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Thoughts on Democratic Takeover Theory

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posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: mykl308

I personally think something happens to Joe before the election. He dies or gets so far beyond where he is now mentally that they have him resign and install Kamala as president.

Then some problems arise that are serious enough that Kamala has to declare martial law and postpone the election. Eternal Leader Harris and the progressive dictatorship successfully taken over government. Get ready for their version of utopja.

The POTUS doesn't have any authority to postpone an election. Trump tried that, and it didn't work.

I looked into it, Trump did suggest delaying the election due to the potential massive fraud with the mail-in ballots but did not try any action to delay the election it was just a tweet. But I can see where you got the idea.

Trump suggests the US should 'Delay the Election' — something he does not have the power to do

Trump never did anything but suggest it

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: mykl308

I have expressed this idea in a couple of other places on this forum. FCD had some questions about it at one point.

I suspect that maybe (maybe, mind you0 they are engineering a collapse in confidence in the gov't, followed by social and economic implosion that will give them the excuse for an absolute takeover and suspension of all liberties.

The more they push these absurd little games, the more people are seeing through the charade. Is that the point?

You know their mantra: Problem, Reaction, Solution.

1. Problem: Create a crisis (or series of them) by generating enough obvious failures of competency and transparency that the populace will by and large loose all confidence in the government.
2. Reaction: Social and economic instability will arise as people who feel that there is no trustworthy gov't will become more and more ungovernable.
3. Solution: Just lock it all down.

Sounds so crazy that it just might work!

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Euronymous2625

originally posted by: mykl308
Why is the DNC running a candidate they know will not win, unless they cheat?

I didn't read any further that that, because it's nonsense. The same people who went out and voted "not Trump" last time will go out and do it again. I'm one of those people. Kamala being the new candidate isn't going to make any democrat or independent who wasn't going to vote for Trump vote for him now.

Pussycat. What are you afraid of? The old white guy might actually want the best for ALL of his countrymen and be able to improve their lives in tangible ways that are logical and consistent?

Your nihilist box is full of empty promises and aborted dreams. Choose life, love and happiness.

You are clearly attributing the ability of rational thought and critical thinking to a demography that is simply incapable of that. I think that some call them NPCs.

Don't waste your time. These are the people that will pay top dollar for the rope that will used to hang them.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Hecate666

Well, we are entitled to our respective opinions.

I think Trump is ridiculous Hecate666.

And i think we have all seen and heard him many times.

As to dangers to democracy well its not Kamala Harris that's threatening to be a dictator.

She ruffles feathers and by my guess can beat Trump for the same to similar reason Biden may have lost.

Let them debate and see how that works out i say.

And then we can argue about whos expendable, rambling, and moronic.

But by my guess its MAGA that's becoming unhinged at the very prospect of Trump having to face off against Kamala.
edit on 25-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

No real evidence that voter fraud influenced the 2020 election.

If nothing else it will be interesting.

Let's just hope whichever side loses is willing to accept defeat graciously this time around.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

No one who is voting for Trump is scared of Kamala Harris. Not one. Trump told us a few weeks ago with the leaked golf video what was going to happen, and it did.

A debate on Fox with no assistance from her handlers....this is gonna be great.

We just have to hope he lives till election day.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:21 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

No one who is voting for Trump is scared of Kamala Harris. Not one. Trump told us a few weeks ago with the leaked golf video what was going to happen, and it did.

I think we could all tell after the debate and the general state of a failing Biden what was in the post and to come matafuchs.

A debate on Fox with no assistance from her handlers....this is gonna be great.

Certainly, a spectacle to witness.

We just have to hope he lives till election day.

Put it this way if Trump had been killed it may well have spelled another American Civil War so let's hope not.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Pussycat. What are you afraid of? The old white guy might actually want the best for ALL of his countrymen and be able to improve their lives in tangible ways that are logical and consistent?

Your nihilist box is full of empty promises and aborted dreams. Choose life, love and happiness.

Trump wants what's best for Trump. That's it. His ego needs the fame.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: mykl308

I think the democrats are just happy they have a chance now. And why would you expect an adversary to go into even a predicted slaughter without some confidence?

Like Jeez, the Democrats are just so fatalist now! To include it in their sinister plotting and everything is kinda warped. Sad even.

But all the new national polls inspire hope. Down only 3 points now! Or up 2. Or tied. And so on. She's raking in "grassroots donations" and is winning back Biden defectors too. Now +9 over Biden on Independent voters and +8 better with black voters. There is hope.

From an outside perspective (how a critic may view it) the difference between a week ago and today could be illustrated as:

I say as long as the mountain of skulls has a nice view of blood lake.
edit on 25-7-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 11:26 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Hecate666
But by my guess its MAGA that's becoming unhinged at the very prospect of Trump having to face off against Kamala.

What I've seen is that one side is saying that the other side is becoming unhinged.

My guess is that the only thing MAGA might be worried about is the new words that white people will no longer be allowed to utter in public, like "DEI hire." I'm sorry. D## hire. How many more words do you think they can fit in before the election?

And let's be honest, have you actually witnessed anyone coming unhinged? Right in front of you (not on your TV)?

Again, my guess is no, probably for both sides.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Dapaga

What I've seen is that one side is saying that the other side is becoming unhinged.

No denying that fact, but they have been doing so for a while now.

My guess is that the only thing MAGA might be worried about is the new words that white people will no longer be allowed to utter in public, like "DEI hire." I'm sorry. D## hire. How many more words do you think they can fit in before the election?

