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Who will certify the 2024 Election?

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posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 01:41 PM
So, currently, the Vice President of the United States works with Congress to certify the election. We saw this with Pence and how he allowed the challenges to go without discussion. We know where his loyalties lie.

Now, tell me, how is this going to work with a sitting POTUS, Kamala Harris, being the one who will certify as it is her job by law.

I mean, they already passed legislation to make it harder to question an election.


The new legislation also raises the threshold required for members of Congress to object to certifying the electors. Before, only one member of the House and Senate respectively had to object to force a roll call vote on a state’s electors. That helped make objections to new presidents something of a routine partisan tactic — Democrats objected to certifying both of George W. Bush’s elections and Trump’s in 2016.

Those objections, however, were mainly symbolic and came after Democrats had conceded that the Republican candidates won the presidency. On Jan. 6, 2021, Republicans forced a vote on certifying Biden’s wins in Arizona and Pennsylvania even after the violent attack on the Capitol, as Trump continued to insist falsely that he won the election. That led some members of Congress to worry the process could be too easily manipulated.

Under the new rules, one-fifth of each chamber would be required to force a vote on states’ slates of electors.

The new provisions also ensure only one slate of electors makes it to Congress after Trump and his allies unsuccessfully tried to create alternative slates of electors in states Biden won. Each governor would now be required to sign off on electors, and Congress cannot consider slates submitted by different officials. The bill creates a legal process if any of those electors are challenged by a presidential candidate. [....].

My question is, what are they going to pull when Donald Trump wins(if he survives) the 2024 election? Can we trust Kamala Harris, the actual candidate, to certify the election?

Will this one be heard by the SCOTUS like the hanging chads in 2000?

The last time a VP certified themselves was Bush Sr.
edit on Mon Jul 29 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: PARAGRAPHS PLEASE.....added them this time

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 01:57 PM
Republicans have set the precedent in both directions.

Either she pulls a Bush Sr. and will certify herself or she pulls a Pence and follows the will of the people.

3rd option is she could put both fingers in her ears and pull a Trump and go LA LA LA LA, IM NOT LISTENING THOSE VOTES DIDN'T COUNT.

It's really up to her.

I know a women's right to choose isn't in fashion right now but the Supreme Court just gave the executive branch kingly levels of power.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 02:08 PM
we just saw in Venezuela what a crooked government can do to an election.

polls: Gonzalez 64%, Maduro 32%

Maduro political appointee: Maduro 52%, Gonzalea 44%

I don't have much faith that the Democrats will be much more honest.

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 02:46 PM
Well, Spongebob Squarepants laughs sort of like Kamala...He can certify it.
edit on 29-7-2024 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

You guys voted to implement this sh#t?

If not, wtf?

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