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Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos

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posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Please explain how providing information that is fact and has been well documented for at least 40 years that is relevant to this topic is "gaslighting". In another link on a different thread it has a digital copy from a publication from 1983 or 84. This isn't "new" or " made up".

You do know what gaslighting means right? It means that you think I'm using psychological means to make you question your sanity.

If reading about this makes you question your sanity, then I'm not sure who or what you've been believing. I thought most of us believe the very rich and powerful have their own agendas. I mean I was surprised when I first stumbled upon it a few years ago and I hadn't heard any of it, but question my sanity? Nah, I just thought, "hmm that figures and that sucks".

And as I noted on another thread, I've discussed Weyrich and the evangelicals for quite a while now in the old mudpit threads and their manipulation and influence into politics as it was related to another topic. However I had forgotten he was the founder and their access and influence on Presidential candidates, the President and it's admin is again relevant.
edit on 10-8-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Lumenari

Please explain how providing information that is fact and has been well documented for at least 40 years that is relevant to this topic is "gaslighting". In another link on a different thread it has a digital copy from a publication from 1983 or 84. This isn't "new" or " made up".

You do know what gaslighting means right? It means that you think I'm using psychological means to make you question your sanity.

If reading about this makes you question your sanity, then I'm not sure who or what you've been believing. I thought most of us believe the very rich and powerful have their own agendas. I mean I was surprised when I first stumbled upon it a few years ago and I hadn't heard any of it, but question my sanity? Nah, I just thought, "hmm that figures and that sucks".

And as I noted on another thread, I've discussed Weyrich and the evangelicals for quite a while now in the old mudpit threads and their manipulation and influence into politics as it was related to another topic. However I had forgotten he was the founder and their access and influence on Presidential candidates, the President and it's admin is again relevant.

You do know you’re far from the person you’re responding to’s pay grade , right?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Thank you for your insight. It was quite illuminating. I'm sure a poster in their "pay grade" can explain to me how I'm "gaslighting" them all on their own. I'm supposed to be worried or intimidated now? Was that your purpose?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: frogs453

Interesting how you rail on ad nauseam about evil evangelicals and all your anti Christian BS yet fully back Kamala knowing she helped cover up abuse by the Catholic Church.
How do you internally reconcile that?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Thank you for your insight. It was quite illuminating. I'm sure a poster in their "pay grade" can explain to me how I'm "gaslighting" them all on their own. I'm supposed to be worried or intimidated now? Was that your purpose?

Well.. one of you is smart and intelligent and can think on her own, the other is brainwashed from gawd who knows what, msm or money is my guess. Do you not think people can’t recognize others as being programmed vs independent thinking?
edit on 10-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: KrustyKrab

So you lied again and have no proof to backup what you said.

Proof? You want "Proof"? Proof is subjective. That's why it takes 12 people on jury to decide "proof" based on the preponderance of the evidence.

There's tons of evidence in this thread, but not just this thread, all the other threads where you guys keep telling us that "Trump says" he knows nothing. But what he says and what he does paints a different story.

Bottom line. We don't believe you, and we don't believe Trump.

Your jury statement is just plain moronic. It's not anywhere near that simple, unless you're that simple. Otherwise why do we have prosecutors and defense attorneys? One who's job is to prove the case and the others to disprove it. Fact was Mendez had gold bars, but they had to prove he received them as part of a pay off. The defense tried to claim they were part of his Cuban heritage & not trusting banks, but the defense proved it was not via serial numbers on the bars I believe. Lousy defense strategy and a tad racist to boot.
You want to believe what the left media is trying to sell everyone on 2025, well that is your right. But after all the straight up lying they have done on this administration's behalf why believe them? "Joe Biden is ontop of his game" and other lies they sold you until even they couldn't deny it. With so many bigwigs in the media literally joined at the hip with Democrat spouses in high level positions it kinda makes it difficult for anyone not a die hard Democrat believe their BS.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Thank you for your insight. It was quite illuminating. I'm sure a poster in their "pay grade" can explain to me how I'm "gaslighting" them all on their own. I'm supposed to be worried or intimidated now? Was that your purpose?
It’s a metaphor you might not understand.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: KrustyKrab

So you lied again and have no proof to backup what you said.

Proof? You want "Proof"? Proof is subjective. That's why it takes 12 people on jury to decide "proof" based on the preponderance of the evidence.

There's tons of evidence in this thread, but not just this thread, all the other threads where you guys keep telling us that "Trump says" he knows nothing. But what he says and what he does paints a different story.

Bottom line. We don't believe you, and we don't believe Trump.

