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Freemason’s Greatest Secret

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posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: CitizenB

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: CitizenB

your entire premise revolves around the Freemasons being connected to the Knights Templar. While that connection would be a fantastic one to lay claim to, the connection has yet to be made.

Freemasonry is decentralized. The power and control people imagine exists, just isn't there. If you have a belief in a higher power, you should join to learn more about the group. Then you can expose it from within, if there was any nefarious things going on. So far, not a sausage.

I don’t believe the Templars created the fictictious story surrounding the Quran. I believe they just happened to figure out the deception. I believe the only people who actually understood the hoax apart from the Templars were the handful of Persian Israelite Scribes. Both groups stood to gain immense wealth by keeping the secret and neither group had any interest in God.

Persian Israelite scribes weren't wealthy. The Templars made their wealth by banking and plunder.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:53 PM
Shouldn’t this be in, like, the fiction section or perhaps, comedy?

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Compendium
a reply to: CitizenB

The Freemasons are rooted in the mysteries, not religion

Religion is merely a pathway towards an understanding of something greater than yourself

If you wish to seek the mysteries and the source of your own creation, you need start with conceptual belief

Something to "believe in", until you can know things

A guiding light within the experiencing of the unknown, that helps bring you understanding

The fact you are still speaking about the old texts in historical and named veil terms, means you actually understand very little about what any forms of those texts (regardless of their origin) are supposed to teach you

You are supposed to find the hidden meaning

Whether it be hidden by bad translations, or metaphor and allegory

You are supposed to take the oldest versions of any given text you can find, in the original language, and compare them to the oldest texts of other mythologies and religions, to work out what information, knowledge and wisdom is actually being passed down

More importantly ... To work out where translations may have been corrupted

I can tell you, from my many years within illuminated initiation ...

The most important information being passed down consistently throughout history in many different incarnations and cultures, has nothing to do with named historical people or events

Everything is personification

You are supposed to translate their names to literal meanings. Meanings that do not actually include references to "God"

My tradition teaches the alignment of Torah to Horus

Torah = Torus = Horus = Taurus

These teachings date back up to 6,000 BC

They tell of the dimensional process of the formation of any torus/cell/sphere. From the smallest internalised cells (Genesis - Biology), to the largest externalised spheres (Exodus - Geometry), or the balance and exchange between them (Leviticus - Vector)

My tradition also teaches us the relation of tri-manifeststion, which is present in all various "trinities" dating back as far as recorded history, which is part of the foundation of every mystery school, mythology and religion

The tablet of Shamash illustrates this "secret knowledge" of the 3 aspects of self and all manifest reality (what you would call "God" or "the Trinity"), dating back to 880 BC

The 3 standing in front of the man on the throne, are the 3 aspects (or Freemason "degrees") of self

The Crata Repoa, details some knowledge of the Egyptian mystery schools by the Freemasons, dating back long before the Koran

These processes and rituals align with the Egyptian "Book of the Dead"

Traditions that date back at least as far as 3,200 BC

Which I can tell you still exist today, because I have been through them

So what is it, exactly, you are trying to legitimise here?

"John" within the Bible does not mean what you think it does

"Jesus / Isa / Isis" does not mean what you think it does either

You need look at the deeper meaning of the texts, regarding physical processes of creation

Then you need to look at how to align and legitimise such knowledge within the Koran against Sumerian, Egyptian, Norse and Greek mythological traditions

When you can align re-translated texts, with more than one mythology, as well as known principles within things such as physics, science or mathematics ...

Then you know your are on the right track

There is nothing in the veil texts, except pathways to deeper hidden meaning

You can spend your lifetime chasing your tail trying to understand them, and never get anything outside of blind faith and subservience

Alignment to people long dead and gone, who can do nothing to help you soul, beyond pointing you in the right direction

Fealty and submission is not the purpose of the mysteries, and that is not why we are here

"God" intends for us to seek the mysteries and to try know the things which seem they cannot be known

אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎ (’ehye ’ăšer ’ehye) ... "The question answered question"

Honouring the creator, by seeking the mysteries within the creation

To forsake this, is to forsake the very reason we exist

And to disrespect the essence of what you call "God"

Your religion is a key, but it is not the path itself

He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part there of that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except God and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: “We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord”; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding. Quran 3:7

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
Shouldn’t this be in, like, the fiction section or perhaps, comedy?

