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Trillions of Dollars Spent - Yet Medical Setbacks Seem to Outpace Medical Advances.

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posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 03:25 PM
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The World Health Organization says Monkey Pox is now a global health emergency..

The World Health Organization today declared an ultra-deadly strain of monkeypox a global public health emergency.

Officials said that an outbreak of the virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries posed 'international concern' - the WHO's highest level of alert.

Doctors/Researchers say CANCER cases in men are increasing at a very fast rate..

The researchers found the number of cancer cases and deaths in males could increase significantly over the next few decades, by 84% and 93% respectively.
More at:

LIFE EXPECTANCY in the United States has been falling for years, even though fewer Americans are smoking and more are exercising.

"America has a life expectancy crisis," asserted a recent headline in The Washington Post. Why a crisis? Because American average life expectancy has been flat and then declining for the past decade or so.
More at:

Over the past 50 years, TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS has been invested in curing diseases, improving treatments, reducing smoking, and incentivizing exercising.

Is the money not being used properly? Are scientists and researchers really not as smart as they want us to believe?

Perhaps "decline and deterioration" is a universal constant that applies to everything...including human beings, because we seem to be adding more health conditions than we're solving/eliminating.


posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

"When you build a better mousetrap, Nature builds a better mouse."

Or, in human terms, the more medical science advances the ability to to prevent death, the m i re humans find ways to die.

Smoking is finally seen for the killer it is. But Vaping becomes all the rage among the young.

Cancer begins to fall to new and improved treatments. But more people are engaging in activities which contribute to a rise in cases of various cancers developing (poor diets, less exercise, vaping, high stress lifestyles, etc.).

And as the West began to recognize the health risks associated with its industrialization, it moved those operations to less developed countries, where Healthcare is next to non-existent, but the population is eager to "develop" regardless of the risk. Now those decisions are coming home to roost.

We may have spent "trillions" to prevent and cure disease, but we still live on one small Rock in Space.

What goes around, eventually, comes around.
edit on 14-8-2024 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Just last week I mentioned to my GF that I wondered whatever happened to the old "March of Dimes" outfit that used to squeeze money out of us through some of our employers who made it virtually impossible not to contribute.

Guess what! Last night, I watched a new spiel on Fox for seemingly a new operation for that end.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

You seem to believe in the "everything is slowly deteriorating" theory. Some astronomers believe this is how the universe will end. Cold dark matter, and nothing else.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 06:12 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
a reply to: WeMustCare

Just last week I mentioned to my GF that I wondered whatever happened to the old "March of Dimes" outfit that used to squeeze money out of us through some of our employers who made it virtually impossible not to contribute.

Guess what! Last night, I watched a new spiel on Fox for seemingly a new operation for that end.

It's kind of like a big overseer says, "We're running out of money people. Create fear to re-fill out coffers!"

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

A lot of cancers are far more treatable today than they were 20 years ago.

I’m not going to dismiss the idea that they’re focusing on treatments more than a cure, since there’s more money from treating.

That said, we live in a world that interacts at a daily pace. If you think we could dismiss the health of whole swaths of the planet, you’re sorely mistaken.

It’s cheaper to address a small outbreak than a big one.

That doesn’t mean we have to bow down and praise the WHO. But we shouldn’t completely dismiss every incident either. This isn’t new, there have been small outbreaks every couple of years. We get lucky with most.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: WeMustCare

That doesn’t mean we have to bow down and praise the WHO. But we shouldn’t completely dismiss every incident either. This isn’t new, there have been small outbreaks every couple of years. We get lucky with most.

Then the World Health Organization needs to add a couple of higher levels to alarm the public.

Monkey Pox gets their highest alert level:

But it's being ignored by most of the world's population, for good reason. The WHO issues "emergency red alerts" like this too frequently.

posted on Aug, 14 2024 @ 09:45 PM
Well, most people with decent immune systems will fight off most monkeypoxes. The smallpox vaccine does still give some extra immunity for life which also helps with the monkeypox too. But they quit giving the young smallpox vaccines a long time ago now. But a healthy person's innate immune system should make it a moderately mild disease.

The ones at risk, just as with covid, are those who had their immune systems pretty much destroyed by medications or just from being really old. So many people these days are on meds for antirejection of organs in transplants and are immune system suppressant meds and other meds that dampen proper immune system function.

Seems that those who had lots done by doctors over the last fifteen years are the ones at most risk these days. There are also chemicals used in foods to help to extend the shelf life or that make people less apt to negatively be effected by them that also can cause improper immune make sure people don't get an upset stomach from some food, they put chemistry in it that inhibits part of the immune response...all are considered GRAS that they use. They won't directly make you sick is all that means at the portion size that is listed on the label. But that does not mean they are not going to make you more susceptable to some microbes including viruses.

It is way to much work to evaluate every chemical used in our food supply and figure what side effects they have.

posted on Sep, 7 2024 @ 07:52 PM
Sept 7, 2024

Today, Presidential Candidate Donald Trump confirms suspicions that HEALTH-Medical Science is no longer progressing. It is in retrograde, with Life Expectancy becoming shorter, overall.

And He Vows to Seriously Investigate WHY, if Elected President Again.

Short video clip from today's rally:

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