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Civil War or Simply Revolution?

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posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:33 PM
As an American citizen I now continuously hear about civil war this and civil war that. Do any Americans with two brain cells to rub together think that this would actually happen?
Let’s take a look back at November of 2016… Trump was elected President of the United States. And what happened in the days or weeks after? I remember reading multiple news stories about people that were having anxiety, depression, and even committing suicide “caused” by the results of the 2016 election results i.e President Trump beating Pathetic Clinton
MSM article post 2016 election NIH article on mental health following 2016 election

Now, let us skip ahead 4 years to 2020. Here I won’t bother to post links because we all know what happened (or at least some of us do). Peaceful, proud Americans went into (some videos show them being let in by capital police) the US capital to protest the certification of the 2020 election due to the mass disbelief that the election was legitimate and that there was fraud during it due to mail-in ballots due to the pandemic. I love how no one ever brought/brings this up, but I’d say the majority of concerned citizens that were there at the capital on January 6th 2020 are also proud gun owners. Yet how many of those people were armed at the capital? Some people call it an insurrection, which is a complete joke, it was a peaceful protest.

Now currently, here we sit in 2024. Want to know why CIVIL WAR and the DEATH OF DEMOCRACY is crammed down your throats and shoved in your ears? It’s because the few people that actually run things are terrified. Sorry folks, but you can’t actually expect people to believe that there would be a civil war in the US when the two purposed sides of that civil war react to things so differently. You would have one side that has been shown to simply give up and kill themselves if things don’t go their way. They also own far less firearms than the other purposed side. Then on the other purposed side you have people that gather together to actually do something about things when they don’t go their way. Not to mention they also own the majority of firearms in the US. On top of all this, in the modern day Americans would not start killing each other to a civil war level.

They HAVE to say CIVIL WAR! because do you want to know what the real word would be? REVOLUTION. There wouldn’t be any kind of civil war between US citizens, there would be the dedication to the eradication of the corrupt political parties and lobbyists that hold an iron grip on the US populace. The corrupt MSM corporations that continuously keep people divided on purpose to turn attention away from real problems that plague us. I could see people going after certain elites as well. At least for the Americans with the balls to act, which has shown to be one sided. If the assassination attempt on Trump had been successful we wouldn’t have a civil war, we would have a revolution. Stop buying into the crap that is trying to keep us divided and “cleverly” saying Civil War over and over, because instead of hearing cleverness I hear fear, fear of the people.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Sisavran

Or will the rural folks simply say,

"Nope. We grew enough food this year for family. Don't have any extras for people in the cities. Maybe the UN can help you."

That's where I see the divide, and not just in the USA.


posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:38 PM
Very good points! I agree that we won’t have a civil war, but a revolution. Kinda wish we’d all rise up and get it done soon. However, it probably won’t happen. At least in my lifetime.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:40 PM
The left is trying to create a revolution. The anarchists of the left and progressives want to push their beliefs on all the conservitive people in the country and take over without evaluating the side effects of their actions. The Democrats in charge cannot fathom what the far left is doing and how it actually goes against everything they are trying to do. Eventually anarchy will take over this country if the Democrats in congress and the white house don't open their eyes and ears and see where this is going to mess up our society. They are trying to get the votes of these radicals in society and cannot comprehend that they will also be voted out in the coming years, the moderates in the Democrat party will lose their jobs eventually. They are being tricked into believing anarchy is going to benefit them.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:05 PM
Every time I hear someone bring up a civil war, I just laugh.

Because really...
You think todays military (not the snowflakes) are going to fight against their families? Think any small town police office will?

Nope. I can see them grabbing what they can and heading home. To protect the small towns they come from.
Then you have the militia groups, retired military and law enforcement.....

Yeah, like F2 said. I can see some big cities having some issues and needing big government. But that is about it.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yep, the Bolsheviks got rid of the Mensheviks soon enough.


posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Sisavran

I don’t think it would come down to a civil war.

If it did, I think whoever instigated it already lost. If you can’t sell your ideas, sometimes people get frustrated and pick up arms.

