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Heat Pumps Could Bring The German Economy To Its Knees

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posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 02:12 AM
I was stuck in the middle of a heat pump fiasco many years ago. I met greedy, lying fools pushing the heat pump agenda. I saw ridiculous scams and failures being perpetrated and covered up. When the cover-ups fail they just totally ignore the subject.

I thought it was all about getting people hooked on electricity, bumping up the prices to extract as much wealth as possible, then cutting off the supply and letting the customers freeze when they become inconvenient.

Now I see it's more than that. The heat pump scam is about crashing the economy.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

edit on 2024-08-16T02:36:50-05:0002Fri, 16 Aug 2024 02:36:50 -050008am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

But what if electricity prices and availability is out of proportion? Wouldn't that create a cliff to fall over? 😊

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Not a paywall for me! Here is cut and paste direct quote

"Heat pumps could bring the German economy to its knees
Governments keep making the same mistake, of backing ‘winners’ long before they’ve proven themselves in the market"

"Emissions would come down. It would create a high skill, high wage economy. And it would reboot industry, accelerate productivity, and deliver a boost to growth. For years we have been told that moving to Net Zero would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been thrown at the companies promising to make that happen.

But hold on. Now it turns out that the green jobs are disappearing at an accelerating pace – and the investment in creating them will have been squandered.

There should be plenty of money to be made from heat pumps, especially in a country such as Germany where the Greens are part of the coalition government, and where a relatively new, well-insulated housing stock makes them more than a match for older gas or oil boilers. And yet, it has turned out to be far from easy. According to the German business paper Handelsblatt Stiebel Eltron, one of the country’s largest pump manufacturers has this week been forced to announce job losses. The reason? Sales have been weaker than it expected. Despite generous subsidies for homeowners, and €18.6 million from the state to support production, the pumps are falling flat, with only 90,000 sold in the first half of this year against an official target for 2024 of 500,000.

The trouble is, that is far from an isolated example. Shares in the German battery manufacturer Varta are down by over 80 per cent so far this year, and there are warnings that the company may not survive after making heavy losses on energy storage unit for hybrid sports cars.The Belgium chemical group Umicore announced a €1.6 billion hit last month as slowing sales of EVs hit its battery material business, and it decided to postpone plans for a battery recycling plant. Siemens Energy has announced big losses on its unit that makes the giant wind turbines that were to be built across the countryside and along every coastline. And of course, all the major European auto manufacturers have had to scale back their plans for electric vehicles as sales disappoint, and high-quality, cheap Chinese models take whatever few orders there are.

The list goes on and on. The companies that poured billions into building the industrial infrastructure for the transition to Net Zero are running into trouble one by one.

It is not hard to work out what has gone so badly wrong. Governments have tried to pick winners, backing new technologies before they have proven themselves in the marketplace, and then doubling down on that up with quotas and subsidies even in the face of consumer indifference. Even worse, they have thrown their support behind the wrong businesses, rewarding companies that tick all the right climate change boxes, rather than waiting to see which ones can make the best product at the lowest possible cost. Industrial strategy, as so often in the past, has been a recipe for disaster.

Right, now we are seeing the entirely predictable consequences of that. Money is being wasted on an epic scale, right across the continent. No one should be in the least surprised if many of the green projects the British government has backed turn out to be hopelessly uneconomic as well, yet our energy secretary Ed Miliband, and the climate change fanatics who put constant pressure on the Government to reach Net Zero harder and faster, are intent on pouring even more money into what will inevitably be an even larger series of white elephants. In reality, the “well paid green jobs” are disappearing fast, replaced with poorly paid “green redundancies”. Governments will be left with a huge bill for a costly series of mistakes – and the unfortunate workers who thought they were being offered a lucrative career will have to find something else to do very quickly. "
edit on 8/16/2024 by IceHappy because: add headline of article

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 03:40 AM
It didn´t need the "climate friendly" heatpump disaster to bring the german economy to it´s knees. All that was needed was "politicians" and "politics" aka corruption. And an agenda. 16 years of Merkel have done the groundwork. The current government is only carrying out what was previously initiated. But with the greatest and most climate friendly

Too many WEF-Young Global Leaders and transatlanticists and this is now the interim status on the road to 2030:

Germany is going down the drain faster than Husain Bolt can run. There are massive job cuts everywhere, companies and corporations are migrating to other countries where the "green" madness is not so rampant and thus destroying the business location, taxes and bureaucracy scare off even the last one who still has a bit of brains and so of course we don't get any educated immigrants that we actually need because workers are not given any respect here, especially not on the pay slip after taxes.

School education has reached the level of Taka-Tuka-Land. Prices for the things you need every day, like food and stuff, are rising continuously while millions here have to toil for a minimum wage of 12.40 Euros. First you suddenly couldn't build a house with one income, now you can't even afford the rent with two incomes.

