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Oh Lord Stuck In Lodi Again

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posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:32 AM
Not sure what the title means, I just like CCR.

For the 2nd time in my life I'm leaving my home on the West Coast to seek a better life in the Midwest. Permanently.

I did this before back in 2018ish and was living the dream...until mass closures and shutdowns thanks to Woo Woo Cachoo Flu. I had to limp home with my tail between my legs.

In only the 2 years I'd been gone, rent on my old apartment had doubled! Cost of living got insane. Bidenflation isn't real, so clearly that wasn't a factor lul.

Now here I am priced out of my own city where tiny ass studio apartments will cost you 950 to a whopping 1700 a month. That doesn't even include water or trash. The price of eggs? Forget about it!

Basically I can go to the Midwest with my skills and work experience and make the same wages, but housing and cost of living is half!

I love my home, but it doesn't love its natives anymore. There is a CAncer spreading throughout the USA and it's only going to get worse folks.

So ladies and gents, wish me luck as I scrape up all that I own in this world and set out again for the heart of the USA.

edit on 10-8-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

From where in CA are you leaving?

I ask because where I live, in one of the suburbs of Sacramento, CA, my mortgage on a 3b/2b mid-century home (purchased in 2012) runs just over $800 @ month.

And I live off my pension as a retired State employee.

As they say in Real Estate, it's all about Location! Location! Location!

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Did you purchase that house on a fixed rate back in 2012? That could be why you don’t see the price fluctuating like others do.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Yes, fixed at 3.75%.

Having seen the horrors that homeowners with "adjustable" mortgages (A.R.M.'s) suffered, there was no way I was going to risk that kind of exposure. Especially following the 2008 crash.

But even so, prior to buying, I rented a studio flat in the heart of Sacramento for about 20 years, and never had to pay more than $650 @ month.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

What's you skill set ? May give you a better idea where you want to land.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 12:43 PM
The rent in California is very high. And as for Lodi, my ex lives there . "Lodi" is a song written by John Fogerty and performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival. Recorded in March 1969.

The song describes the plight of a down-and-out musician whose career has landed him playing gigs in the town of Lodi, California. After playing in local bars, the narrator finds himself stranded and unable to raise bus or train fare to leave.[3] Fogerty later said he had never actually visited Lodi before writing the song, and simply picked it for the song because it had "the coolest sounding name.

You can see what rent costs here on Zillow. I just sold one house I owned, and the home I inherited would rent for $2,613. I dont know how young people can afford to live here anymore.
edit on 10-8-2024 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

Been in the same boat Bro over the other side of the pond , Rents went to orbit and you were paying London prices for living in the sticks if you were lucky enough to find a house to rent .

It all started after 9-11 when house prices went crazy worldwide but the gullible masses were out partying thinking they were rich because their homes doubled in value in a very short time frame , the only real winners were the bankers as the 3k deposit is now a 30 k deposit needed and one week out of work in 5 years is enough to get you a refusal for a mortgage .

I am stunned at how much it is to rent a property in America these days as I was actually thinking of moving over in the mid 2000s but that 3 to 400 a month rent is now 2 to 3000k a month now .

Sad days when you can enter a country illegally and get better treatment than a native who has worked and payed taxes all their lives .

Love me some CCR though

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: AlroyFarms
Not sure what the title means, I just like CCR.

For the 2nd time in my life I'm leaving my home on the West Coast to seek a better life in the Midwest. Permanently.

I did this before back in 2018ish and was living the dream...until mass closures and shutdowns thanks to Woo Woo Cachoo Flu. I had to limp home with my tail between my legs.

In only the 2 years I'd been gone, rent on my old apartment had doubled! Cost of living got insane. Bidenflation isn't real, so clearly that wasn't a factor lul.

Now here I am priced out of my own city where tiny ass studio apartments will cost you 950 to a whopping 1700 a month. That doesn't even include water or trash. The price of eggs? Forget about it!

Basically I can go to the Midwest with my skills and work experience and make the same wages, but housing and cost of living is half!

I love my home, but it doesn't love its natives anymore. There is a CAncer spreading throughout the USA and it's only going to get worse folks.

So ladies and gents, wish me luck as I scrape up all that I own in this world and set out again for the heart of the USA.

Living as a verb 👍 fly high, free bird.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:23 PM
Good luck with your move!

Rent has become ridiculous in Canada too. We are paying 1850 CA a month for our house. That's almost month's pay for me. That doesn't include utilities either. There are 3 of us splitting the rent, which makes it manageable. Otherwise, I'd have to choose between food and utilities and having a roof over my head.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

I passed through Lodi once with a friend from Mariposa. He was showing me around. I saw the sign on the highway and pulled up CCR's songs, blaring it as we passed through.

It was epic. But were were not stuck, just passing through.

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