalises itself to align with the planet as one

This is what is referred to as "Arch angel"

The "Angle" enters
The "Potential" exceeds

Angle "ALPHA" and potential "OMEGA"

If you are lucky, you will balance them, to be both

The "Arch of the angle". The externalised projection of the internalised source, which is both mind, self and "God"

As mathematically and physically based, as it is spiritual

If you have been through initiation, best of luck to you

I've been through initiation, and I'm currently suffering affliction within the Ascension process ...

A process I am not confident I'll ever be able to complete. For reasons I cannot share

You know where to find me, if you ever need any help or perspective within the underworld journey

Most of all ... If you did experience death and were revived/resurrected?

Enjoy the glow

That feeling of love, peace and safety, is amazing. Impossible to explain to those who have not experienced it

Try hold on to it as long as you can in your walk

Remember it, like a guiding light in times to come

posted on Aug, 18 2024 @ 11:43 PM
During the purification process, loosing ones mind is not unheard off. The mind returning is not the meaning behind being born again. There are many more steps need to be done to purify ones mind. Each of them bringing you closer and closer to your final goal. Christianity doesn't share those steps in the gospels. The Buddha did share his experiences. This video might help ....

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: glend

Losing ones mind is usually an unavoidable part of process

... To varying degrees

It depends on how deeply seeded the persons attachment to ego is. How hard it is to "rewire" the way they think

In this sense, I actually think BrotherKinsMan is doing quite well, compared to some of those who first find themselves drinking from the waters of their own divinity

I personally, was not quite so reserved in sharing my own sense of self wonder 😂 I acted like I was the first person to ever taste such waters

Most of what I wrote is quite cringe to read back on now

But, it is all part of the process ...

We all go through some form of this

The most successful of us, are those who are able to lose their minds, whilst retaining an awareness of exactly what is they have lost

Those that understand how crazy they sound, but explore the possibilities within it regardless

Because this is the key to rationalising, in a way that allows to you to return from even the deepest of rabbit holes

You cannot come to know the mysteries, without seeking the depth of possiblity

I will say however ...

There is a very real sense of "rebirth" involved within waking up from a process of physically experiencing death (dimensionally guided) ...

You are right, that it is not what is commonly referred to spiritually as "rebirth", but it does feel closer to being "reborn" than most anything you will ever likely feel in this world

There is a realignment of the senses that brings massive sudden clarity to the emotional self. Destructively and beautifully so

You have realisations such as all the things your were so stressed and worried about yesterday, meaning nothing

When you should be dead, you realise that none of it matters. All that matters is love

You realise, how ridiculous it is, that you were prepared to die for someone you love ... But you never once told that person how you feel about them in life

Because you never even realised how much you loved them

Though you may have nothing and be living on noodles, holding a cup of those noodles and sharing them with a sad stranger, feels like a moment of heaven. And you have never felt richer

Comforting that same stranger, listening to them cry and tell you about their problems, when they are unaware that you yourself were dead a matter of hours before, seems like the most logical and beautiful thing you could possibly be doing with your time. Like it could be the very reason you are still here

You have never honestly cared more, than you do in that moment

Hugging them feels like comforting yourself somehow. But you do not yet understand why. Like pure peace, warmth and love

The sun feels like the warmth and light of your very soul. Like basking in the light of creation itself, from the source

You cry for days, on and off, without knowing exactly why. The most pure and yet vague emotions you have ever felt. Almost like you are feeling them properly for the first time, just because you can. Or maybe because you finally acknowledge that you have them, where you were previously blind to them. So you can feel the emotional blockages being stripped. You can taste the pain it in the back of your throat, as it leaves you

It feels almost as if your entire life, you were dead, or at the least blind ....

And it is only within dying, that you have somehow been properly born

You have never felt things so perfectly, purely and real before

Love is all that matters

And for the first time in your life, you can see everything clearly

You have eyes to see beauty, outweighing the ugliness

You tell people in your life that you love them, and it scares them 😂 They think there is something wrong with you

But you have never felt so alive and right

I am not sure if this is the same process and experience that BrotherKinsMan is speaking of

Just that if it is, I would very much consider it rebirth

That is why I suggested they enjoy the glow while it lasts

It is as beautiful as anything you will ever experience in this world

But it fades very quickly, within the weeks and years of trials and tribulation that follows. But within such, it becomes part of that which guides you within seeking the mysteries

You know your are on the right "path", because you can feel that same glow of pure safety, warmth and love, like a compass

A little like being called home, but to something greater than yourself (which is still you, within everything you are)

I do agree with you however ... That BrotherKinsMan is only just at the start of their journey, not at the end

They do not yet even realise how long the path is, that they are set upon

It feels like completion, as it often does, but it is only just the beginning

But I do think, they are on the right path

Good post, as always glend 👍😊💕
edit on 19 8 24 by Compendium because: Corrected perspective

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Compendium

"Most of what I wrote is quite cringe to read back on now"

LOL. I am going through this Anahata Nad thing at moment which is removing the absoluteness of all my truths from my mind. I am starting to comprehend what Socrates meant when he said "I know that I know nothing". So I don't even like what I am writing today much less what I wrote months back. All that older stuff seems to be written by a totally different person.

