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Some of the paths that led us to the Ukraine situation.

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posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 01:02 AM
In the mid to late 1990’s, Croatia annexed the republic of Serbia Krajina.

Which NATO incorporated Croatia afterwards, much less without any punishment. Basically with a blink of an eye.

While the prewar 1991 Croatian census counted 581,663 Serbs, or 12.2% of the population in Croatia,[325] the first postwar 2001 census showed only 201,631 Serbs remaining in Croatia, or just 4.5% of the population.

According to Serbian sources, some 120,000 Serbs were displaced from 1991 to 1993, and 250,000 were displaced after Operation Storm.[323] The number of displaced Serbs was 254,000 in 1993,[316] dropping to 97,000 in the early 1995[315] and then increasing again to 200,000 by the end of the year. Most international sources place the total number of Serbs displaced at around 300,000. According to Amnesty International 300,000 were displaced from 1991 to 1995, of which 117,000 were officially registered as having returned as of 2005.[269] According to the OSCE, 300,000 were displaced during the war, of which 120,000 were officially registered as having returned as of 2006. However, it is believed the number does not accurately reflect the number of returnees, because many returned to Serbia, Montenegro, or Bosnia and Herzegovina after officially registering in Croatia.[317] According to the UNHCR in 2008, 125,000 were registered as having returned to Croatia, of whom 55,000 remained permanently.[324]

Displacing hundreds of thousands ethnic Serbs, and later repopulated with Croatian citizens.

But that’s ok, bring em to NATO.

And onwards to Russia’s doorstep and let’s see what happens lolz

A little forward with Kosovo, which is Serbian for centuries. Bar none. Now NATO has a base on it after 1999.

Clinton/Biden completely overlooking the Muslim extremists terrorist cells there. Not only that they gave them support and a sanctuary. Shocker.

Genocide has been confirmed from all sides.

Yet, the rhetoric was only MSM’d on only one side, Serbia.

Who some thought they were friendly with Drunken Yeltsin, so there was the need to have Serbia stripped and have NATO bases on it. Even though Muslim extremist terrorists cells there were basically patted down from the media at the time.

Then Putin arrives with wanting having better relations and having the classic good meeting with George W Bush.

Which Bush respected Putin and had good words for btw.

President George W. Bush's Thoughts on Putin and the Press

But it was destined to become chaos further with some destabilizing parties in the background.

And when you look at the ones that were most vocal/msm sheep hoarding/propagandizing while using classic Hildawg tactics, it’s mostly from the left. Clintons , Biden, Blair etc

Madeline albright 1990’s.

Victoria Nuland 2010’s.

edit on 31-7-2024 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

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