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The Human Body Sucks!!

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posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 06:03 AM
The human body sucks. It's supposed to have been intelligently designed. But unless it was designed for suffering being the goal, the body itself sucks.

It is soft and weak. It gets sick easily. It gets tens of thousands of diseases, many painful or deadly ones, easily. It is often in pain, sometimes chronic pain. It requires food to continue which requires work on our part and if we are in pain or are sick then that work can't happen and we starve. People count on being able to see and hear and walk and think in order to function and many many things can go wrong with the body to make that not able to happen.

I am thinking that the purpose of the human body is suffering for the soul who is unfortunate enough to be imprisoned in it. There could be no other explanation if you believe in intelligent design.

This summer my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer, had surgery, is recovering from surgery but is having complications. He also got diagnosed with Parkinsons and that's a nasty nasty disease that has dementia in it's later stages which is going to be awful. And I"m sitting here typing this while I have my own health issues going on ... sjogrens, neuropathy, eye pressure problems (hope I don't go blind!), and others I won't gt into .... and I'm sitting here waiting to go to the emergency room because something happened with my back a while ago and i can barely move. It freak'n hurts.

I hate being in this failing body. I am looking forward to being ethereal. (at the time decided upon by God, no I'm not suicidal). Being free of a body in the afterlife. Hope that is a better time of it than what we have here. I hope the afterlife is as good as 'they' say, and that we don't get a nasty surprise.

Anyways ... these bodies are stupid. Unless the purpose of them is to make people suffer for some reason. Then they have achieved their goal.

edit on 8/10/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 06:16 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your husband... The older we get the more friends we lose and some wake up one day and realize all their childhood friends are long gone... Let us hope if there is something after this life it is better and pain free...

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm sorry to hear about you and your Husbands health issues, I sometimes wonder myself about some of the issues you raised.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I feel for you n yours F.F! I learned a long time ago in ER training....the body has a fin-ite amount of breaths in one the same.

The spiritual "heart"... goes on and on over again...even if its unhealthy in the end (like mine).

Prayers for you and hubby....✌️🙏

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: Fly ersFan

I had severe asthma as a child. I would spend one to two weeks twice a year laying in bed forcing myself to breathe, expecting to die. This went on until I hit my teens when it slowed down dramatically. Those early years forced my child's mind to confront these issues of life and death repeatedly. Not death as some far off future event but death right now, right now.

And here I am again, my wife and I, both closer to 80 than 75 and knowing there is no far future for either of us, there is only now and hopefully tomorrow.

Anyway FF, thank you for your share here, it helps me understand your humanity much more than any political disagreements this place seems to focus on.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:29 AM
Prayers and good thoughts for you FF. It's really tough dealing with 'health' issues. Dealing with the medical establishment can be a giant pain in the ass too.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
I sometimes wonder myself about some of the issues you raised.

I really wonder about it.
We are intelligently designed ... something I know you disagree with me on.
But holy cow!!!
The amount of suffering that comes from these bodies is awful!
If you believe in God then you believe He created these bodies for a purpose.
And these bodies seem to only bring suffering and misery at some point.
Is the purpose of life suffering? Seems so.

So I'm back from this mornings Emergency Room trip.
Turns out I've got a protruding disk in my lower back.
I can't hardly move.
Gotta' go to a spine specialist now

Also showed up on the CATSCAN ... bunches of kidney stones.
Yeah ... Ive passed one of them once ... 4 mm ... worst pain of my life.
SO I have tons more passings of stones to look forward to.
And my osteoperosis showed up on the CATSCAN as well.

Doctor says I've torn/pulled ligiments in my back this morning.
Know how I did it? Simply bending over to put on a freak'n shoe.
That's it. Just bent over.

I hate being in a body. Really ...

edit on 8/10/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Prayers for you and yours, FF! Back issues can be so debilitating, even if the cause is not serious. They take so long to heal, and it doesn't sound like a good time for you to be 'out of commission' right now, not that there's ever a good time.

