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I've realized something about Politics recently.

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posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter2

Explanation: Starred!

People are myopic and simple minded and they FORGET that there are MORE axis to the political compass ...

It is not just leftwing versus rightwing politics ...

The leftwing / rightwing axis ONLY determines the financial position one holds ...

The leftwingers say that the STATE controls and produces all the money ...

The rightwingers say that THEY control and produce all the money ...

There are only two players in that game ... The STATE and YOU!

The 2nd axis is all about AUTHORITARIAN versus LIBERTARIAN values ... and its all about who OWNS YOU!

Authoritarians say the STATE owns and RULES YOU ... Libertarians [note: Not liberals, who are woke and want to control what you think and do!] say that YOU OWN AND RULE YOU!

And again, there are only two players in that game ... The STATE and YOU!

Personal Disclosure: I am a far rightwing libertarian ideologically speaking ...

As a rightwinger I say "All the money I make, even if a FORGE it, is mine! Please don't tax it unfairly or use those taxes for bull#, like abortions (which is murder!) OR I will tax you back in BLOOD and you wont like it!"

And as a libertarian I say "I rule me and you rule you! Please don't make me rule over you as I am a very bad authoritarian!"

Now as for the horseshoe theory ... I crafted this picture of what it really looks like, considering both axis ...

Both sides of the AUTHORITARIAN axis are closer in authoritarian policy and control over the individual than the LIBERTARIAN axis.

Authoritarian Leftwingers are COMMUNISTS [like the USSR under Stalin], Authoritarian Centrists are NAZI'S [like ww2 Germany under Hitler] and Authoritarian Rightwingers are Military Junta's [like Chile under Pinochet] ... AND THEY ALL SUX ARSE!

Libertarians aka ANARCHISTS don't care what you do, just leave them alone and they'll leave you alone!

The STATE can NOT abide self supporting self sustaining INDIVIDUALS!

POLITICAL SYSTEMS 101: Basic Forms of Government Explained

I hope this clears everything up and gives everyone the proper point of view!

I ask my fellow ATS members to disclose both where they are currently on the compass and where they are headed?

Political Compass Test

I am currently here ... in MAGA [Make America Great Again] country on the political map I showed above ...

And I want to become more ANCAP [far bottom far rightwing of the map] ...

Where I am going we wont need roads *points upwards to the sky*!!! [think breakaway civilization ok]

Again I urge everyone to take an extreme position and defend it to the death, and stay away from the center ok!

Be well

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: Kallipygywiggy

Explanation: "The TREE OF LIBERTY must be refreshed with the BLOOD of Patriots and Tyrants!"

What are YOU willing to kill and or be killed for eh?

OR are you harmless and pathetic?

Personal Disclosure: Freedom ISN'T FREE ok!

Take Up Your Cross
24Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. 25For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?…

I'm betting you would run away like a little pussy!

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: OmegaLogos

I'm betting you would run away like a little pussy!

Plainly we're both still alive, so neither of us has yet given a practical demonstration our willingness to die for anything. Anyone who thinks they know how they would act when faced with the opportunity to do so is a fool. We can only hope that we will find ourselves equal to the moment.

There are certainly things I feel I should be willing to die for. I hope I shall never be called upon to do so. But if I ever find myself caught in that situation, I hope I shall find the courage not to let myself down. And I hope the same for you.

edit on 29-7-2024 by Kallipygywiggy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Kallipygywiggy
a reply to: AlroyFarms

Don't get caught up in the crossfire.

But you recommend that I should put myself in the direct line of fire instead? That's what you call brainy advice, is it?

I suppose the name of Gandhi offends you. Perhaps you will take more seriously that clean-cut blue-eyed blond WASP hero, Jesus Christ? Go and read the Sermon on the Mount.

Obvious troll with an axe to grind is obvious.

The brainy part of the advice is not get caught in the middle, to take a stand for something you believe in, or be relegated to sitting on the fence with a sore bum while other factions dictate your future without your participation.

I understood Omega's post just fine. It's fine if you don't agree with it. But are you actually upset I gave another poster a compliment because I agree with them?

If so, that is immature behavior, even for internet standards of forum etiquette.

edit on 29-7-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 09:48 AM
Funny thing is I still dont see trump as anything more than a right leaning centrist, pretty much what he was back in the 1980's.

Or just like Bill marher he has not gone right the left has just gone into crazy town bill is still the same guy he was in the 1980s.
edit on 49Mon, 29 Jul 2024 09:49:06 -050049060909amf by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

The brainy part of the advice is not get caught in the middle, to take a stand for something you believe in

That's not very brainy. Do you think those two positions are mutually exclusive? They are not. Nor are they the only available positions.

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