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Mini-Truckin'! Sparks 2024

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posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:14 PM
I went to the Sparks Show last weekend and made this video. They do some pretty wild stuff to these rides. Pretty cool.

Do you like any of them?

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: TheInvisibleRedneck

Great video!! The editing fit the theme perfectly!

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: lilzazz

Thanks. Most of the videos I make are practice for editing. I have to teach myself literally everything, from camera settings, how to get a decent shot, editing, color grading, FX, etc. I'm still at about a 2nd grade level, but trying to get better each time, 😂

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:29 PM
It's unreal what people have done to these rigs! I don't think I've ever seen that much money in one place before!

No wonder third world countries despise America.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: TheInvisibleRedneck

First off, great job on the video! Thank you so much for including sound of the actual event, and not spoiling the whole thing with music over the top. So many people don't do this. It's REALLY nice to hear the actual sounds from the event itself (and yes, even their local music). Way too many people seem to feel compelled to put some dramatic crap music to videos they produce and it just ruins them. People want to hear what the sounds from the event are, NOT someone's choice in music (which is usually wrong anyway).

Secondly, excellent job on the editing! You showed each vehicle as it was moving and/or from a distance and then showed more detail. The same format each time is greatly appreciated and really enhances the viewer experience. Well done.

Lastly, regarding the vehicles...I see so much talent in shows like this it just amazes me. These types of vehicles really aren't my thing, but this doesn't diminish the sensational amount of time, effort and talent people have put into building them. The only unfortunate part is, these vehicles are really only made to do one thing, be in a show just like this. They're really not practical as daily driver vehicles (in my opinion, but it's just my opinion). I salute all the talent and effort that went into building them though.

Thanks for posting!

edit on 8/17/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Thanks! My intention when I first started making videos like this was to give a 1st person perspective for those who wanted to go, but couldn't for whatever reason. I try to leave the original audio in all the clips, but sometimes I have to replace it due to copyrights.

I agree on your last point. I used to think these trucks were cool growing up in the 90s, but I never had a big interest in this style. It's still not my thing, as far as cars go, but it's still cool to see what passion pushes these owners to build. Pretty cool seeing someone's vision come to life in their cars/truck.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: TheInvisibleRedneck

Well, if it was recording a concert or something, I could understand that, but sounds of things like vehicles and aircraft are best left alone. Even simple uncluttered narration is better than most music people put on videos. I think people try to over-dramatize videos with the music they choose without realizing they're having exactly the opposite effect, they're diminishing them when they do this. A 5 minute tour on YT will bear out what I'm saying, but you already know this.

In any case, I think you did a great job capturing the event and illustrating the skill and talent put into all those vehicles.

On a side note, I think the ones I liked the best were the rat-rod looking vehicles. I know I am going against my earlier statement about practicality when I say this, but I think the rat-rod culture really helps get away from some of the over the top vanity and bling some vehicles have. I kind of compare it to eating too much high end chocolate; it's great at first, but after a while it just becomes too much and a good ol' plate of down to earth nachos fits the bill.

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: TheInvisibleRedneck
a reply to: lilzazz

Thanks. Most of the videos I make are practice for editing. I have to teach myself literally everything, from camera settings, how to get a decent shot, editing, color grading, FX, etc. I'm still at about a 2nd grade level, but trying to get better each time, 😂

As a filmmaker I realize that the real art of filmmaking is in editing. I don't edit!! I always hire a pro.
With your skills you should make a lot of money if that's your goal. Very impressive!!!

Did you have an audio person booming to a unit, or run it directly into the camera? I ask because as you is as important as the video, but ultimacy it's the marriage of both by the editor....that makes ART

edit on 17-8-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: lilzazz

No, 😂. I just use a little dji pocket 3 and a dji mic 2. Nothing fancy. I'd say I have a pretty long way to go to make any kinda of money doing it.

I'm starting to understand the NLE enough to do some neat things, but it's still far from a professional level. I use Vegas Pro 20, but I only have a little $150 laptop from a pawnshop, so it's hard to actually see what I'm doing while editing, due to lag/lack of power.

I'm trying to learn though. There is a huge difference between the video I made of this show last year and this video. Hopefully I can continue to improve at the same rate. I should be able to make decent quality stuff by next summer.

I'm trying to get a decent editing computer sometime soon. I think that would probably help me take another step, as far as quality goes.

Year, I'm just starting to work on sound design. For example, the opening sequence, I added some small things that make a bit difference. The swoosh sounds when the logo flies in, copied the music from the first clip and played in the background, added helicopter sound for the drone, and added a small glitch sound when the drone shot goes from empty to full field.

It's not a lot and you may not notice it, but it really makes it a lot better.
edit on 17-8-2024 by TheInvisibleRedneck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I like the rat rods too. I think my favorite was the s10 with flames or the joker truck. . . or one of the classic cars. You maybe can't tell on video, but there were about 4 or 5 that really just stood out from the rest when seeing them in person. The humvee looks wild in person. It's hard to tell how big it really is on video. 2-3 of the mazda's were really cool too.

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