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The Truth Behind the Manchester Airport "Police Assault" Video

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posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:40 AM
Most people have seen the footage of the police officer kicking a guy on the floor in the head and have come to the conclusion it was police brutality but a wider narrative is coming to light which paints a different picture , Manchester Airport police had confronted the 4 Muslim men earlier and may have wanted to search the female with them who may have just arrived in the Country but they took offence to that and responded by punching and breaking a female officers nose along with assaulting the officers with her.
Due to the fracas armed police were called in and it is they who resolved the situation and kicked the (terrorist for all they knew) in the head , the 4 Muslim men are currently in police custody being investigated for assault and affray.

The full details of what happened in the lead-up to the incident are not yet clear.

However, a police spokesman said firearms officers had been punched to the ground while trying to make an arrest following a fight in the airport.

There had been a "clear risk" their weapons could be taken from them, the police spokesman said, adding all three had been taken to hospital, one with a broken nose.

Reform MP Lee Anderson isn't willing to join the condemnation bandwagon.

In response to the footage, Mr Anderson, who defected to Reform from the Conservatives earlier this year, said: "We need to back our police officers".

The MP for Ashfield in Nottinghamshire told the BBC: "The message I'm getting loud and clear from my constituents is that they are fed up with seeing police dancing around rainbows and being nice to people.

"They want the police to do their job. I think these police yesterday should be commended. In fact, I'd give them a medal."

He added: "If there's a clear risk, if people are trying to take police officers' guns, if they're breaking female police officers' nose, dragging police officers to the floor, sending police officers to the hospital, then I think police officers there have got a right to restrain those criminals as soon as possible and use whatever means it takes.”

Meanwhile, fellow Reform MP Richard Tice told Talk TV the footage was "reassuring", rather than "distressing".

Given the recent history with terrorism Manchester has suffered the response was hard but proportionate , don't break an officers nose , assault her colleagues and try to steal their weapons and you probably wont get kicked in the head.

No doubt there will be bodycam footage released and the true picture will be seen , if this officer is sacked to keep a certain section of the community happy it will be a complete travesty of justice and common sense , if it looks like a terrorist and acts like a terrorist best treat it like a terrorist or risk being dead.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:47 AM
I see nothing wrong here. Become violent expect violence.

I woulda gave him a few extra hoofs to just be absolutely sure he wasn’t gunna spring up and stab me in the neck.

a reply to: gortex

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Yep , they have a dirty job to do so sometimes fighting back dirty becomes part of the game for their own and the public's safety.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 12:03 PM

This all could have been avoided if only they didn’t demand preferential treatment because they have been conditioned to expect it and our governments cater to them.

If I was stopped while attempting to enter a country through and air port I would expect to be searched at the bear minimum because that’s what I would expect to happen if people wanted to enter my country. I would have respect for the country I am entering and their laws.

This group of people seems incapable of that.

a reply to: gortex

edit on 25-7-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: gortex

There's a fine line between brutality and defending yourself.
From whats come forward about the situation, I'd say they were rightfully defending themselves. One of them struck a female officer and broke her nose, with two others injured.
The situation needed to be controlled fast before it got further out of hand. The officers were armed but hadn't drawn their weapons and a scuffle could have put the officers in a difficult postion.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 01:17 PM
I did read about this incident, did not look at any videos though because I figured I would wait for the response from the police department involved. This response tends to make me believe the cops acted appropriately, they did not shoot the people which would have been inappropriate.

Giving anyone who does that kind of abuse to law enforcement support is not right, people should wait for a response from law enforcement before making judgement. The cops needed to keep the threat down, and those were not small guys, they had to be disabled so they could not endanger anyone anymore till they were jailed.

Blame this on that group of people that started the conflict, not the cops. They are lucky they are still alive and people should not sign with those people who attacked someone just doing their job.

Most cops are good people, but even good people get mad when someone breaks a co-workers nose when they are doing their job. Yes, it is necessary to check out people arriving from other countries to see if there are any illegal things on them, a little vial of a deadly pathogen or even drugs could be hiding in their belongings. People get checked all the time at is a homeland security thing. Nothing would have happened if they cooperated with the authorities.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: gortex

First of all I've got to say on first viewing the video does look awful and I fully understand why people who aren't familiar with violent situations would be horrified.

But I have heard one or two rumours that sort of corroborate what you say preceded the 'attack'.
If true then who can blame the guy?

