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ISIS Plot Against Taylor Swift Concert in Vienna Narrowly Foiled

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posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I love Taylor Swift. I have watched the grainy live feeds of the concert since it started. It is my weekend ritual. I will be sad when it ends. We have so much fun with it. Taylor to me is an amazing artist, musician and human being. She radiates positivity and her music HEALS. I have followed her since she started. She doesn't know me from a hole in the wall but I am so proud of all her accomplishments and how she handles the harsh criticism of her personal life and professional life. I love following her love story with Travis, as a fan who has followed her since she came out, I am happy to see her HAPPY! If you know her music and history you will get it.

I was so saddened to read about this. I got an alert from TaylorNation IG yesterday when they posted. I was shocked. I feel for all the fans who traveled and planned for months for this show. I am glad however nothing bad happened and these sick individuals were caught.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 07:24 AM
It wasn't a lone wolf terror attack plot.
Apparently there were three of them involved.
What I'm reading .. all three are Muslim teenagers.

Taylor Swift Terror Plot Investigators Detain Third Suspect - 18 Year Old Iraqi

An Iraqi 18-year-old who "took an oath of allegiance" to the Islamic State terrorist group just days ago is now the third suspect to be arrested in connection to a foiled plot to attack now-canceled Taylor Swift concerts in Austria, officials say.

Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner said the individual "comes from the social environment" of the 19-year-old main suspect – an Austrian with North Macedonian roots who allegedly had bomb-making materials, chemical substances and technical devices at his home. Officials say that suspect confessed to planning to "kill as many people as possible outside the concert venue" where the sold-out Eras Tour shows were to be held this week, using knives or homemade explosives.

"He had been in contact with the main perpetrator, but is not directly connected to the attack plans," Karner was quoted by The Associated Press as saying on Friday. "But, as was found out a few days ago, he took an oath of allegiance specifically to ISIS on Aug. 6."

The arrest of the latest suspect – which Reuters cited the interior ministry as identifying as an Iraqi national – happened in Vienna on Thursday night. A 17-year-old has also been arrested as part of the investigation, while a 15-year-old has been interrogated but not named a suspect.

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