O ye who believe! take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport whether among those who received the Scripture before you or among those who reject faith; but fear ye God if ye have Faith (indeed). Quran 5:57

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: CitizenB
He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book: in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are allegorical. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part there of that is allegorical seeking discord and searching for its hidden meanings but no one knows its hidden meanings except God and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: “We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord”; and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding. Quran 3:7

But you are not firmly grounded in knowledge. That is the point

You speak from personal belief as if it is knowing

Within doing this, is the seed of deception, lies and corruption, which actually takes one away from the sovereign nature of their soul, and the true "creator"

That verse you quoted actually refers to those such as yourself. You do not even know, that which you do not know

I'll explain what it means:

"The personal who originally passed down works on the order of things, to be written down, gave them within precise verses and meaning, and these are the foundation (and reason) of the book. Others are unspecific"

"Others are unspecific", means that only the original translations should be sought and accepted. Because all other versions and interpretations since, have come through those who may not have properly understand the wisdom they were translating. And as such, the texts have lost important elements of their original intended meaning, and have become unspecific and vague

Imagine someone trying to translate a book on physics, when they know nothing about science

Here is the example we give in Illumination, which is exactly about the verse you just quoted:

A verse is written, talking about the function of a cars headlights, referring to them as "car lights". Detailing their purpose, and how they keep people safe in their automotive travels

In the original version, the words "car lights" refers to the headlights on a car

Someone who discovers the text, translates it into their own language, translating "car lights" to instead refer to "street lamps", which shine light down on the road for the cars

Contextually, everything still fits for the most part. The safety purposes of the "car lights" is not lost in translation, even though it is translated wrong, because these things are relative

But, they have become "vague and unspecific". As in the verse you quoted

Then, in another subsequent translation by someone else, the "car lights", which are meant to mean "headlights", get mistranslated a step further removed to mean "traffic lights"

Headlights - For the individuals focus and movement
Street lamps - For the area of focus surrounding the individual and their movement
Traffic lights - That which opposes and controls the individual and their movement

All are technically "car lights", so none of the translations are "incorrect", but the intended position and direction has been completely reversed

But again, the translation can still work for the most part, as all three have relative meaning, illustrating similar functions and principles

But, because it has been completely reversed from its intended meaning, to something relative, but opposite, parts within the texts become vague and unspecific

Some parts make perfect sense. Others make no sense at all

This is what has been done with texts like the Bible and Koran

The point of which is, unless the whole translation makes perfect sense, it has not been translated correctly

The modern accepted "God-washed" translations, are the vague translations. Not the precise and accurate original versions

If they were the originals, every line would make perfect sense and we would understand them completely

They have been translated using algorithm, and are all horribly incorrectly translated

The perfect example of the "vague unspecific", is the correlation of many different versions of particular words, being grouped together, to mean the same thing, such as "God", when translated into English

This is a systematic algorithmic corruption

Every single tiny variation of spelling, or piece of punctuation, have very specific intended meanings

The less specific you make the language and its meaning, the less specific the meaning within the text also becomes

To the point where "only God, or the original author" can understand it

"When in doubt? Translate it as 'God'"

This does not mean that the original meaning of the texts cannot be understood

It means someone seriously messed up the translations!

If the original true meaning of the texts were intended not to be understood, then there would be no point in ever having written the texts

When it speaks of those settling for the unspecific, it is very clearly defined within "belief"

That is because there is a big difference between personal belief, knowing and understanding

When things are vague and you cannot properly understand the bad translations, you need belief

If the translations were precise? Belief would not be necessary because you would know

And you would know, because you would be able to align what was written, with other systems of knowledge such as science

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 03:00 AM
You believe you know things, and that is fine. There is nothing wrong with that

The key within seeking any form of the mysteries, is the consideration of all things

Within such, belief is necessity

What we call in Illumination: finding a perfect truth, within a million lies

But, you need be conscious that ...

Personal belief is not the same as knowing
is not the same as understanding

- The Illuminated primary truth

I will give you some examples of what I mean by you do not even know, the things you do not know

originally posted by: CitizenB
The Greatest Secret of the Freemasons is the fact ...

Not fact. Personal belief, which is not the same as knowing. Stating things that you believe, as if they are fact, is the seed of delusion. Be careful ...

How do I know this? I came to know this as I was reading the Bible one day and the idea occurred to me

Again, not knowing. You read something, and it made you think something. This is merely reflection within basic thought. It amounts to personal belief within deduction and logical reasoning. It does not amount to knowledge

When you can take such reflection, and sound it against other established systems of knowledge and/or understanding, to know that possibility is probability? Only then can it be considered knowing

At this point in the story I am usually interrupted ...