I do not have a clue Dapaga, far as i can establish nobody is stopping people from saying words.

And let's be honest, have you actually witnessed anyone coming unhinged? Right in front of you (not on your TV)?

Yes I've seen people become unhinged and do some really crazy stuff in my time, and that has indeed happened right in front of a TV.

Again, my guess is no, probably for both sides.

Sorry, you guessed wrong, at least on one of the sides.

Anyhoo time will tell if Kamala Harris can beat Trump, but like I've suggested i cant wait to see Trump debate an ex-prosecutor instead of senile Joe Biden.
edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

...far as i can establish nobody is stopping people from saying words.

Oh?? Surely you didn't mean this, did you? I could come up with a big long list of words people aren't allowed to say anymore, and "DEI Hire" isn't one of them! I sat here for less than 5 minutes and came up with more than a written page of them. Most of them I can't even list here because they'd be deleted, or I'd get (another) warning. I'm not talking about swearwords here; I'm talking about politically incorrect words which are now 'cancelled'.

Yes I've seen people become unhinged and do some really crazy stuff in my time, and that has indeed happened right in front of a TV.

Obviously, I can't speak for what you've seen, or haven't seen, but that wasn't really Dapaga's question to you. He asked you if you had seen these types of events in person, as in you personally witnessed them (?) (not just on some televised MSM propaganda pieces often taken completely out of context). For my part, I can't say that I have personally, but I suspect I could probably find some if I went looking in places like Portland, San Francisco and/or Seattle. And, I don't think I need to tell you who all those people will be voting for (hint - It damn sure ain't Trump!) I honestly don't know where I could go looking for some examples of unhinged righties.

...but like I've suggested i cant wait to see Trump debate an ex-prosecutor instead of senile Joe Biden.

Indeed we will see just how well your "ex-prosecutor" does against Trump. Sure looked to me like Tulsi Gabbard 'cross-examined' your "ex-prosecutor" so hard she left her speechless and dazed. She slammed the door on The Gotham Giggler so hard that she 'cancelled' the cackle!

Would you like me to get that clip for you?

edit on 7/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Oh?? Surely you didn't mean this, did you? I could come up with a big long list of words people aren't allowed to say anymore, and "DEI Hire" isn't one of them! I sat here for less than 5 minutes and came up with more than a written page of them. Most of them I can't even list here because they'd be deleted, or I'd get (another) warning.

If you could simply PM me them and let me know what words people cant say please that may be help.

Obviously, I can't speak for what you've seen, or haven't seen, but that wasn't really Dapaga's question to you. He asked you if you had seen these types of events in person, as in you personally witnessed them (?) (not just on some televised MSM propaganda pieces often taken completely out of context). For my part, I can't say that I have personally, but I suspect I could probably find some if I went looking in places like Portland, San Francisco and/or Seattle. And, I don't think I need to tell you who all those people will be voting for (hint - It damn sure ain't Trump!) I honestly don't know where I could go looking for some examples of unhinged righties.

Ive seen many types of events in person and witnessed many a thing.

Never in America all the same, hope that helps clarify the matter, i have however seen people flip out on many occasions.

Indeed we will see just how well your "ex-prosecutor" does against Trump. Sure looked to me like Gabbard 'cross-examined' your "ex-prosecutor" so hard she left her speechless and dazed. She slammed the door so hard on The Gotham Giggler's that she 'cancelled' the cackle.

Bring it on then, thing is the Trump teams sh@t out the debate so.............

Would you like me to get that clip for you?

If you must and feel it will help your plight, that might be an idea.

Still won't change the fact that Trump is now refusing to debate.

And i think that's plain as day as to why.
edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Still won't change the fact that team Trump is now refusing to debate.

Oh, I'm pretty sure this will change before all is said and done. If I were Trump, I'd do the exact same thing (right now). I wouldn't sign up for any debate until I knew I was going to debate the actual nominee. And, with the way the dems are shuffling the 3-card-monte cards around at the moment it's anyone's guess. Who knows what rabbit their going to pull out of their hat next. Today it's Harris, but tomorrow it could be someone else. The only thing for certain with the democrats is that nothing is certain, and everything is subject to change at any minute depending on how they can scheme to 'get over', 'get under', 'get around'. The whole party is dishonest, and this is what I disrespect the most about them.

edit - Harris 'appears' to be the nominee today, but it's not official until the DNC where the nomination is ratified. And even now, they're talking about some (new) virtual nomination process (more lies, rule breaking, law bending, hail-mary's, and excuses from the left) (more examples of the rules applying to everyone BUT the democrats).

edit on 7/26/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Yeah, it does not scream Trumps a coward at all.

As to whats certain, well if you're going with the majority of the polls.

That would be Kamala Harris is going to be a serious contender.

And to think otherwise is simply an underestimation of your political opponent.

Edit: I tell you what if Kamala Harris steps back and someone else materialises ile happily eat my words.

Dont change the fact that team Trump sh@t out of debate with a black woman ex-prosecutor.

And it might be nice to see that happen.

Still waiting on that PM with a page of words people can't say by the way.

edit on 26-7-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I wouldn't sign up for any debate until I knew I was going to debate the actual nominee.

Absolutely, anything else is a waste of time. The Dems are desperate to rob Trump's campaign of focus and energy because it makes their own disarray look even more appalling than it already is.


posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

Deg, at first I thought that image was something left by The Farter from Sparta ...

He could vary, with proper persuasion,
His fart to suit any occasion.
He could fart like a flute,
Like a lark, like a lute,
This highly fartistic Caucasian.


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