Maybe a bit over the top but given recent history etc I'd rather be safe than sorry in such circumstances.

It seems no-one's really concerned about the female officer's broken nose - I'm very much old school regarding these sort of things, anyone hitting a woman deserves a good #ing beating - just the poor guy who started it all.

If people don't want their women searched on entry to this country then don't bring them.
Assault police officers etc upon entry you're on the first plane back out to wherever it is you came if's or but's.

It really isn't hard.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: gortex

Kicking sounds they got off a bit lightly.

In many locales in the USA, they would have gotten the sh** tasered out of them in addition to a beating.


posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 03:20 PM
Solicitor Akhmed Yakoob says the man who was kicked in the head has a cyst on his brain and has worsened over night.
Akhmed Yakoob

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 03:24 PM
A quick gander and i dislike yakoob.

Looks like he brings out the absolute worst aspects of Middle East meets West.

a reply to: gortex

edit on 25-7-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Solicitor Akhmed Yakoob says the man who was kicked in the head has a cyst on his brain and has worsened over night.
Akhmed Yakoob

Plenty of stories about this chap.

A teacher embroiled in a race row with a mayoral candidate did not use a highly offensive racist slur while canvassing for Labour, police say. Independent candidate Akhmed Yakoob took to social media to accuse the teacher, who works at a Wednesbury school, of making a racist remark.

Birmingham election candidate apologises for ‘deeply disturbing’ remarks about women. men

he has courted controversy by teaching people how to frustrate police interviews and bragging about getting a reduced sentence for drug dealers.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

What a horrible human being.

He should be shown the door as well.

Time to stop pussy-footing around.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:03 PM
UK is a lost country. UK government allowed mass immigration of people who don't share their moral values, traditions or speak English. You have police and media helping to coverup Muslim grooming gangs and assaults on women. Police show up to your home, if you dare criticize what the government is doing. Then we have no go zones in UK for non-muslims.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:46 PM

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 12:13 PM
Former RAF fighter pilot Tim Davies gives his view on the Airport incident.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 03:45 PM
New evidence has been released in CCTV footage of the incident which shows the context of what got the left wing press and politicians all upset.

Armed police doing their job against violent thugs , isn't that what we want ?
edit on 27-7-2024 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: gortex

Had an earlyish night in from the pub and just watched that video.
Anyone who doesn't think that copper did the right thing really needs to go share a pad with Choudary for a few years.

They assaulted police officers who were responding to a situation, officers got harmed for simply going about their jobs enforcing our laws relating to people entering this country.

Not only were they bang out of order for assaulting the officers they could quite easily have been intent on carrying out some attack or being a part of illegal activities.

If these people didn't want the woman who was with them being searched they shouldn't have brought her into the country.

I've been searched before coming back from being somewhere else, why should she be exempt?
What makes her so special?

# 'em.....I for one have really had enough.
edit on 27/7/24 by Freeborn because: typo's

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:41 PM
The truth is starting to emerge , police are appealing for witnesses to an incident on a Qatari airlines flight , an incident involving members of the public at the airport Starbucks and the incident in the car park where police were assaulted.

It can only be surmised all 3 incidents involved the same people.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 07:09 PM
The Mail have a good article and video of their attack on police prior to the clip of the one repeatedly beating women on the ground and trying to strangle an officer being kicked in the head by the officer.

The other brother repeatedly hits the unconcious male officer who was suspected to have a broken jaw so police acted with incredible restraint despite how bad the viral clip looks.

The dramatic CCTV footage, which emerged online last night, shows:

- Fahir punching a female police officer in the face, breaking her nose, before knocking down a second woman officer;

- His brother Amaad throwing a barrage of 'full-blooded' punches at an armed male officer, leaving him stunned and slumped on the floor;

- Fahir punching the male officer and grabbing him by the neck in a 'chokehold', which he released only when one of the female officers tasered him.

New video shows family visciously beating officers on the ground before kick that started outcry

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 03:55 AM

Human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar told BBC Newsnight he was disappointed that leading politicians, including Mr Burnham, had asked people to consider the context to the incident.

There was "no justification" for a police officer to act this way, he said, adding that the context was "irrelevant".

A "lawyer" is disappointed people are asking for the context of the incident to be considered , really !

The violent assault on police including punching 2 female police officers to the ground is the reason chummy got his kick to the head , police procedure is not to use your hands when holding your weapon for fear of losing it so what else could the officer do , in any other Country he would have got a bullet to the head !

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