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Kamala Harris is Hiding

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posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:56 PM
Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee.

Why not?

We all know how Biden coasted to a "win" in 2020 by staying in his basement while not doing press conferences but I think he did do a few rally's where 100 people or less may have shown up though.

What is Kamala scared of?

Dem supporters here like to delusionally think that Trump is scared of her but the real problem is is that Harris is a terrible off the cuff speaker in unscripted interviews and she is going to be the same in any debate against Trump.

Couple that with the Biden/Harris garbage policies and you have a recipe for disaster for Kamala and the Liberal cult.

She’s since hit the campaign trail, spoken at various events, and even chatted with reporters here and there, but hasn’t done a formal press conference or wide-ranging interview in the 10 days that have followed. 

Harris, who became the likely nominee without receiving a single primary vote when President Biden announced he would step aside, has been so elusive that The New York Times published excerpts from an interview she conducted last year to see where her answers "land now." 

NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham expects her to follow President Biden’s 2020 playbook, when he was famously accused of hiding in his basement during the COVID pandemic. 

Since the 2020 campaign, we have witnessed the bizarre spectacle of Donald Trump granting wide access to networks that suggest he's a fascist and hammer him daily, while Biden and Harris won't grant interviews to media outlets that gurgle all over them and their ‘historic accomplishments,’" he continued. "Either they think the press can never be servile enough or they are projecting a complete lack of confidence in their efforts to put complete sentences together."

We are going to see a lot of this come November when she loses and I cannot wait.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

It was a great strategy for Joe.

He is still the president...right?

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

I think Kamala will be waiting on DNC convention ,and the nominee being made official.

She wont be hiding for long, that will be DonOLD's gig

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Kamal's word salads are every bit as good as Joe's and she can best him with her cckle, which is ten times more powerful than his whisper or angry face.

No way could the DNC take a chance on a news interview without a whole lot more Kamal training and question/answer rehersal.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: rigel4

LOL This isn't helping!
DNC Official Leaked

No faith in Mrs. Harris.

edit on 31-7-2024 by chiefsmom because: clarify

edit on 31-7-2024 by chiefsmom because: Not the head of the DNC

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Is she?

She was at a rally yesterday. Perhaps you missed it?

BBC News - Kamala Harris challenges Donald Trump to debate at Georgia rally - BBC News

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:10 PM
Remind us again, when was the last time Trump held a press conference and actually took questions?

So far Kamala's has had events pretty much every day while Trump has one or two a week and spends the rest of his time playing golf.

I get it. He's old and campaigning is a full time job. Maybe being a Walmart greeter is more his pace.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:10 PM
She doesn’t have to time for all that.
Being the Border Czar is a full time gig, when you’re not drinking wine anyway.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
What is Kamala scared of?

That people will find out that she's 50% Indian and about 25% Jamaican and 25% Irish ... therefore she's really not a black woman.

But other than that, she's been at rallies and she's been campaigning. I don't think she's hiding. She's basking in the adoration of the lemming left. They are so enthralled that Biden is out, they'll even accept her ... a cackling idiot hamas-hugging gun-grabbing socialist ... without asking any really tough questions.

She is fully half Indian by her mother.

Her father is Jamaican ... but that Jamaican line has IRISH people in it.

So her being 1/2 Jamaican is not really true. Part of that 1/2 is IRISH.

Here is her fathers picture - Read Here

And more information here READ HERE says that some of the Jamaican ancestors were actually IRISH and not from Jamaica ... so Harris being 1/2 Jamaican isn't actually fully 1/2 Jamaican either.
edit on 7/31/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Remind us again, when was the last time Trump held a press conference and actually took questions?

So far Kamala's has had events pretty much every day while Trump has one or two a week and spends the rest of his time playing golf.

I get it. He's old and campaigning is a full time job. Maybe being a Walmart greeter is more his pace.

What office does Trump currently hold please?

You do realize the guy holds rallies all over, sometimes more than one a day. For instance he did the Bitcoin conference then headed up to MN to do a rally over the weekend.

But do...go on.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Kamalala was never a good speaker, actually that is why she was kept from too many public appearances while vp, she has a nervous problem that makes her break in out of place giggles.

That was One of the reasons democrats wanted to replace her in the beginning of Joe presidential time.

Every time she has a rally the only thing, she was able to drill was project 2025, Plus freedoms yada yada, that project is no longer viable, As Trump vocally has put it down.

Project 2025, director left the Heritage foundation due to pressure from Trump. Now that kamalala have nothing now to push in her rallies, they have to hide her in order to find something else for her to say.

She needs scripts and teleprompters in order to hold a speech, soo is better to put her in the closet or basement for now, after all remember who is runny her, the swamp, they are doing just like they did with old incapacitate Joe.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

And Kamala is having larger rallies than Trump. So clearly she's not hiding.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
Remind us again, when was the last time Trump held a press conference and actually took questions?

So far Kamala's has had events pretty much every day while Trump has one or two a week and spends the rest of his time playing golf.

I get it. He's old and campaigning is a full time job. Maybe being a Walmart greeter is more his pace.

Hells yea! He never spoke to the press when he was president. And he hasn't done any interviews or rallies since he started this campaign. I think he's afraid of democrats because they are sofaking awesome and smart.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom

What do you expect, when her own party try to get rid of her because of poor and low performance as a VP.

But hey, the swamp rather screw democracy, getting rid of old incapacitated joe and have her as the next puppet, while disenfranchising 14 million voters that wanted joe back.

Democrats are running American under their version of democracy and crapping on their followers like they mean nothing, just numbers and lately with cheating they do not even need voters anymore.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

And Kamala is having larger rallies than Trump. So clearly she's not hiding.

That Meghan The Stallion concert?

Where a rather large portion left after she was done with her songs?

..but before Kamala spoke?

That "rally?"

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
And Kamala is having larger rallies than Trump. So clearly she's not hiding.

I agree she's not hiding.
But the claim her rallies are larger than Trumps?
Gunna' have to provide documentation on that one.

I googled up her latest rally and she claimed it was 10,000 people

Ahead of Harris's rally, crowds snaked around the Georgia State Convocation Center for hours, with sweaty attendees moving at a snail's pace in the 90-degree heat — a scene that until recently was more familiar at Trump's rallies. The Harris campaign ultimately announced a crowd count of 10,000 people

And her rally in Carlisle PA was 'hundreds'.

Trumps are clearly much larger than those.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I been telling that to people and they had no idea, how black she really is.

No wonder the liberal media keeps drilling that if you talk about kamalala gender and race you are racist.

When she tried to run for president the last time, she identified herself as Indian I guess it did not work.

This time she is been tagged as black, because democrats love to target black Americans, even when they do not do a darn thing for them.

Her background has been manufactured to serve a purpose, gender and race appeal.

I guess like old joe Metamorphosis of different links to groups and races, Kamalala next link to be as a latina when black will not work anymore.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Threadbarer
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

And Kamala is having larger rallies than Trump. So clearly she's not hiding.

I remember when the size of a rally didn't mean anything about popularity. Good times. Keep making me smile.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: network dude

Trump notoriously canceled all press briefings when he was President.

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: network dude

They don't, but I know that it makes you guys cry that Kamala is a bigger draw than Trump.

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