Your jury statement is just plain moronic. It's not anywhere near that simple, unless you're that simple. Otherwise why do we have prosecutors and defense attorneys? One who's job is to prove the case and the others to disprove it. Fact was Mendez had gold bars, but they had to prove he received them as part of a pay off. The defense tried to claim they were part of his Cuban heritage & not trusting banks, but the defense proved it was not via serial numbers on the bars I believe. Lousy defense strategy and a tad racist to boot.
You want to believe what the left media is trying to sell everyone on 2025, well that is your right. But after all the straight up lying they have done on this administration's behalf why believe them? "Joe Biden is ontop of his game" and other lies they sold you until even they couldn't deny it. With so many bigwigs in the media literally joined at the hip with Democrat spouses in high level positions it kinda makes it difficult for anyone not a die hard Democrat believe their BS.
Context and comprehension is your friend.
edit on 10-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: KrustyKrab

So you lied again and have no proof to backup what you said.

Proof? You want "Proof"? Proof is subjective. That's why it takes 12 people on jury to decide "proof" based on the preponderance of the evidence.

There's tons of evidence in this thread, but not just this thread, all the other threads where you guys keep telling us that "Trump says" he knows nothing. But what he says and what he does paints a different story.

Bottom line. We don't believe you, and we don't believe Trump.

Your jury statement is just plain moronic. It's not anywhere near that simple, unless you're that simple. Otherwise why do we have prosecutors and defense attorneys? One who's job is to prove the case and the others to disprove it. Fact was Mendez had gold bars, but they had to prove he received them as part of a pay off. The defense tried to claim they were part of his Cuban heritage & not trusting banks, but the defense proved it was not via serial numbers on the bars I believe. Lousy defense strategy and a tad racist to boot.
You want to believe what the left media is trying to sell everyone on 2025, well that is your right. But after all the straight up lying they have done on this administration's behalf why believe them? "Joe Biden is ontop of his game" and other lies they sold you until even they couldn't deny it. With so many bigwigs in the media literally joined at the hip with Democrat spouses in high level positions it kinda makes it difficult for anyone not a die hard Democrat believe their BS.
I think you responded to the wrong person 👍

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:57 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

How so? I was responding to Sookies response to you. I'm a tad confused!

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

I think that Trump's first campaign was only a high profile branding experiment. That's all and when he won, no one was prepared. Remember the fiasco of his almost non-existent transition team? And on into his first administration, the lack of coordination we saw, the people he appointed either being fired or outright walking away calling him a joke?

The Biden break gave the existing strong arm conservative community time to prepare. Support Trump this time and become his administration. They likely have all of those ''loyalists'' picked already. We should make no mistake about it, if he wins again it will not be the shambles of the first we will see but rather the well coordinated thrust of their repressive spear, decades in the crafting.

If he wins, they will take over and the only thing that will stand in their way will be him. Better a dead martyr than a live nincompoop.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: hangedman13i

You want to believe what the left media is trying to sell everyone on 2025

I never suggested any such thing. Trump and his close advisors are distancing themselves from Project 2025 because they know that people hate it. But make no mistake, just because they're distancing themselves from it doesn't mean that they won't quietly implement it.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Project 2025. There is a preponderance of evidence that that is true.

That's what I'm saying.

a reply to: BingoMcGoof

We should make no mistake about it, if he wins again it will not be the shambles of the first we will see but rather the well coordinated thrust of their repressive spear, decades in the crafting.

If he wins, they will take over and the only thing that will stand in their way will be him. Better a dead martyr than a live nincompoop.

edit on 2320242024k54America/Chicago2024-08-11T00:54:23-05:0012am2024-08-11T00:54:23-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:35 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Right, i guess we'll see...

the whole #show called us election is become a farce and so did all the engaged lemmings on both sides...

I hope for his supporters he really has no affiliation to project 2025, because it is pretty sick in its premise, wouldn't you agree?

Making fun of it doesn't help, it makes one think you'd actually support it, if trump did... Which is another one of those red flags when it comes to the path to dictatorships... Make no mistake US politics and their lemmings are not beyond that. This can happen anytime anywhere if you can get the mases to fall in line. The lot don't see it until its too late, and by that time you are part and parcel of it. the world doesnt look kindly upon dictatorship, it tends to do something about it...

The rumor mill is best silenced with clear statements trump pretending to not be aware what kind of sick policies his close supporters push is quite alarming.

At the end of the day we all have to lay in the bed we made... Let's hope this is nothing but another election ruse... But if not boy will this smell bad on yall...

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: Mahogani

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Mahogani

Project 2025 will outlaw women with blue hair from owning more than 2 cats!