I'm so sorry today (and recent past events) sucks for you! There aren't many good answers when it comes to cronic health issues; I hope those of you and your hubby can be brought under control and return a bit of joy to your life.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Anyways ... these bodies are stupid. Unless the purpose of them is to make people suffer for some reason. Then they have achieved their goal.

Oh I agree completely . It's almost like humans are not native to Earth , We certainly have not evolved very well for life on Earth .

It's a combination of the Sun's radiation and Earths Gravity that ages us and kills most of us . Just take a look at a wild animal . They are so symmetrical and well built for life on Earth . There are exceptions of course , Dogs, Horses and anything else domesticated by humans is clearly weaker because of it .

Our Diet is a huge proponit of our weakness ,The Human body is a literal power-plant and what you fuel it with will have a huge impact on your quality of life . Processed foods , Sugar Drinks , Smoking , Drinking , Pharmaceutical and Recreational drugs and of course radiation all weaken the human body over time .

Though our inherent weakness to radiation doesn't make a lot of sense when you consider the Suns radiation , We are all born under the Sun and yet it inevitably kills us .

In the end though it is our DNA that's our biggest weakness . Our DNA coding makes no sense. Take for example the human bodies healing factor . We can break a Leg or cut yourself to the bone and eventually we will heal , Though while the human body is healing one thing another is dying . Hair Turning Grey , Skin wrinkling , Organs Failing , Cells decaying .

Why would the Human Body place priority on healing Bones and Cuts , but do nothing to stop the aging process or keep our bodies internal organs functioning properly ? Why at a certain age does our body just stop Creating Brain cells ?

I think I know the answer but I'd rather not accept it .

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 12:40 PM
Blessed to live in a state where Medical THC/ CBD is legal and has my arthritis almost in remission and my GFs' Diabetic neuropathy under control.

Feel better FF!!!
edit on 10-8-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 12:41 PM
Many thoughts and prayers chronic pain is the worst...I know how chit snowballs but try and attack one issue at a time.

Chanca Piedra, also known as the “stone breaker,” is a popular herbal folk remedy for kidney stones. The herb is thought to help prevent calcium-oxalate stones from forming. It’s also believed to reduce the size of existing stones, as well "smooth" for a somewhat easily passage

I took it and milk thistle and it seemed to help my gall and kidney stones, don't get me wrong they still hurt especially passing them but it was significantly less.

I also take a turmeric supplement which seems to knock down inflammation. When my kidneys were full of stones, I drank celery juice, lemon. The Azo pain relief does help when you are in the middle of passing one.

Horsetail, Hydrangea, and Yarrow may help with a myriad of bladder issues—stones and muscle relaxation etc.

Some swear by hot and cold compresses on your kidneys to help with its function and pain.

As always consult with your physician and read about drug interactions...

Keep on trying different remedies but give each one a couple weeks,

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Sending prayers and healing thoughts for the both of you!!!

Getting old sucks.
Can't argue that.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:34 PM
The human body is an amazing mechanism. If we take good care of it, it’s mostly self repairing.

However most of us ignore it until something horrible happens. Even something as simple as traveling from one continent to another exposes us to new diseases and viruses. Just something to think about.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Nickn4
The human body is an amazing mechanism. If we take good care of it, it’s mostly self repairing. .

Disagree. My husband and I have taken very good care of ourselves, yet we are weighed down with all sorts of serious and painful crap. So I can't go along with what you say. Sorry.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:20 PM
Ive pondered in the past if I had actually died and this was purgatory, it kind of adds an explanation to some of the insanity we see.

That said, I wish you both the best I wouldnt wish that sequence on my worst enemy.

Just try to slow down your thinking and focus more on the now, enjoy the moments that you still have with each other.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
The human body sucks. It's supposed to have been intelligently designed. But unless it was designed for suffering being the goal, the body itself sucks.

It is soft and weak. It gets sick easily. It gets tens of thousands of diseases, many painful or deadly ones, easily. It is often in pain, sometimes chronic pain. It requires food to continue which requires work on our part and if we are in pain or are sick then that work can't happen and we starve. People count on being able to see and hear and walk and think in order to function and many many things can go wrong with the body to make that not able to happen.