I can think of any group in my life that I’d trust to fight our own country for my interests. And frankly, my interests aren’t in a domestic fight.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Sisavran

The liberal left socialists actively want something like a revolution to start so they can implement the totalitarian dictatorship they 'think' they want for a government. Then they can use this dictatorship to slap down the revolution and at the same time crown their newly minted party 'King for Life'.

So, in direct answer to your question: Neither will happen. The democrats want one to 'start' but not be allowed time to be carried out in full.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Sisavran

Just curious if you’ll feel the same way in January about the absurdity of civil war if Congress declares a legitimately elected Trump ineligible.

Congressman Jamie Raskin says EVEN IF TRUMP WINS they will disqualify him on January 6th, 2025 under 14A.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:37 PM
Great points as well!

Especially with the level of communication we have nowadays.
a reply to: chiefsmom

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:38 PM
Still not a civil war but a revolt in regards to that situation. No lefty is gonna fight their life out for their beliefs. I am simply not worried about the possibility of a civil war. Yet when it comes to a revolt, I think that’s what the country needs at this point.

a reply to: Lapidoth

edit on 7-8-2024 by Sisavran because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2024 by Sisavran because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:43 PM
“Something like a revolution”
I find this to be extremely different and would label what the far left is doing more as a coup compared to a revolt. A revolt is the majority of the populace in a country fighting for change, where as a coup is a small group of people trying to take control of the current government for their own malicious benefit
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Sisavran

I prefer the term "renaissance" as in a revival of classic American virtue, dignity and acumen.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
Every time I hear someone bring up a civil war, I just laugh.

Because really...
You think todays military (not the snowflakes) are going to fight against their families? Think any small town police office will?

Nope. I can see them grabbing what they can and heading home. To protect the small towns they come from.
Then you have the militia groups, retired military and law enforcement.....

Yeah, like F2 said. I can see some big cities having some issues and needing big government. But that is about it.

You're forgetting how well the MSM brainwashes people.
If any sort of unified uprising were to happen, all it would take is a MSM broadcast announcing a new, improved plandemic just hit; one so dngerous ALL travel must stop!
Cities have to go into lockdown to 'save the people'. Military called in to prevent travel to/from major cities, allowed to use deadly force if need be.

Never ubderestimate the TPTB. All the military or LEO need is a justifiable reason to shoot first and ask questions later.

There will never, ever be a cival war, uprising or revolution in America; we passed the possibility decades ago.

Guns can't compete with DEWs, LRADs or any of the other arsinals in our overlord's bag of tricks.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Sisavran


Trump calls for that November 6th or 7th with 47.17% Vegas probability (as of today). Only sorta joking.

What if that happens though? What if Harris/Walz aren't two ultra-liberal idiots? What if they kill it with Independents and youth? What if Shapiro's vocal surrogate support still gets Pennsylvania, and not choosing him still gets Michigan?

Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, she wins those 4, she wins the presidency by the slimmest of margins.

Things have changed too, according to polling average anyway. She's now up 2.5 nationally and in those 4 states:

It is now PLAUSIBLE Harris carries those 4 states. So if that polling average votes for Harris/Walz, and she wins, am I going to have to fear a freaking revolution kraken of disillusionment?

I have a fear the bubble popping would be so demoralizing it will literally lead to Trump to call for a coup in support of his lost reign.


And while I'm using humor and hyperbole, I could see a legitimate and democratic swing state result (like the above) turning to chaos following Trump's ego down.

But that's the only revolution fear I have from the right.
edit on 7-8-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:58 PM
OP might be on to something, because if the military, and ex-veterans, police and state militia, ever feels that it's oath to the American constitution where it refers to "domestic enemies" as being the ones in power violating it, and they openly proclaim it, they have the dog whistle to every American with a gun that believes in the 2A and liberty for all.

So instead of a civil war you would get more of a French Revolution with an element of the "The Purge" in it.

Just a friendly warning, if you live in a "RED" county, I wouldn't be putting up a Harris 2024 sign, people remember.
Because if this ever turns super tribal......yeah not smart at this point.

