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The Sinister Background of The Kamala Harris Who Is Communist China's US Dream President (Updated)

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posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 06:29 PM

By Capt Joseph R. John, July 24, 2024 Op Ed 677

The US Constitutional Republic is in the throes of a full-scale Communist Revolution.  The Biden Socialist Democrat Administration openly promises to transform America, rewrite the US Constitution, eliminate provisions of the Second Amendment, pack the Supreme Court, and has allowed 16 million Illegal Aliens from 180 countries to flood into the US across the northern and southern borders, by providing the UN with $70 Billion from its four Annual Budgets to fund the invasion of  the United States.

By clicking on the below link you will be able to listen to and be informed about Kamala Harris’ “Communist” family background, and understand just how truly dangerous the Socialist Democrat Party and Obama really are; they gave Americans Kamala Harris.  You will also realize that the US Constitutional Republic is in the crosshairs of Communist China, and that Barrack Obama will ensure that Kamala Harris will do Communist China’s bidding if he can get her elected as President in 2024.  “If Kamala acts like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck-------she must be a duck”!  The below listed link provides you with a detailed background on Kamala Harris’ Communist background.

Kamala Harris was Barrack Hussein Obama’s candidate of choice, and he aggressively promoted her to win the Democrat nomination for President in 2020.  In the video, Obama clearly states that “ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs”; his plan is to eliminate the freedoms accorded every American Citizen in The Bill of Rights.  What he has in mind for the future of the US Constitutional Republic is government’s complete control of the individual.  After Kamala Harris was rejected as the 2020 Presidential nominee by the Socialist Democrat Party, she only received one vote, Obama was not deterred.  He engineered Harris’ selection as the Socialist Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee by mobilizing a very aggressive campaign among all the below listed Communist, Marxist, Socialist, Islamic, Black Party, and Progressive organizations in the US, getting them to select an “unknown” woman of color for the second position on the 2020 Socialist Democrat Presidential ticket.  

Obama called in support from Marxist Tom Perez’s Socialist Democrat Party, the Communist Workers Party, the New Black Panther Party, the Communist Industrial Workers of the World, Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, the Marxist-Leninist World Workers Party, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, the Communist Party's Progressive Unity Fund, LA RAZA, The Marxist-Leninist Communist Party Front “Answer”, MICHA, Andy Zee’s ANTIFA Domestic Terrorists, Bob Avakian ‘s Revolutionary Communist Party, The Muslim Brotherhood International Terrorists, The Communist Party USA, Bill Ayer’s Marxist Weathermen Underground, and Black Lives Matter Domestic Terrorists who all fell in line and aggressively lobbied to select of an “unknown” woman of color for the second position on the 2020 Socialist Democrat Presidential ticket.  That “unknown” woman of color was not unknown at all, it was always Obama’s selectee to be the first Communist President of the United States; Kamala Harris, who was obediently taking orders from him and is still taking her orders from Obama. 

Obama who has been in control of the Biden administration, has forced the US to abide by the UN’s economy-killing Climate Accord, while allowing Communist China not to abide by the same rules.  Obama has effectively eliminated the “Combat Effectiveness” and “Unit Cohesion” of the US Armed Forces by forcing the indoctrination of the entire military in the Marxist created “Black Lives Matter”, creating racial conflict within the US military, cutting the annual defense budget, while allowing Communist China to continue to outpace the US and strengthen their military.


Over the last four years, Obama increased inflation from 1.4% to 19%, the worst inflation in 40 years, by increasing US budget spending to a debt of $32 Trillion while closing down drilling for crude oil and recovery of natural gas on government land.   Obama has allowed Iran to build nuclear weapons, and recently allowed the transfer of $16 billion to Iran to fund the development of the nuclear weapons.  Obama has allowed Communist China to have an unfair trade advantage over the US. 


Obama has been working to eliminate “Freedom of Speech” guaranteed in The Bill of Rights.   He has had the Socialist Democrat Biden Administration initiate a shockingly totalitarian censorship campaign program, targeting everyone in opposition to the newly instituted Marxist and Communist programs, while allowing the censuring of President Donald Trump.  President Trump was the first US President in 244 years to have his “Freedom of Speech” illegally abridged.  Big Tech has hired Communist Chinese employees who were trained in Communist China on how to censure Free Speech, and they have been censuring the President, members of Congress, and thousands of conservatives.   

