posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to:
I don't mean to be a wonder buzzkill here, but it was The Qin Dynasty ruling in 260 BC. Or the Xia Dynasty. They were hydrology masters. Between Qin
Shi Huang and Yu The Great they did a lot of building.
And these are the dynasties that built a freaking tomb with rivers of mercury in the likeness of the Chinese watershed.
The 8000 stone warriors too. This was during the dynasties during which all the crazy advanced flood control structures and elaborate tombs were
The steep stairs say they really were more utilitarian than ornately carved. The parallel lines seem to be tool marks. Perhapa they formed these caves
like how ancient carved obelisks. Workers pounding out rows with stone tools working their grove for the day. Starting from the top and working down.
Literally carving a out around pillars as they went. If I had to guess. Seems fastest way to carved the material.
Like with Egypt, we are myopic with our backwards view of our ancestors abilities. Always assumed they weren't intelligent enough to use mirrors to
reflect light fully into the cave.
I love these caves, but these videos bug me because they always make false causal connections. Omit lines of logic entirely to parrot some Joe Rogan
Like "no queried stones". Or never acknowledging the type of sedimentary rock they carved these out of.
I don't want to turn this into a geology thread, but it appears they carved these out of very easy to work with stone. Argillaceous siltstone. That
turns to tiny pieces. Like carving a sandstone obelisk with a pounding rock.
edit on 6-8-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason