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God of the Gates of Hell was in front of Last Supper in Paris

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posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 09:33 AM
The Paris opening ceremony had the God Pan in the first shot laughing and celebrating. The God Pan's main temple was at a place called "The Gates of Hell". There they had "relations" with Goats, sacrificed animals, and sacrificed children. The sacrificed children were thrown into a huge very deep cave/pit called "The Gates of Hell"

What disturbs me the most is the organizers of the Paris opening said they knew exactly what the symbology was for the opening ceremony.

I watched it before knowing the controversy. It was colorful, joyful, and for France extraordinarily multicultural. I lived 45 minutes from France and went to Paris quite a few times. Paris was not as multicultural as was portrayed in the opening ceremony. But I knew that it is the "in" thing to have as many cultures represented in entertainment as possible, plus the entertainment was to represent the world. No issue with me, but I did notice.

The long segment with the threesome lovers was again, no surprise as it is de rigueur for entertainment to have a minimum of one LGBTQP+ segment in every event. Again surprised at an event aimed at all ages, but I know France is very liberal. Except for the growing Muslim community that may soon force France in another direction, but that is for another day.

When it came to the "Last Supper" it was very colorful. With the long shots it was difficult to tell they were men in drag. Mocking the Last Supper (Christianity), with some disciples hanging over a little child (which was not at the last supper). It was weird and bizarre, but then so was many of the rest of the entertainment. (BTW, loved Lady Gaga's performance, not bizarre, but very good)

As I have given it some consideration I have come to this conclusion.

The French were purposely trying to denigrate Christianity.
The opening ceremony was overall a celebration of liberation from the "constraints" of religion
Turning to the God Pan, where all is allowed
The God Pan was the God of Wine, Women, Song (as in all debauchery goes and is celebrated)

But the God of Pan's dark side is he is also the God who presides over the "Gates of Hell"

I have come to the conclusion that it was a universal declaration by the committee that:
"Christianity can go to hell" (they banned a surfer from having a picture of Jesus on his surfboard)
Christians can go to hell
Because that is where the new God celebrated globally by the Global elite, and the "New World Order" resides.

Comments, thoughts

Especially why didn't they also mock Mohammad, whose religion finds everything done in the name of Pan (the new God of the Global elite) to be an abomination?

I wrote this before picking up my Granddaughter for a day with Grandma, so won't get back to reading comments until this evening. Hope it is interesting reading.

edit on 7/30/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: grammar

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Full disclosure: I am a devout Christian. However, I am what those who ascribe to a denomination would consider “rogue.” I have no place to lay my head, so to speak, because I have come to understand that the institution that the church has become is not what Christ intended. There are many others like me who have come out and who wander the desert alone. But it is here that we have come to understand Isaiah 43:19-21. It is here that we have come to recognize the still, small voice.

Having said that, what can I tell you, if my unconventional perspective is of any interest to you, is that when I saw the news reports of the Olympic debacle, I initially felt nothing. It was like looking at an ant railing obscenities at me. What sort of reaction would we have to that? None really. But when I asked the Lord about it, I began to feel sorrow. I felt pity and a great desire for those who were mocking God to be given understanding. That’s what feel now. I feel sadness for them and I genuinely desire for them to be given the light of understanding that what they mock, is the only thing that will ever truly give them joy and peace.

“When they came to the place called The Skull, they crucified Him there, along with the criminals, one on His right and the other on His left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up His garments by casting lots.” (Luke 23:33,34)

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

So from what I've been reading. It is not the last supper, but was based on a 17th century artist's painting. Van Bijlert's work
"The tableau vivant" aka "The Feast of the Gods" . In the painting the characters at the table represent the following. Sun god Apollo is recognizable by his halo, Bacchus (Dionysus) by the grapes, Neptune (Poseidon) by his trident, Diana (Artemis) by the moon, Venus (Aphrodite) by Cupid, You can also see Minerva, the godess of wisdom, and of course Mars, the god of war (next to Venus, the godess of love who had a well known relationship).

And even Thomas Jolly denied the scene was based on the last supper.

“That wasn’t my inspiration,” he told BFM TV. “I think it was pretty clear. There’s Dionysus who arrives at the table … Why is he there? Because he’s the god of feasting, of wine, and the father of Sequana, the goddess of the River Seine.” link

You can be offended by it I guess. Even though it had nothing to do with Christianity. But keep playing the victim?

edit on 10Tue, 30 Jul 2024 10:59:20 -0500America/Chicago24580 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: grey580

Nonsense, why would they showcase a Greek feast at the Olympics? It's clearly a depiction of the last supper with four additional members added to rewrite and undermine the bible.

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 12:45 PM
I find most of the interpretations of Pan to be way off. He was, amongst other things, protector of the young.

It is also interesting that even though he went in pursuit of many a woman, he never succeeded in catching one.

And yes, the feast of the gods was inspired by the Greek works of antiquity. The last supper was similarly inspired by older works.

Everything gets repeated throughout history. Including the virgin birth of Christ. Christ, Christos, Horus, son of Isis. Some don't know where the Good News comes from.

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: strongfp

I hope you forgot to /sarc otherwise lol

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

But keep playing the victim?

My response would be "keep looking at the bigger picture". Therein lies the truth.

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: TruthJava

The bigger picture tells me that Christians are loosing grip with reality...

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: grey580
That was the rumor going around the internet for sure.

However, the Olympic Committee in charge had a live interview and confirmed it was "The Last Supper" This is an AP news article

The man in front of the scene was dressed as the God Pan not Dionysus

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

If you can manage to get through the biblical references, this explains the Temple of Pan. I suggest you skip to around the 9 minute mark in the video because it is a long video.

Where animals were sacrificed

People had "relations" with goats -pagan-cult-center-by-jews

In the pagan mindset, the limestone cave at Caesarea Philippi was literally a gate to the underworld, where fertility gods spent the winter. Here at the tenemos (shrine precinct) facing a series of marble temples and niches for pagan idols, worshippers engaged in ritual prostitution and bestiality with goats in the belief that those sexual relations would entice the return of Pan in the spring.

Caesarea Philippi was infamous for its ritual sex.

Children were ritually sacrificed

The Temple of Pan had been built there (Gates of Hell) a few hundred years earlier, and when people came to worship Pan, they would bring with them an infant child to be offered as a sacrifice. The child was thrown into the water that flowed from the rock on the side of the cliff. If the child went under the water and disappeared, that meant Pan had accepted their sacrifice. If instead, the child’s was dashed apart under water and its blood flowed into the river below, Pan had rejected their sacrifice. Either way, the child’s life was over.

Children were thrown live into a huge very deep watery pit.

All in honor and worship of the God Pan

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: grey580

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: TruthJava

The bigger picture tells me that Christians are loosing grip with reality...

When Great Britain began arresting people for standing and silently praying in public, bothering no one, speaking to no one. Well..isn't that The police walked up to the woman and asked, are you praying, when she said yes, she was arrested. This has happened several times now.

The question is:
France has a huge Muslim population
To be inclusive why didn't they have a scene with penis bearing people in drag wearing colorful hijabs dancing and having fun eating bacon?
To be inclusive why didn't they have Hindu's dressed colorfully riding people dressed as cows?
To be inclusive why didn't they have a dancing Buddha play fighting with a gun ?

The bigger question is why were the Olympics so intolerant and non-inclusive when it came to religion:
Why are only Christians mocked by the liberals, the elites and told to STFU and have a sense of humor?
Why not depict Mohammad eating pork and tell Muslims to STFU and have a sense of humor?

Murder LGBTQ seems to be ok if one is in the Middle East, and the LGBTQ community does nothing, says nothing.

Why do the left only attack Christians when it comes to equality for women? When in the middle east women are cloistered, forced to hide behind hijabs, and are little more than pets to have sex with, cook, clean and have children. Don't hear a damn word from the left about that, nope not a word.

So don't tell me that Christians aren't THE main target (victims) of the left, of liberals, even Democrat politicians, the elite, the intelligentsia - who refuse to even acknowledge the Islamic religions horrific actual legalized treatment of people with vaginas and LGBTQ.

I think the left enjoy bullying, taunting people they feel are safe to bully mock, and even arrest for praying silently in public (as is happening now in UK).

Bullying is mostly done out of some psychological and pathological fear of the other.

Why are the left, liberals and many Democrats so terrified of Christians?

The liberal left DEMANDs Christians accept their morality when they utterly refuse to even tolerate what we think is moral? The far liberal left allows the Muslims to do so, why not the Christians, or why not bully and victimize both?

Intolerance runs deep for Christians among the liberal left and they seem to feel superior for doing so.
Even putting on a show that symbolically says "go to hell Christians".

edit on 7/31/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Jul, 31 2024 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Correction: We were both right. I checked it out more throughly.

They are the same God with different names.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

the guy behind the show said that it was not. People have also gone in and debunked that it was the last supper.

So I don't know.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

the guy behind the show said that it was not. People have also gone in and debunked that it was the last supper.

So I don't know.

PARIS (AP) — Paris Olympics organizers apologized to anyone who was offended by a tableau that evoked Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” during the glamorous opening ceremony, but defended the concept behind it Sunday.

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Here's right from the creators mouth. Stop playing the victim.

Mr. Jolly said on Sunday that he had not been inspired by “The Last Supper.”

“It is Dionysus who arrives at the table,” Mr. Jolly said in a television interview with the French media outlet BFMTV. Dionysus is the Greek god of festivities and wine, and is the father of Sequana, the goddess of the Seine River, he said. “The idea was instead to have a grand pagan festival connected to the gods of Olympus, Olympism,” he added.

edit on 5Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:17:39 -0500America/Chicago24580 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2024 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

Here's right from the creators mouth. Stop playing the victim.

Mr. Jolly said on Sunday that he had not been inspired by “The Last Supper.”

“It is Dionysus who arrives at the table,” Mr. Jolly said in a television interview with the French media outlet BFMTV. Dionysus is the Greek god of festivities and wine, and is the father of Sequana, the goddess of the Seine River, he said. “The idea was instead to have a grand pagan festival connected to the gods of Olympus, Olympism,” he added.

Whose a Victim? That's the new liberal insult for everyone who disagrees with them. Try something more creative.

I'll go with the Olympic committee who were in charge of Mr. Jolly and the entire program. What Mr. Jolly's bosses said (to me) reflect the truth.

Why wasn't Mr. Jolly more inclusive. I think he was very WASPish in only dissing traditionally "white" religions. If he were truly inclusive he would have had drag queens dressed in colorful hijabs and burkas. I think he was so non-inclusive by only using trad white religion (either Greek or Christian) and leaving Islam and other religions out of the ceremony.

I think he was very un-woke, very exclusive and insulted Islam by not including them in his mockery of religion. How grossly racist and white supremacist of him. I'm sure you agree.

But if he was portraying Pan/Dionysus he did a good job having the child there. The followers of Pan made a big deal out of throwing little children alive into a deep pit of water to drown, as a sacrifice to please Dionysus.

I don't feel victimized, but if you think I do, well that's sadly the liberal insult and projection de jour these days.

I am appalled at the racism and elitist attitude that the Olympics only ridiculed Christianity (as per I claim and the bosses of Mr. Jolly claim) and at the same time did not ridicule Islam or any other religion. That shows a deep disrespect for non-white religions to exclude them so blatantly.

The Olympic depiction (as you claim) of Pan/Dionysus,
did correctly portray the religion that celebrates debauchery
where every type of sexual activity is practiced as a form of worship,
over consuming alcohol is expected,
and children are ritually sacrificed alive.
All in celebration of the spirit of the Olympics and the entire world.

Which do you approve of as a symbol of the Olympics and a symbol of the hope for the future of the world?

edit on 8/5/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: format

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

If you want to ignore guy who's mind the idea for this sprang from. Be my guest. What does he know. He only created the show. Just ignore him. Keep those blinders on. You want to be offended. So be my guest and be offended. The truth be damned.

Thomas Jolly's response: "It's not my inspiration (the Christian Last Supper). There is Dionysus (Philippe Katerine painted in blue) who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the God of celebration in Greek mythology. The god of wine who is one of the jewels of France. And the father of Sequana, the goddess who is connected to the river, the Seine. The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone. I wanted to make a ceremony that repairs, that reconciles. And also that reaffirms the values ​​of our Republic, liberty-equality-fraternity." And the director regrets: "On the other hand, if we use our work to regenerate behind this moment of union again division, hatred while it continues to progress, then that would be a great shame." 202407280144.html

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

If you want to ignore guy who's mind the idea for this sprang from. Be my guest. What does he know. He only created the show. Just ignore him. Keep those blinders on. You want to be offended. So be my guest and be offended. The truth be damned.

Thomas Jolly's response: "It's not my inspiration (the Christian Last Supper). There is Dionysus (Philippe Katerine painted in blue) who arrives on this table. He is there because he is the God of celebration in Greek mythology. The god of wine who is one of the jewels of France. And the father of Sequana, the goddess who is connected to the river, the Seine. The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone. I wanted to make a ceremony that repairs, that reconciles. And also that reaffirms the values ​​of our Republic, liberty-equality-fraternity." And the director regrets: "On the other hand, if we use our work to regenerate behind this moment of union again division, hatred while it continues to progress, then that would be a great shame." 202407280144.html

So the author wanted to celebrate the God of celebration in Greek mythology. Well he did, it is Pan or Dionysus.

The God Pan had a temple dedicated to having sex with goats.

The God Pan encouraged as part of religious ritual to have every kind of sex (LGBTQP+++) one can imagine to honor this Greek God.

The God Pan encouraged open and extreme drunkenness as part of religious ritual.

The God Pan demanded the sacrifice of children thrown alive into a pit to drown to honor this Greek God that the Olympics (you claim) represents the best of humanity and celebration.

The ideals of Pan/Dionysus are definitely modern day examples of the liberal left's religion and morality world wide. All these forms of worship are seen in liberal left ideology and the "new morality" they are trying to force on everyone.

All the way up to demanding, in the US, legal in 9 states (the open goal of Kamala's new VP). the legal killing of a full term healthy 9 month fetus inside the uterus of a healthy person (I know woman/mother is considered transphobic in this context for worshipers of the liberal left.)

So you say, and I agree, that IF this was a celebration of Pan/Dionysus it absolutely reflects the very essence of the morality of the liberal left and how they demand others be treated - as sex objects, and if very young to be sacrificed to celebrate the freedom from the consequences of the sexual libertarianism the liberal left demands.

I suppose the Olympic's and liberals think that this is better than mocking the Last Supper, which represents the complete and total antithesis of the worship of the God Pan/Dionysus.

Christianity is #1 form of morality openly despised by the liberal left. After all Christianity thinks all people should be treated with respect and dignity, not as sex objects to meet others sexual desires. After all Christianity thinks killing a 9 month, full term healthy fetus inside a healthy mother is murder. (and they like the word mother that the left thinks is transphobic and evil) After all Christianity thinks drunkness is to be eschewed because of the great pain it ends up causing not just the individual but those around the drunk with no inhibitions who freely hurt others either emotionally or physically.

edit on 8/6/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: addition

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: TheSingleBillie

The right is no better than the left. Anyone can bring up a bunch of nonsense that what a few on either side do is immoral. Like the example where people going to the RNC were crashing tinder because they were looking for gay sex on there. And how gay call men loved the RNC because they made a lot of money there. Now is that moral?

No side is better than the other.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: grey580

I would say championing killing children by throwing them into a deep cave with water to drown them (as worshipers of Pan/Dionysius have done for millennium) is more immoral than trolling for gay sex.

But that's just me. I can see where the liberal left who thinks it is moral to kill a 9 month full term healthy fetus inside a healthy uterus owner would think child sacrifice is more moral than trolling for gay sex.

9 Dem run states have laws that allow the killing of a healthy full term (9 month) fetus by a healthy (adult) uterus owner for any or no reason at all. This is a law that Kamala's VP choice wants to make the law of the entire US. If Democrats think this is more moral than trolling for gay sex, well that is the liberal left and the Democrat Party of today after all. I happen to disagree with this morality but if you agree it is moral and just, then child sacrifice would be no big leap as moral to engage in if you are part of the liberal left Democrat Party.

edit on 8/7/2024 by TheSingleBillie because: addition

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