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When is a dog whistle no longer a dog whistle?

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posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 04:37 PM

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Anyone here have a Trump translator? You know the one people use when he says something horrible, and then his attachés come in to translate for us and tell us what he really meant?

Well, we really need one of those here, who has one?

She will be like a play toy, but he won't say why, because people already know. Can anyone who hears this dog whistle tell me what the exact reason is she is like a play toy? Is it because she's a woman and women shouldn't be taken seriously? Or does it have to do with her race?

He obviously doesn't want to say it, but he thinks that people should already know what he means. Can anyone help a brother out and decrypt what he said?

And if it has to do with policy and platform, why wouldn't he say that? Why do we have to tune in to a specific frequency to hear it?

Much obliged.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

This is the least tactical path to go down.

The people that agree with him on that position are already part of his base. He’s just going to give fodder for those who always talked about racism and sexism.

I don’t think this is going to garner any more independents.

The smart play for him is to just talk about how he has more experience and play to her struggle to get popularity until she got lucky on snagging the ticket.

I won’t be voting for either of them, so I’ll just watch from the sidelines. This was a bad move IMO.

I don’t even really care about the DEI angle, it doesn’t upset me. I just think it’s a bad move to keep doubling down on.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

When is a dog whistle no longer a dog whistle?

When it is a bullet whistling through your ear...

Some here want you to leave or at least tone your rhetoric down a bit.

But not me! I want the world to see what you stand for and how you express yourself. We can't and won't change you, it is up to you to see the light and change yourself.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 04:59 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

Dog Whistles are a figment of the Liberal Imagination.

If you want to speak about real problems, why don't you ask why Democrats keep promising to help people of color while destroying any chance they have to succeed.

As far as Harris comes across, regardless of sex or race, she speaks in loops and says nothing and then cackles. She may be very smart. I don't know but she comes across like a person who has little control. Just my opinion and i give little care to someone's race or what sex they were born into. I mostly judge people by their choices and the results.

edit on 1-8-2024 by Justsomeboreddude3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

I've noticed it's a continuous stream of "Trump said this" or Trump said that" and never a peep about what Harris has actually done to help Americans.

That seems to be the strategy for Democrats. Kamala has no qualifications to lead this country and you know it, so all you can do is tear down Trump.

How about make a thread and tell us what makes her such a great choice ?

We all know why you won't.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:04 PM
Trump casting red herrings left right and sideways and the red meat bait is being gobbled up fast!! 😃

Hard to defend apparently. Let's see what the best the Harris Campaign can do is. Deflective lies maybe? 😊

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: Boomer1947

This is what you guys fail to grasp.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: Mahogani
[.....]She will be like a play toy, but he won't say why, because people already know. Can anyone who hears this dog whistle tell me what the exact reason is she is like a play toy? Is it because she's a woman and women shouldn't be taken seriously? Or does it have to do with her race?

He obviously doesn't want to say it, but he thinks that people should already know what he means. Can anyone help a brother out and decrypt what he said?

And if it has to do with policy and platform, why wouldn't he say that? Why do we have to tune in to a specific frequency to hear it?

Much obliged.

I've noticed women leading other countries don't seem to have any problem.
edit on Thu Aug 1 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed long quote

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: Mahogani

I seriously doubt that you will find anything remaining on the MSM that will explain your question.
Like some will say that Trump appears to be the wrong kind of man for the job, some people will say that K. is the wrong kind of woman to hold herself from giving into tough males. Think about it. You want her to debate Putin?

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Like some will say that Trump appears to be the wrong kind of man for the job, some people will say that K. is the wrong kind of woman to hold herself from giving into tough males. Think about it. You want her to debate Putin?

I think that’s the better way to present it.

I don’t think she’s the right person for the job. I don’t think that’s inherent to her being a woman. One of the highest executives at the company I work at is a woman, and I work with her often. She’s professional but the most savage of all of us when she has to be, in an effective way.

I’d even say it’s very likely Harris got the position because of some of her describing traits, like being a person of color and being a woman. That’s a shame, but a bad political stance to keep drumming on considering you can make more effective arguments about her as a person.

Her getting that spot because of how she was born is no different than Dubya because of who his daddy was. The world isn’t fair, and I don’t concern myself with getting caught up on that when policy is far more effective to go after.
edit on 1-8-2024 by CriticalStinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:25 PM
You know you're dealing with a vain individual when their main criticism is, "Just look at her."

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: Mahogani
I believe what I heard in dog whistlenese was "she would be a flirtatious whore who would easily be swayed with money, gifts, and even ,masculine coercion, have her trembling in her panties " . Was that right?

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

If someone didn't know anything about Harris and they Google her credentials she would on paper out weigh Trump.

One of the main "jobs" of the POTUS is to deal with foreign affairs, the USs foreign policy is a very complex machine that has many working parts would Harris be able to work it? Trump could barely hold it together, and that's because he has strong negotiating skills.

Bur, to be honest I feel the next administration needs to work on domestic issues before they can return to being the strong America that world needs.

Political bants aside, I hope the next POTUS protects all its citizens constitutional rights, as that is their main duty.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 05:57 PM

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posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

How about make a thread and tell us what makes her such a great choice ?

We all know why you won't.

It would be a blank page.

Her failures stand out like a sore thumb.

Trump is not lying.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I've seen a lot of people who looked good on paper, but practical experience wins every time. Do you think Harris can handle the Ayatollah ? I mean other than shoveling money at Iran.

How about Putin or Kim Jong Un ?

China and their intentions to take Taiwan ?

Biden has already shown they are weak when it comes to foreign policy and Harris will continue to appease our enemies, rather than let them know that this is not the time to FAFO.

Trump may be an asshole, but he doesn't mince words and giggle.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:18 PM
The thing about dog whistles (good ones) is that dogs can hear them, humans can't.

Yet, when Trump says something, the liberal media is able to tell us it's a "dog whistle" directed towards racists or misogynists.

Kinda makes you wonder how the liberal media is able to pick up on these racist or misogynist "dog whistles" and bring it to the attention of the Trump supporters who never noticed them. Do they hire racist and misogynist consultants to listen out for these "whistles"? Or are they already on staff?

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: Mahogani
[.....]She will be like a play toy, but he won't say why, because people already know. Can anyone who hears this dog whistle tell me what the exact reason is she is like a play toy? Is it because she's a woman and women shouldn't be taken seriously? Or does it have to do with her race?

He obviously doesn't want to say it, but he thinks that people should already know what he means. Can anyone help a brother out and decrypt what he said?

And if it has to do with policy and platform, why wouldn't he say that? Why do we have to tune in to a specific frequency to hear it?

Much obliged.

I've noticed women leading other countries don't seem to have any problem.

Could be because they are qualified for the Job and not DEI hires .

Plenty of woman are qualified and capable of leading countries. But not Kamala Harris . She was VP for a reason , A mantle piece , Wax Fruit . She looked good and checked some boxes but in no way can she do the job.

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: NightFlight
a reply to: Mahogani
Some here want you to leave or at least tone your rhetoric down a bit.

But not me! I want the world to see what you stand for and how you express yourself. We can't and won't change you, it is up to you to see the light and change yourself.

Well then, to make you happy, I will stick around! Thanks!

I was thinking about leaving a couple of months ago, but as this election gets closer, there is just so much 'rhetoric' I can bring here, in the shape of facts and links and videos... and humor.

And it looks like the material will be bottomless from the Trump camp -- so stay tuned!

posted on Aug, 1 2024 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Up until Biden started to take a turn for the worse I'm his mental abilities, his involvement in foreign policy was to be the angel of death, I never liked Biden because wherever he went anywhere in the world, war or instability followed.

He's been at the forefront of dismantling former soviet states his whole career.

I guess Kamala doesn't have that neo liberal experience, which means she doesn't have any skin in that game. She's best put in domestic policy, not foreign in my opinion.
The world order is changing tho, and again, to be honest I want to see a strong America again on the world stage, and I don't think Donald or Kamala is the best choice, nor was Biden, that's the state of America, again, fix the problems at home, get your house in order, stop dividing, stop dehumanizing each other.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

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