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Endemic corruption in the NHS

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posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 03:26 AM
This is a mind blowing interview from a top cardiologist, who first pushed the Jab, then when his father another doctor with a good fitness level. Realized that after the autopsy on his father found blockages in his heart, he started to wake up and realised that the funding had bought the NHS. When he made enquiries he found other top cardiologist with valid studies which had given warnings were threatened with deregistration for rocking the boat. The real data was suppressed for profit. He has been through all the other contributing factors and has come to the conclusion that millions will be dying with heart attacks . He is now of the opinion that the covid vaccine has had a catastrophic effect on the general population. It is a shame that these high profile scientist were not listened to in the early days.Well worth the time...

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Ì have had a few runins with Cardiologists from my local NHS hospital, most of them are clueless and only iñterested in getting you out of the room as quickly as possible .

A American cardiology professor I spoke with online was flabbergasted at what I told him about the NHS and wrote about my treatment in a medical journal ? .

The nurse who was performing a heart check on me was stunned at how my heart was performing on this machine, I was putting the needle right to the top of this print out paper when it should have stayed in the middle .

She run the test at least 10 times on me and when I saw the cardiologist he informed me everything was normal , nothing to worry about , I just laughed and walked out

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: annonentity

The bloke I used to share the bungalow with is specialist (can't remember the name) doctor lung and thoraxes, honest and as good as can be. He reckoned most of the people he worked with were in the game to rip the NHS off something called a lowcum where they get paid many timed what they would normally get. Thats it a consultant the name. They rip off the NHS almost to a person

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

A family member was in hospital getting a leg amputated after her covid injection caused a blockage .

The majority of the staff on her floor were agency employees who could not understand english and refused to change the patients pee bags of these women on that floor .

When I visited my aunt I found her and many other women in tears in this ward as they had not been taken to the toilet ,showered or had the pee bags replaced /emptied as the agency staff on 2 or 3 times the normal pay said it was not their jobs .

I grabbed a mop and a bucket and cleaned up her ward and went to the main desk on the floor and spoke to a local nurse and stated my displeasure at this situation and things immediately improved on that floor .

The threat of me digging up my boom boom sticks did the trick

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
The nurse who was performing a heart check on me was stunned at how my heart was performing on this machine, I was putting the needle right to the top of this print out paper when it should have stayed in the middle .

She run the test at least 10 times on me and when I saw the cardiologist he informed me everything was normal , nothing to worry about , I just laughed and walked out

How old are you? (Not expecting you to provide that info) it's just that casual chat with other locals, it is clear, anyone over a certain age no longer receives full medical help in this country. For women, if they are over 50yrs and have no dependent children and for men over 60, dependents or not, help nowadays often means nothing but social prescribing.

Examples I have come across (just in my own small street) include
- male, 70+, married no dependents, diagnosed with cancer, no treatment or prescription, told to go for a walk every day. Died within weeks, no end of life 'cocktail'

- female, 68yrs, newly diagnosed with heart decease, told all normal and sent home to the care of her not well husband. Dead within days (heart attack), no treatment.

Both of those people worked and paid NI all their working/adult lives. Contributed to the training of every medical professional involved in their cases, to the local health centre, facilities, overheads and staff. But once retired (or, as it appears, have less than 20yrs still paying in), seen as nothing but a drain on resources and a nuisance.

NHS now only interested in the bottom line. Since the semi-privatisation of the GP's, where each surgery is now a Ltd Co. and receives little direct funding, having to find other ways to augment income, anyone, even the young, can only really expect referral to specialist services if said specialists are currently involved in research or have asked for GP referrals for some other reason.

For myself, 60+ female, I have 3 times received (unsolicited) and via post, implements to sodomise myself with. Apparently because I may be at risk of bowel cancer and may have 'hidden and invisible blood' up my jacksie! All without any prior testing, examination or discussion.

It is clear to me, some pharma or other is collecting data from swabs and there is an expectation people will comply without explanation. The CT in me wonders if these swabs are being sent out to people who have previously been prescribed something that is now thought (or known) to be carcinogenetic.

Human life no longer has any value to the NHS and anyone over 50 who still has faith in them, is up for a rude awakening (unless, of course, if they 'know the right people')

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: covent

I am 58 years old , I have noticed for many years the treatment or lack off that some people get at first I thought it was just me who was getting this then I realised it was widespread.

The lady who did my heart checks could not look me in the face when I told her the doctors had said the test was normal and not to worry

In America I would be checked monthly after all the heart attacks I suffered in 2017-18 here Ithey stopped 2 years ago

I only take a blood thinning tablet now and aspirin twice a week

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 11:59 AM
Was in recently Stoner and know exactly where you are coming from. Certain jobs they just don't like. Found that they'd let the toilet get completely browned up (like thick ice cream style 80's artex) and wouldn't clean it until someone from our ward asked them to. They'd leave it for days. Full of foreigners as you say who were mastering English, saying that they really do try a do a job as long as doggy dirt isn't involved.

As in your case the visit was due to cardiovascular trouble. So many different stories. Have a muslim lady totally lovely one of the specialists saying I have to stop the booze, even 0% lager! She reckons there is still alcohol in it, I think she's trying to get me to convert to Islam. Then there's the liver expert says things are really improving, just keep clear of pints and drink spirits only to keep the amount of liquid entering the body down. Another the heart consultant keeps saying doom and gloom stuff, I think its scare tactics but if I keep drinking at the old rate, just 4 pints a day, I've got 2 years to live. Well, scare tactics or not it's worked. Just addicted to coffee now!

