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Electric Vehicles , The Second Amendment , The Digital Dollar and AI

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posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: LetsGoViking
a reply to: 5thHead

EV's are fine as long as you don't have to go 300 miles and don't have 45 min to 8 hrs to charge and it's not below 20F.
Otherwise, give me an ICE and call it done.

EV's are everywhere in Northern Montana, until the snow comes and it gets cold. Then it's 4x4 ICE vehicles until late Spring.

This is the important point in my view. Different vehicles work better in different circumstances.

EVs are great for city cars where range is less important and infrastructure exists.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: OmegaLogos

I am of the opinion that it wasn't meant to be clear and was instead BAIT!

Oh very much so I wanted someone to pounce on it .

and it did not disappoint .

Explanation: Star for you!

Personal Disclosure: It feels really good to find out my well founded and well vetted and self constructed 'assumptions' were indeed very accurate!

You WIN Bingo! [youtube shorts]

Huzzah!, Its vundabah! Ja ja! Da da! Haha!


posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: LetsGoViking
EV's are fine as long as you don't have to go 300 miles and don't have 45 min to 8 hrs to charge and it's not below 20F.
Otherwise, give me an ICE and call it done.

EV's are everywhere in Northern Montana, until the snow comes and it gets cold. Then it's 4x4 ICE vehicles until late Spring.

Well yeah. Ice cars are better for meth heads that want to drive all night but most normal people want to get out and stretch their legs or eat a pecan roll from buccees after a few hours of driving.

And they don't take 8 hours to charge LOL.

Ice cars have trouble in the cold too by the way. That's why Canadians have little extension cords hanging out of their grills.

How does your ice car start it's engine? A battery.

I'm sure you can find countless videos of people with ice cars having trouble getting them started in the winter. Hell, you prolly have some stories of personal experiences with trying to start ice cars in the cold. I know I do.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

When law-abiding citizens are stripped of their guns, the criminals rejoice. The same is true here in the Caribbean. The bad guys will always have them. Most gun control measures only affect those who are already law-abiding. There is one little section that I would like to change: gun shows. When I was a kid, they were just that. We looked at a lot of stuff, and you could buy things that were legal and for sale in town. I don't think people who cannot legally purchase various accoutrements should be able to do so elsewhere.

Another: The waiting period. I don't think this legislation has been adequately funded. In fact, in some cases, I think it has been intentionally underfunded. I'm okay with a waiting period, as it doesn't subvert the Second Amendment, just delays it for accounting purposes. Fine. I want EACH STATE to put significant funding behind the fullfillment of the investigation which is supposed to occur during the waiting period. Most of us are okay with people who are in certain situations being denied firearms. Otherwise, get off my lawn.

EVs: California, and the left in general, is trying to legislate innovation. You cannot cause people to invent a necessary device by legislating it into existence. Consider Newsom's idea of causing all truckers to use EVs. Consider the actual logistics. Okay, so California receives several hundreds of billions of dollars raised from somewhere. Stipulate that for the sake of the hypothetical situation. They then set up charging stations at every truck stop in the state. They also institute a program where ever EV big rig uses the same rechargeable batteries, conveniently stored in a roll-out plastic tray. The truck rolls into the station, after a gruelling 400 miles of service, and the battery jockeys rush out with a tray of charged batteries that have onboard indication of the total amp-hours (or whatever unit become applicable) of the tray, and they disconnect the used tray from the truck, roll it out, roll in the new tray, connect it to the truck's electrical system, and close the access panel. One of the jockeys processes the trucker's payment card, and the other lifts up the bar from the used battery tray and pulls the tray to the charging station.

ALL batteries have a finite life, and to a small degree, every cycle diminishes the batteries. That's why you can't call all batteries the same, nor charge the same for their power. So EACH battery tray has to be evaluated as to its monetary worth. The trucker pays, grabs some chow and continues her or his journey. This is after the private trucker has agreed to get a loan for $300 K or more to pay for their rig, and hopes to live long enough to make any money from it. The alternative is to have a fleet to leapfrog the trucks, along with a crew to do so intrastate. This is, of course, impossible.

This is just a hypothesized example of the lack of considering the consequences that the left fails to examine. Much as Pelosi said about ACA (Obamacare) -- "we'll figure out the details after we pass it" (that was a paraphrase, by the way), the consequences of these acts are not being considered.

Everyone wants these things, but they have to occur organically, as technology changes and improves. Right now, the U.S. is using muddy Venezuelan oil, instead of its own "sweet" oil. Why? Well, you and I can guess. Better to used the beloved reserves and buy foreign than acknowledge that the U.S. still needs oil.

No point in pretending that technology is more advanced than it is. I look forward to a time where the great distances of the U.S. can be conquered with electric vehicles --- assuming the production of them become less environmentally frightening.

I know nothing about AI. Not really. I know that I've seen the movie, and it didn't end well. I know that the U.S. and most countries are FAR FAR too dependent upon the internet and conventional power grid. I think we are less likely than in the past to be hit with nuclear bombs. Nope. Far easier to use and EMP. Then the land is still good, and baby needs new shoes (land).