If you live in a solid blue county, you shouldn't have any issues with your peers putting up a Harris sign.
edit on 7-8-2024 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: Sisavran


Trump calls for that November 6th or 7th with 47.17% probability (as of today). Only sorta joking.

What if that happens though? What if Harris/Walz aren't two ultra-liberal idiots? What if they kill it with Independents and youth? What if Shapiro's vocal surrogate support still gets Pennsylvania, and not choosing him still gets Michigan?

Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, she wins those 4, she wins the presidency by the slimmest of margins.

Things have changed too, according to polling average anyway. She's up 2.5 nationally and in those 4 states:

It is now PLAUSIBLE Harris carries those 4 states. So if that polling average votes for Harris/Walz, and she wins, am I going to have to fear a freaking revolution kraken of disillusionment?

I have a fear the bubble popping would be so demoralizing it will literally lead to Trump to call for a coup in support of his reign.


And while I'm using humor and hyperbole, I could see a legitimate result turning to chaos following Trump's ego down.

But that's the only revolution fear I have from the right.

Conversely one could say what happens if the Harris Walz Campaign surges after the Democratic convention the historical convention bump, Trump's sentencing gives his campaign another ding in the polls. Then it sloshes through whatever October surprise we are in store for. The left believes the polls are so accurate that Harris Walz is assured

Then Election day the vote count says Trump wins... I shouldn't have to recount the tone used by Democratic politicians from 2016 to now, did you see Ms Cori Bush's tirade?

If you believe the right will come unhinged with a Trump loss, with the polls showing Harris leading, the left's heads will explode if the polls say Harris leading and she loses.

Don't forget our international opposition/ enemies want the country to lose its proverbial #. The first side that does, loses

Respectfully and keep the humor coming it's something the discussion is sorely in need of...

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Okay, I'll be equal opportunity.

I think the left Follows Pelosi down if Trump wins. The histrionic reaction she's known for orchestrating.

Then they'll lose their minds trying to "LOCK HIM UP" at all costs. Everything else will turn to grassroots states rights initiatives to counter project 2025 things.

So a lot of states rights to insulate themselves from Project 2025 (The Project that the VP candidate certainly didn't write the foreword for) and endless attempts to get Trump indicted, convicted, locked up, impeached, and otherwise endlessly hounded.

And of course the following cities will burn is isolated pockets for a few days in the worst case scenario: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Denver, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson, Dallas, Houston, Austin, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Buffalo, Rochester, New York City, Boston, Providence, Hartford and of course Minneapolis.
edit on 7-8-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: putnam6

Okay, I'll be equal opportunity.

I think the left Follows Pelosi down if Trump wins. The histrionic reaction she's known for.

Then they'll lose their minds trying to "LOCK HIM UP" at all costs. Everything else will turn to grassroots states rights initiatives to counter project 2025 things.

So a lot of states rights to insulate themselves from Project 2025 (The Project that the VP candidate certainly didn't write the foreword for) and endless attempts to get Trump indicted, impeached, and endlessly hounded.

And of course the following cities will burn for a few days: Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Denver, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Tucson, Dallas, Austin, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, Charlotte, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Buffalo, Rochester, New York City, Boston, Providence, Hartford and of course Minneapolis.

Thanks for the quick reply before I lose my train of thought...

Well that's not a comforting thought, nor is it humorous, sounds like we are damned if we do and dammed if we don't

How do we stop either of those scenarios from happening? Or if the Democrats lose do they just storm RFKjr's home because I got a feeling he hurts the Democrats more than the Republicans

FWIW your polls didn't include 3rd Party candidates

FWIW the electoral map for now favors Trump wouldn't you agree

edit on p000000318pm086 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:39 PM
Someone , you can put any name in here but Trump, is trying to run the world into the ground and take us over like some sinister plot in a James Bond Movie.

originally posted by: Lapidoth
a reply to: Sisavran

Just curious if you’ll feel the same way in January about the absurdity of civil war if Congress declares a legitimately elected Trump ineligible.

Congressman Jamie Raskin says EVEN IF TRUMP WINS they will disqualify him on January 6th, 2025 under 14A.

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