I am thinking that the purpose of the human body is suffering for the soul who is unfortunate enough to be imprisoned in it. There could be no other explanation if you believe in intelligent design.

This summer my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer, had surgery, is recovering from surgery but is having complications. He also got diagnosed with Parkinsons and that's a nasty nasty disease that has dementia in it's later stages which is going to be awful. And I"m sitting here typing this while I have my own health issues going on ... sjogrens, neuropathy, eye pressure problems (hope I don't go blind!), and others I won't gt into .... and I'm sitting here waiting to go to the emergency room because something happened with my back a while ago and i can barely move. It freak'n hurts.

I hate being in this failing body. I am looking forward to being ethereal. (at the time decided upon by God, no I'm not suicidal). Being free of a body in the afterlife. Hope that is a better time of it than what we have here. I hope the afterlife is as good as 'they' say, and that we don't get a nasty surprise.

Anyways ... these bodies are stupid. Unless the purpose of them is to make people suffer for some reason. Then they have achieved their goal.

I know, it sucks getting old-ER. You are not old till you hit ninety five in my mind. My goal is to stay half way healthy and be able to get around till I go, hopefully just having a heart attack in my sleep like some people I know. The wife and I seem to have gotten healthier over the last five to six years since we quit eating all the chemical laden highly processed food...but we know that is just temporary, and both of us are hoping to not suffer much before it is our time to go.

Sorry to hear about your and your husband's health issues. I know lots of people that are having problems and many of them seem to be younger than we are these days. I am in my late sixties and the wife is in her early seventies.

I hope you guys get back to semi-normal soon, keep us informed of how things are going.
edit on 10-8-2024 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

A test of faith FF , we know the score when we arrive here 3 score and ten years if we are lucky and most of it is down to DNA ,life really is like a box of chocolates.

I have known super fit people who never smoked or drank who died in their sleep young and others who smoked like chimneys and ate all wrong live to a ripe old age , most of the older people I knew as a child had hard lives and smoked and drank and lived through ww2 eating all wrong and working in dangerous environments and many lived till their late 80s or 90s .

The dementia one is the worst it robs you of your memories, I get up to make a cup of coffee and forget what I went to the kitchen for and it's only 15 foot from where I sit , it is hard to explain that one to anyone , I can remember things with crystal clarity from when I was a child some days that I had long forgot about yet I cannot remember what day it is sometimes and the last 8 years has flown by so quickly for me .

We just have to soldier on FF life is a bitch then you marry one is the old saying , Keep the faith FF this life is a test and nobody gets out alive .

Sending a big hug your way FF ,stay strong and keep the faith .

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I am sorry to hear about your husband. Our body’s do suck but they are IMO a a lifeline to move our beautiful soul from place to place.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Oh FlyersFan! I’m so sorry. 😞 My father had Parkinson’s for over 18 years. I credit my stepmom who was a nurse for his longevity. That being said, his mind was sharp as a tack until the very end. It was extremely hard.

I read somewhere that the human spine isn’t actually meant to walk upright. It didn’t keep up with evolution. That’s part of the reason why we get such bad lower back pain. We shouldn’t have the lower back curve. I’ll see if I can find a link to it and edit this.

ETA: From what I’ve been able to find, it’s an imperfect adaptation. 🙄

My husband is prone to kidney stones. His are made up of calcium. But he drinks milk more than water, and don’t get me started about the cheese. 😆

Again, I’m truly sorry that you’re having to go through all of this. It’s a lot. 💕

edit on 8/11/2024 by LollieK3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 09:51 PM
A question ?
Compeard to humans how much trouble with health do Animals get?
I had to have my dog put to sleep not long ago.

Have any studies on animals living in the wild beed don about health?
mabye All life is like this?
maybe after humans started eating meat the trubles started?

Look at Gorillas and they just eat plants.
and chimpanzees, they are stronger than humans.

Look at the wolves of chernobyl !
They have evolved to live with radiation poisoning.
So why have humans not evolved to?

? mabye becuse we keep adding new poisons?

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