Interesting choice of word, "Story". That is the problem with presenting personal belief as if it were knowledge or fact. Within attempting to present your own beliefs as something known and infallible, you also effectively deny others the right to their own contrary beliefs

What do you expect is going to happen?

Fact is the Quran was revealed to John who was “muhammad” not by name but meaning. In Arabic “muhammad” means “the one who was praised” which is what John was when Jesus said: “Of men born of women, there is none greater than John the Baptist.”

Again. Not fact. You are confusing personal belief with knowing. When they are not the same thing

Nobody answered the call and the Quran circulated around Asia until around 1000 AD when some Scribes invented the story of Prophet Muhammad and produced volumes of literature ...

Now you go beyond personal belief. To speculation within imagined probability and possibility

Were you there?

How is it you are presenting speculation of things you cannot possible know, which have absolutely no historical support, as if you know these things and they are fact?

More importantly, why are you presenting them as such?

Within the mystery schools, we learn very early on, that to think and present things in a way where you illustrate speculation or imagined probability and probability as fact, invites and promotes deception, lies and corruption within your own mind, and the way you think

This is an inherent danger within personal belief and deterministic will

Within understanding that it is alright to believe in something greater than yourself, many often come to then falsely believe that nothing could be greater than that which they themselves believe

The Scribes also produced volumes of literature explaining their corrupt interpretation ...

Based on what evidence? Or anything outside of possibilities you perceived within your own mind?

Do not get me wrong here. You may very well be right

But so what?

What does it change? What does it offer you?

What is the point of everything you are trying to align? How will it make tomorrow better than today for yourself, and the rest of the world?

Is it about validating your beliefs?

If so, why are you targeting the Freemasons and John to do so?

What is the bigger picture within what you are seeking? What are you are looking for by aligning such things?

In reality, anyone can easily translate any Quran word even if they cannot read or speak Arabic. This is because Arabic is a root based language and if a reader finds the root of a Quran word of unknown meaning they can find the same root used in another verse where the root is used in context. A concordance is thus an invaluable tool.

All languages are "root based" languages. It is called cognate etymology

But it does not work in reverse as simply as you are suggesting

Words get "less" specific, within their root cognate, not "more" specific

"Com-pare" and "Com-pete". "Com-pletely" opposite and contrary, but they all share root cognate

You are right however, that you can tear a word down to its fundamentals, to find the real intended meaning of the word, but you need to go much, much deeper. Stripping the words all the way back to the intended meaning of the individual symbols used for their lettering

And even within this, "numbers" will always supersede letters, and written "word". Regardless of its content, or who wrote it

That is why Illuminated orders (and Freemasons) align numerically

There is a very specific reason that the symbols for every number and letter that we use, are drawn the way they are

Each of them, in sequence, tells a very specific story regarding the processes of creation, which ties into everything we know in this world

In Illumination, we refer to these as

The primary sequence - Numbers - As in, book of Numbers
The secondary sequence - Letters - As in, book of Deuteronomy

Numbers are an endless, expansive sequence. Hence why they are primary. Connected with creation itself, and the expansion of the universe

Letters are an algorithmic, limited sequence. Hence why they are secondary. Connected to the complexity of internalised reality and matter

A = Angle - A symbol of a right-angle, with "bridge" between
B = Binary - Two curves, linked by a line, combined as one

My point is, that if you really want to understand the original translations, you need to strip the original languages all the way back to the meaning of the individual lettering

As I said, I could write infinitly but the bottom line is: After we die, we will stand before God all alone and answer for all that we have done in this life. If we repented of our sins and lived righteously, God may forgive us and grant us eternity in Heaven. If we persist in idolatry or die as rejectors then God may put us in Hell for eternity.

Have you died?

Have you experienced these things personally?

You are, once again, expressing personal belief as if it is knowing

More so, in this case you are presenting personal belief, as if it were understanding based on experience

You are not saying "I believe this is what happens" ... you are saying "this is what happens"

But you cannot actually be certain

So why would you present yourself as if you were?

You also speak in absolutes and promote a fear of your own mortality

I experienced physical death as part of my Illuminated initiation process, and even I would not dare present myself to be be able to know or name the creator, or their mind on things such as this

Be very, very careful with this

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 10:01 AM
I am so naive. I thought the big secret was the masons infiltration in the Catholic Church to destroy from inside, since it is the only and real Church of Jesus Christ.

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