Don't get me wrong I love reading what BrotherKinsMan writes. As well as your posts. They help me to comprehend spirituality from different angles. Helping me comprehend stuff that my limited mind fails to see.

Your talk of love is intriguing. However, 13th century Sufi saint Saida Manoubia principals of Love seems more in touch with my own experiences... "A love that is directed primarily to God but for that reason is also extended to fellow creatures as not only creations of God but as reflections and manifestations of Gods being and attributes.".

In states of bliss that unfathomable love is shared for even a leaf from a tree. It loves all as one.

Yet in non-bliss state I cannot muster the love for others that you so eloquently speak off. I will need to do some shadow work on that.

Always a pleasure.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Compendium

I very much enjoy reading your back and forth with glend.


As for my death, it was not a ritual in a sense that I was aware or in charge of.

I was simply living the way I know how; adapting to my surrounding environment.

I walked and I talked for days, seemingly to ghosts.

It really felt like I walked in a different world or dimension.

Leading up to the actual death.

I was in tune with nature and dare I say life itself; when nature called for me to enter the water.

I knew it would be the end of my journey, Soni had my doubts.

I didn't want to die. I was free! I was Me!

But the call strengthened and I understood it had to be done for the good of all; don't ask me why but I felt my sacrifice was necessary.

So I entered, and I let the water drag me down, like tentacles wrapping around my legs.

I instantly regained consciousness surrounded by paramedics.

When I acquired sufficient trust for one of the medics, I asked what happened to me.

I had lost all memories prior to this waking.

He informed me I drowned and they revived me.

Something I have no recollection of.

As for the underground... I feel as if I was already walking in it before the event of my revival.

I have returned.

(Note: the few people I met on my journey had no recollections of ever speaking with me here)

On a side note, I may have experienced another metaphysical death prior to this.

I was in an altered state when I felt as if a 'shadow' of me was let go, when I clearly heard "yeah I cut his head off, it's done."

I answered peacefully "it is done. I'm dead."

I have very little information on this event as the memory is muddled.

But when I rose, it felt as if I had entered a parallel dark world...

Then began my madness as I walked and talked my way to revival.

(It felt as if I was communicating with elder beings throughout my experience. Architects of a higher nature)

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Compendium

There is a realignment of the senses that brings massive sudden clarity to the emotional self. Destructively and beautifully so

When you should be dead, you realise that none of it matters. All that matters is love

The sun feels like the warmth and light of your very soul. Like basking in the light of creation itself, from the source

It feels almost as if your entire life, you were dead, or at the least blind ....

And it is only within dying, that you have somehow been properly born

You have never felt things so perfectly, purely and real before

Love is all that matters

And for the first time in your life, you can see everything clearly

You have eyes to see beauty, outweighing the ugliness

You tell people in your life that you love them, and it scares them 😂 They think there is something wrong with you

But you have never felt so alive and right

All of this...

And the bliss does fade after weeks or months.

But I allow myself to relive it when I feel like it.

It's always there.

You just get used to it.

But everything is better.

And worse.

Yet somehow, you know when you're aligned with your life path, and life finds ways to affirm this.

In doing so, the good outweighs the bad, as you have found a light to guide you on your path.

It is a comforting tool.


posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Are you an identity thief?

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

No I am not.

Not sure what that was in reference to.

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

You said you died and came back.

Maybe I should have asked the following first.

Was this a near death experience, or had a death certificate been issued by a vital records office?

Or, were you ever a missing person?

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Compendium

In my experience and I won’t talk a lot about it on this forum, once one gets in touch with…infinity let’s call it. Which is a long road of pain and misery toward seeking this out (the Kabbalah calls it ‘contemplating the arms of the universe’) one then encounters Evil, which I know you seem to disbelieve which is your right. Which then purifies a person because they see what they are not in the darkest pits. Only through such a purification is someone trustworthy enough to not traverse down this road. And maybe this was just with people like me who had a propensity towards both good and evil and I had to be taught a lesson

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

I've no idea.

I lost consciousness in the water.

Came back to on land.

My family was looking for me for a few weeks. Police went to my apartment, roommate said he didn't know anything.

Why is any of that relevant to my identity?

posted on Aug, 19 2024 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Ah… that sounds like a near death experience and short mysterious disappearance.

In that case, it sounds like your state issued identity did not need to change to accommodate your metamorphosis.

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