And put hundreds of thousands of people in concentration camps, fire tens of thousands of career public servants to replace them with MAGA loyalists, upend protections for the majority of minority groups and so on.

Scary and weird stuff.

please tell me you are exaggerating. There is no way an adult with enough smarts to operate a keyboard, would type something this idiotic, and it not be a joke.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 06:11 AM
Fact: I’ve been destroyed financially and put in a really bad place mentally and emotionally lately because of it. I’m probably going to have to cash out my IRA, which isn’t much and will only last a year if I’m lucky. (Then what?) All under JoeBama/Kamoeba.

Hypothetically, even if Trump was part of this group, I’m willing to give them a chance.

Trump still getting my vote. Or so I hope. You know how the (D)’s like the trans-vote and change (R)’s into (D)’s. They swing that way.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 07:06 AM
Well here's the thing.
First of all I've talked about this when we had the mudpit.

That was about 2 years ago. No one was talking about Project 2025 at the time. So, I was not talking about it because I was not aware of it. When I brought up Weyrich and the Evangelicals political manipulation then it wasn't a "because the media" it started because I was looking into the sudden flip of evangelicals and their stance on abortion back in the 70s.

People have often wondered why a man with Trump's character, who never goes to church, does not live a "moral" lifestyle is so beloved by evangelicals.

Trump has often told us a flat out lie or or things he thinks we want to hear which are untrue.

Those involved are very close to him, and the leader of the project states it's a political "tactical move" to disassociate with the project.

Vance has espoused the agendas ideas and as recently as June on Twitter bragged about writing the forward to Roberts book. "I was thrilled to write the foreword for this incredible book, which contains a bold new vision for the future of conservatism in America." And in the forward speaks about its time to "circle the wagons and load the muskets." This is our VP candidate who only recently flipped from hating Trump to running with him. Why? Trump hasnt changed, he is worse now. Link

Name calling and being told "nothing to see here", "nothing will happen" and "believe Trump" is disingenuous.

Believe it or not. But at least give any response something other than the generic "nothing to see here", "Trump said" and labeling or name calling anyone who brings it up. Again, I'm more than happy to read any links, any actual real arguments on this. Isn't that what ATS is supposed to be about? Now it's valid to say, so what, I embrace these ideas, or that you believe Trump. It's also valid for others to point out why they don't and why they do not believe him.

All I have to say until that happens. Name call, and belittle among yourselves until then. You'll be free to do so without my interruptions.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: hangedman13
a reply to: KrustyKrab

How so? I was responding to Sookies response to you. I'm a tad confused!

My apologies, you’re right, I’m sorry. I think I need a break from here.
edit on 11-8-2024 by KrustyKrab because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Perhaps your words and worry would carry more weight if you weren't currently and historically supporting the current regime.

The regime that is prosecuting and jailing it's political opponents. The regime that is being held up by the media establishment. The regime that is forcing the wants of the sub 1 percent of the population upon all of the population.

That's what you support now so why should anyone worry about your concern

Also, Trump was already POTUS and this same prattle was incessant then as well.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 12:40 PM
Again, answer a real question.

Why are these trainings bad. Seriously? None of you have read it. If you did, you would know the media Cliff Notes version is BS.

It is, at its core, about changing the structure of the government. It is not laws to hurt people. It has been used before and started with the Reagan Administration. Did you know in 2016 over 60% of the "Project 2025" ideas were implemented? It was the start to drain the swamp.


If you read this, and cannot agree with at least one thing, you do not want to better the nation. You will vote with hate and hope you can ride it out. Stupidity.

This is nothing but hardcore propaganda. Go to Wiki and the Project 2025 site references Trump over 300 times. I am sick of people in our nation with such hate for the country who say they d it in the name of Progress. Bull#.

The full recovery of our nation in both the economic and foreign policy spheres will require the sustained application of sound policies over several years. There are no “quick fix” solutions to problems that have been years in the making. But no time must be lost in taking the first decisive steps on the road to recovery

edit on 8112024 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

There are numerous areas throughout project 2025 that will affect and hurt women and children if you want links,no problem, just ask.

However since many here don't think women and children issues are a problem and that things like free lunch is "marxist" and "too progressive". So let's focus on an easy one.

It calls for on page 750 to dismantle NOAA, yes the agencies that track, study and maintain scientific data for hurricanes. Free weather warnings/info? Nah, who needs that. They want to change the NWS to a commercial service and no public warnings, data would be available. You'd have to seek paid service and apps for that. There is also concern to pick appointments within the government closely so weather data/studies more closely reflect the administrations policies, yep the policies, not the actual data.

Just peachy.
edit on 11-8-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

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