The infrastructure is crumbling away, almost all of germany's bridges are now dilapidated and in need of renovation, it is only a matter of time before a serious disaster occurs. The victims will of course be people who are on their way to or from work to earn tax money so that something like this doesn't happen. Good internet and mobile phone coverage outside metropolitan areas? Haha!

"We" have record tax revenues that increase from year to year, the hard working people make the money and the politicians, well, they are squandering the money that is urgently needed here, from cycle paths in Peru to climate protection scams in China and to the Ukraine, in order to keep the meat grinder running right down to the last ukrainian.

Politicians give gifts and pay god and the world with our hard earned tax money. Only for those who have earned all this and will continue to earn it, unfortunately there is never anything for them, everything is always too expensive. Then we have to pay for the most stupid energy economy and wet energy transition dream on earth. Large companies simply cannot or no longer want to afford the outrageous, by those "climate savers" made, electricity prices when it is much cheaper in all other countries of the world.

I could go on and on and really, the heatpump disaster is only one of the cherries on top of that pile of sh!t. The economy is already on it´s knees because of ideologized nonsense politics. Often caused by WEF´s Young Global Leaders/Alumni´s and US controlled transatlantiscists with which our entire policy is completely riddled.

But hey, who cares, in 2030 we all will be happy, so happy that the sun shines out of our a$$es 24 hours a day.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: TimBurr

Seriously? I have a heat /ac pump for an addition to my house....the rest of my house uses oil forced air heating....the heat pump is world cheaper to run. I cal coll the 2000sqft I have upstairs only using the heat pump. Technology has cone a long ways for home heating and cooling.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 04:49 AM
Dude. That’s quite happy!

a reply to: DerBeobachter2

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 05:03 AM
The paragraph you posted from the article can be summed up with one elegant saying.

The path to hell is paved with good intent.

Just because a endeavour may seem good on the surface(like net zero or reducing our emissions) doesn’t not guarantee the steps needed to be taken to get there are good. Or that the steps lead you to your desired destination.

a reply to: IceHappy

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

That's not entirely accurate.

An air conditioner works by extracting heat from the inside and forcing it outside. A heat pump is an air conditioner in reverse. It extracts heat from the outside and brings it inside. It works fine when the outside temperature isn't too low. When the outside temperature is too low, a heat pump can't efficiently extract heat from the outside air.

Heat pumps are fine in climates where the temperature doesn't regularly drop below freezing. Any heat pump system is going to need a backup heating system for when the outside temperature drops too low. They're not using heat pumps down in Antartica, I guarantee you that.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Asher47
a reply to: TimBurr

Seriously? I have a heat /ac pump for an addition to my house....the rest of my house uses oil forced air heating....the heat pump is world cheaper to run. I cal coll the 2000sqft I have upstairs only using the heat pump. Technology has cone a long ways for home heating and cooling.

We found out a gas furnace without a Heat pump is a good plan. We learned that the element lasts practically forever and is cheaper overall. But we compromised for some additional spaces we needed temp control for our comfort and got the European style Daiken "split units" that are really electronically genius scale for saving money. They use a motherboard which adjusts the compressor pressure in small increments on demand so that the operation uses less energy to run and stays cool or hot at a more consistent temp. I have three of them for out buildings and nooks in the main house.

edit on 16000000503120248America/Chicago08am8 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: TimBurr

sounds like germany need to pay attention to Ernest P Worrell. nothing cooks or heats like gas.

Heat Pump, Schmeat Pump

get around for paywall, yahoo reprint,

Heat pumps could bring the German economy to its knees
edit on 16-8-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

You obliviously know nothing about heat pumps in winter. They switch to simple electric resister heat because they can't pull heat from outside when it isn't there. Think of incandescent light bulbs times a thousand.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 09:43 AM
Ernest was from Nashville area where Taylor Swift grew up and a few other famous people either were from there or moved there. And, just north of Nashville is York Heating and Air manufacturing and a few others like Crane. Despite our hillbilly dialect, there are some "real smart fellers around(t) some of these parts". The running joke was to turn that phrase this way when an idiot was being discussed: "he's a real fart smeller".

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: TimBurr

sounds like germany need to pay attention to Ernest P Worrell. nothing cooks or heats like gas.

Heat Pump, Schmeat Pump

get around for paywall, yahoo reprint,

Heat pumps could bring the German economy to its knees

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

You obliviously know nothing about heat pumps in winter. They switch to simple electric resister heat because they can't pull heat from outside when it isn't there. Think of incandescent light bulbs times a thousand.