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

A family member was in hospital getting a leg amputated after her covid injection caused a blockage .

The majority of the staff on her floor were agency employees who could not understand english and refused to change the patients pee bags of these women on that floor .

When I visited my aunt I found her and many other women in tears in this ward as they had not been taken to the toilet ,showered or had the pee bags replaced /emptied as the agency staff on 2 or 3 times the normal pay said it was not their jobs .

I grabbed a mop and a bucket and cleaned up her ward and went to the main desk on the floor and spoke to a local nurse and stated my displeasure at this situation and things immediately improved on that floor .

The threat of me digging up my boom boom sticks did the trick

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 02:05 PM
Just seen this link...have not looked at all the info...but will post

Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries - LINK

Moderna Confirms Link Between COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer - X - LINK

edit on 28-7-2024 by tarantulabite1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Glad you and me both chucked the booze as it took a lot of friends and workmates over the years with the amount they were drinking daily , I am lucky to touch 3 to 5 beers a year now whereas I was guzzling 10 plus pints a day everyday and thought nothing of it or 3 bottles of wine a night , I was never a alcoholic and never craved alcohol , now like you I am a total coffee guy and drink 20 to 30 mugs a day .

I have totally given up on doctors and hospitals especially now , they only do one month of natritional studies when training to be a doctor and I few times i have run rings round them with things I have picked up online from members here like Rickymouse who are a lot better informed than these doctors .

I have learned more about heart issues from speaking to American members online than any hospital or doctor , like not taking hot showers after a heart attack and ditching the statins and Gabapentine tablets , Just asking my then doctor what my BMI was or the oxygen levels gets you a trouble maker label .

I am now back with a secret guard in the room when I visit my doctor
after waiting nearly a year and a half for a D-dimer blood test I may have suggested me and Mr Hammer were going to visit the doctors surgery and I was going to take some blood myself ikyn

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

edit on 28/7/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:27 AM
Stoner yes it's a real eye opener dropping the alcohol. A bit strange yesterday walking past bar tables with people knocking beers back and do miss it at those times, used to love a beer but I'm taking the doctors advice on this one as started to become Michelin man when it went crazy, everything below the waste expanded outwards it was like the incredible Hulk in just a few hours, heck the body is weird, never thought things like that happened, still went through the hospital stay, recovered from the bloating waters. On a positive do feel an elevated state of mind much clearer. Strange thing is still wake up with a fuzzy brain which I'd always put down to the beers, just rooks of coffee these days yet not quite up to you 20 or 30 mugs a day which is pretty good going and a standard to aim at. Not sure if they are trying to save or kill you when in the hospital, some had agendas other then your health when reading their minds using the radiant blue eyes to search their minds. Stay safe mate it's a long haul the recovery or living with the situation and the creation of a new you, they are part of this process though as you said we were never alcoholics, I could drop it instantly for weeks, yet to them we are something to be played. It's a real eye opener for sure.


originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Glad you and me both chucked the booze as it took a lot of friends and workmates over the years with the amount they were drinking daily , I am lucky to touch 3 to 5 beers a year now whereas I was guzzling 10 plus pints a day everyday and thought nothing of it or 3 bottles of wine a night , I was never a alcoholic and never craved alcohol , now like you I am a total coffee guy and drink 20 to 30 mugs a day .

posted on Jul, 30 2024 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

It does take a little while to pass a pub without the magnetic pull in , But I struggle to remember the last time I have actually gone into a bar for a drink rather than a coffee these days ditto with the old MJ ,it is once a week treat now and even that gives me a hash hangover and feels just like a alcohol hangover to me these days .

I am lucky with the weight thing as the only time in my life I piled on weight was when taking statins after the heart attacks , I had the Homer Simpson look for a while but when so many American members here warned me to chuck them on safety concerns the weight fell off .

I was actually out in shorts gardening yesterday in shorts that were 25+ years old ànd I still can fit into trousers that I had 42 years ago leaving school .

I am actually infamous in my local hospital
when I came across this video

It was brought to my attention at a friends wake 8 + years ago and I took my local hospital hostage ,they got the full treatment from me after I guzzle 2 bottles of whisky straight and went on a rampage calling them for all the Nazi B ###*** having me handcuffed to a bed only made it worse .

My local NHS was actually sued recently for all the bullying that was going on with the staff !! but a lot of the staff are either Muslim or from the ME and they recognise my name as being of Jewish origin , there are 20 pages of my surname in the Jewish phone book but in the UK no one understands this as it is a old Scottish /Pictish name and does not end in Stein or berg , so I get special treatment from these doctors like telling me to take plenty salt !!! or prescribing me treble the amount of blood thinners that I needed which caused me at least 50 falls and bad ones , I was going through glass tables and hurting myself bad for 4 years until another doctor pointed this out to me .

But every fall I had I stupidly informed the doctor which went on my notes and now I will never be able to get car insurance again because of this , I was told IF anyone accepted me it would be thousands of pounds per month
gutted because I only ever had one very small bump in my life at traffic lights and I was racking up a 1000 miles a week sometimes at my work easily .

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