That is what I think.
edit on 7/8/24 by argentus because: paragraphs

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: OmegaLogos

I am of the opinion that it wasn't meant to be clear and was instead BAIT!

Oh very much so I wanted someone to pounce on it .

and it did not disappoint .

What an ingenious way to dissuade people from your actual point. I guess you win?

This is the reason the right loses.

It's not about winning or Losing .

It's about making you and others understand the Ridiculous nature of the current Political Thought Process with Guns .

No amount of Gun Laws will make a Difference it literally does not matter . The Guns are there they exist it is a bell that cannot be un-rung . Nothing will keep them out of the hands of Criminals .

People Kill People . Keep Guns away from mentally Ill people . We can start by re-opening all of the Mental Hospitals that were closed under the Obama Administration .

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Gun control laws don't work and all at the same time any amount of extreme violence committed by some crazy person with a Gun is not a good reason to Take away out rights to Guns .

Gun control laws that don't make it significantly harder to get and keep guns don't work.

It does not matter the Language of the Gun LAW !?

Criminals do not Obey laws ..... is that really so hard for people to understand ? The only people who obey laws are LAW ABIDING CITIZENS , The very people who are the victims of Criminals .

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Why does your hypothetical feature a white republican conservative male racist?

Just spitballing, here, but I would guess that Asabuv thought people would focus on the variable rather than the hypothetical situation, had he chosen a radical liberal with bad teeth and ideology to match sporting a printed pastel AR.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 03:11 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Gun control laws don't work and all at the same time any amount of extreme violence committed by some crazy person with a Gun is not a good reason to Take away out rights to Guns .

Gun control laws that don't make it significantly harder to get and keep guns don't work.

It does not matter the Language of the Gun LAW !?

Criminals do not Obey laws ..... is that really so hard for people to understand ? The only people who obey laws are LAW ABIDING CITIZENS , The very people who are the victims of Criminals .

Laws that make it more difficult to get guns will reduce gun crime. The only way do that is much much stricter rules on buying and owning guns.

Rules around where and when you can carry guns I agree have little impact as criminals by definition are unlikely to obey them.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Laws that make it more difficult to get guns will reduce gun crime. The only way do that is much much stricter rules on buying and owning guns.

Again mate that is not even kind of True .

New York , Chicago , Washington D.C. , Las Angeles and others have the Strictest Gun laws in America and yet they have the most Gun Violence by a large Margin .

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: argentus

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Why does your hypothetical feature a white republican conservative male racist?

Just spitballing, here, but I would guess that Asabuv thought people would focus on the variable rather than the hypothetical situation, had he chosen a radical liberal with bad teeth and ideology to match sporting a printed pastel AR.

Very much so . I wanted the most radical variable possible that the MSM would latch on to .

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Laws that make it more difficult to get guns will reduce gun crime. The only way do that is much much stricter rules on buying and owning guns.

Again mate that is not even kind of True .

New York , Chicago , Washington D.C. , Las Angeles and others have the Strictest Gun laws in America and yet they have the most Gun Violence by a large Margin .

Gun control by city isn't much more impactful than hanging a no get sign as on a cafe window as it does ltlle to impact availability of guns.

States with stricter gun laws generally have lower number of homicides however even here it's a strict corelstion as strict is a subjective tern and there is little to keep illegal guns flowing between stares.

Only nation wide laws that make vastly harder to buy and keep a gun nation wide would have have much impact on the availability of fire arms and reduce gun crime.

edit on 8-8-2024 by BedevereTheWise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: 5thHead

Might want to do some homework. Charging a Tesla from 20% to full on a standard 120V outlet can take anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. Charging at 240v a full charge could take anywhere from several hours to overnight. If its cold, then add more time. Batteries don't like charging in cold weather (below 32F).

My Durango starts with no issue at -35F like this last winter.

Anyone can have trouble starting their car if they don't take care of the battery.

And the "little extension cords hanging out of their grills" is a block heater and it keeps the oil pan warm to avoid the oil freezing. Nothing to do with the battery. We have them too.

edit on 8-8-2024 by LetsGoViking because: minor edit for clarity

posted on Aug, 8 2024 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: LetsGoViking
a reply to: 5thHead

Might want to do some homework. Charging a Tesla from 20% to full on a standard 120V outlet can take anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. Charging at 240v a full charge could take anywhere from several hours to overnight. If its cold, then add more time. Batteries don't like charging in cold weather (below 32F).

My Durango starts with no issue at -35F like this last winter.

Anyone can have trouble starting their car if they don't take care of the battery.

And the "little extension cords hanging out of their grills" is a block heater and it keeps the oil pan warm to avoid the oil freezing. Nothing to do with the battery. We have them too.

Even in best case scenarios (fast charger etc) they are much longer to get back the equivalent range in a ICE car.

I am actually a fan of electric cars but people need to be more realistic about when and for who they are suitable.

We are still years away from electric cars being a direct substitute for an ICE car.

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