I found out a few years ago the HVAC heatpump side uses the Freon A/C part to maintain pressure and has a special valve for that. I was shocked. Waste of energy in the big scheme.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter2
It didn´t need the "climate friendly" heatpump disaster to bring the german economy to it´s knees. All that was needed was "politicians" and "politics" aka corruption. And an agenda. 16 years of Merkel have done the groundwork. The current government is only carrying out what was previously initiated. But with the greatest and most climate friendly

Too many WEF-Young Global Leaders and transatlanticists and this is now the interim status on the road to 2030:

Germany is going down the drain faster than Husain Bolt can run. There are massive job cuts everywhere, companies and corporations are migrating to other countries where the "green" madness is not so rampant and thus destroying the business location, taxes and bureaucracy scare off even the last one who still has a bit of brains and so of course we don't get any educated immigrants that we actually need because workers are not given any respect here, especially not on the pay slip after taxes.

School education has reached the level of Taka-Tuka-Land. Prices for the things you need every day, like food and stuff, are rising continuously while millions here have to toil for a minimum wage of 12.40 Euros. First you suddenly couldn't build a house with one income, now you can't even afford the rent with two incomes.

The infrastructure is crumbling away, almost all of germany's bridges are now dilapidated and in need of renovation, it is only a matter of time before a serious disaster occurs. The victims will of course be people who are on their way to or from work to earn tax money so that something like this doesn't happen. Good internet and mobile phone coverage outside metropolitan areas? Haha!

"We" have record tax revenues that increase from year to year, the hard working people make the money and the politicians, well, they are squandering the money that is urgently needed here, from cycle paths in Peru to climate protection scams in China and to the Ukraine, in order to keep the meat grinder running right down to the last ukrainian.

Politicians give gifts and pay god and the world with our hard earned tax money. Only for those who have earned all this and will continue to earn it, unfortunately there is never anything for them, everything is always too expensive. Then we have to pay for the most stupid energy economy and wet energy transition dream on earth. Large companies simply cannot or no longer want to afford the outrageous, by those "climate savers" made, electricity prices when it is much cheaper in all other countries of the world.

I could go on and on and really, the heatpump disaster is only one of the cherries on top of that pile of sh!t. The economy is already on it´s knees because of ideologized nonsense politics. Often caused by WEF´s Young Global Leaders/Alumni´s and US controlled transatlantiscists with which our entire policy is completely riddled.

But hey, who cares, in 2030 we all will be happy, so happy that the sun shines out of our a$$es 24 hours a day.

You're dancing around the obvious problem. What about the muslims who are importing a disgusting belief and medieval religion Into a christian nation with brains, an enlightenment?

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosOMegas
That is another problem but not the reason why the economy is going down the drain.

posted on Aug, 16 2024 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: Asher47
a reply to: TimBurr

Seriously? I have a heat /ac pump for an addition to my house....the rest of my house uses oil forced air heating....the heat pump is world cheaper to run. I cal coll the 2000sqft I have upstairs only using the heat pump. Technology has cone a long ways for home heating and cooling.

Except most of Europe, where housing is heated, is not done with forced air. It is done by gas heaters with pumps that push heated water through radiators.

edit on 16-8-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2024 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: TimBurr

The article is behind a paywall.

But simple engineering would indicate that heat pumps are more efficient to run than other forms of heaters. And people still have to pay for the power and their manufacture.

That's not entirely accurate.

An air conditioner works by extracting heat from the inside and forcing it outside. A heat pump is an air conditioner in reverse. It extracts heat from the outside and brings it inside. It works fine when the outside temperature isn't too low. When the outside temperature is too low, a heat pump can't efficiently extract heat from the outside air.

Heat pumps are fine in climates where the temperature doesn't regularly drop below freezing. Any heat pump system is going to need a backup heating system for when the outside temperature drops too low. They're not using heat pumps down in Antartica, I guarantee you that.

So Germany is in Antarctica?


But heat pumps are able to work at sub freezing temperatures:

Best Heat Pumps For Cold Climates In 2024 (Down To -22°F)

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 07:56 AM
It takes a while for these absurdities to become comprehensible.

We have consistently been told that renewables are cheaper . . . it’s economic suicide.

The 'renewables' madhouse is all part of the Greta Reset, bringing in financial chaos to create a perceived need for a centrally controlled digital economy.

posted on Sep, 4 2024 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Interesting article.

It says pretty much what I said, but then it goes on to say that newer units are able to operate at higher efficiency at lower temperatures.

But it doesn't explain how. Personally, I'd like to see something more along the lines of a technical explanation of how it does this, and less of a sales pitch. The only thing I can guess is some new type of refrigerant. Something that will boil at -50F in 17in of vacuum and condense at 90F in 250psi would work. Not your typical fluorinated hydrocarbon.

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