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Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (Redux)

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posted on Aug, 4 2024 @ 06:08 PM
This is taken from an old PSA by the former ATS Owner, SkepticOverlord

It's time to reel the rhetoric back in to ATS standards.

Those who enjoy concocting broad-stroke insults direct toward those not of their political persuasion may jerk their knee and call this a restriction of free expression... so be it.

But the overwhelming atmosphere of hate, insults, and over-the-top exaggerations is not desired here on ATS. When we see an abundance of disparaging names and hateful condescension, the atmosphere is polluted and discussion turns away from the issues and toward each other. And that, my friends, is playing into the political game "they" want you to play.

From this moment forward, the following rules apply throughout all of ATS:

[1] Politically inspired name calling of an ideological group is not allowed: examples: "Libtards," "kamalalaa"," "Repuglicans," "Drumpf" etc.

[2] Alterations of a politicians name, or any other high-profile political figure, for disparaging political effect is not allowed, including within member avatars and signatures.

[2a] Avatars designed exclusively to denigrate a politician or political figure, using derogatory wording or photo-manipulation, is not allowed.

[3] Posts that attack other members.

[4] Posts that stray from the discussion of the issue/topic and focus on the political affiliation of members are not allowed.

[5] All other politically-charged trolling and sniping intended, in the opinion of our staff and topic participants, to derail discussion away form the issues are not allowed.

In the event we encounter the above infractions, you risk the removal of your entire post or thread without warning or recourse.
You also risk a temporary POSTING BAN. For starters.

YOU are responsible for your own posts
No one else. No one is forcing you to reply to others who may push your buttons.

If you're unable to participate in political debate without engaging in making up disparaging names for those not of your affiliation, then perhaps ATS is not the place for you to discuss politics.

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