Obama knew in 2020 that Joe Biden was in the initial stages of dementia and never wanted to endorse him; he always favored Kamala Harris.  During the campaign for the Socialist Democrat nomination for President many medical doctors brought up their serious concerns about Bidens two brain surgeries, his bleeding on the brain, his obvious onset of dementia, and concern for his control of the nuclear football.  However, Obama wanted someone on the ticket who would never be able to fill out the full four-year term, and someone who could be replaced by Kamala Harris initiating provisions of the 25th Amendment if necessary.[.....] 

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posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 06:43 PM
Wow, oh wow, I remember that it has been warnings by some GOP members that told America better be careful now that we have no leadership to advances of china taking advantage to push for policies and deals in the private sector.

Kamala supports socialism, she supports BLM. We know that biden was never in charge of the US and the swamp with the swamp king has been pushing his own agendas, we all knew that.

The clima change is a way for the US to lose its sovereignty and give up to the globalist.

Already china has been moving around their influences all over the world, during biden they have been allowed to do that.

And nobody seems to care within the democratic party politician's china has been allow to run free under biden.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 03:56 PM
Something is going on with obama, he has not given kamala endorsements, either he do not think she will last or pelosi piss him off.

Today some people close to obama said that he will endorse kamala soon.

And as for china they has been allowed to purchase farmland in the US and several companies, they has been allowed to spy, to open Chinese centers in major cities and actually pretty much due whatever they want in the US.

Just like now Palestinian butt kissing terrorist supporters are doing in the US, since biden has been president their numbers has grown and they are allowed to burn American flags and replace them with Palestinian ones, when are Americans going to start burning the terrorist flags in America.

They only do it in democrats' hell holes where nobody dare to confront them.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Absolutely treasonous.

The Founding Fathers placed power in the People, rather than a monarch, but they feared tyranny over a minority. This is why the Constitution is filled with a number of measures that prevent majoritarian rule of democracy.

“The representatives of the people, in a popular assembly, seem sometimes to fancy that they are the people themselves, and betray strong symptoms of impatience and disgust at the least sign of opposition from any other quarter; as if the exercise of its rights, by either the executive or judiciary, were a breach of their privilege and an outrage to their dignity.” – Alexander Hamilton

When representatives of the people gather in a popular assembly, they often seem to think they are the people themselves. This is evident by their impatience and disgust at any sign of opposition. However, this attitude can have negative consequences for the people, as representatives who imagine they are the people can make bad decisions on their behalf.

It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty.” – James Monroe

In order for a population to be sovereign, they must be able to govern themselves. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When people become ignorant and corrupt, they are no longer able to make sound decisions. This results in a populace that is incapable of exercising their sovereignty. This is what happens when the people allow their government to become corrupt.

Every one who is anti American should just leave and make their own damn commiecrat country.

It's not happening here, in these not so un United States of America. People don't want socialist, communist government. If they did they'd move to one, there's plenty take your pick.

We the People, are responsible for holding Corrupt Career Parasite Politicians accountable, if we don't who will...?

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 05:02 PM
Oh my gosh, I found out that kamala adopted a Chinese name, He Jinli, to more attractive to Asian community, but she forgot that Asians are not Orientals.

BTW she adopted that name in 2003. But the chinese American community did not see Kamala helping them in any way, I wonder if she will try again now for their votes.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:10 PM
Well its happening, the .Gov sources are being scrubbed.

Government transparency site pulls page naming Kamala Harris 'most liberal' senator

Government transparency site GovTrack removed a 2019 page naming Vice President Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” senator, site operators told The National Desk (TND) Thursday. The now-deleted page compiled data from Harris’s time in the Senate and assigned a ranking relative to other senators. GovTrack found Harris was the least likely to cosign on bipartisan legislation, held the fewest committee positions and was the third most absent senator, missing 61.9% of votes.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: burntheships

Yep money talks BS walks, the liberal media thanks of millions in campaign to make Kamala as close as Mother Teresa as possible has been cleaning the internet off anything negative against her.

I tough only communist, and dictator do that.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:21 PM
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

This motto is socialism and communism, and was popularized by Karl Marx.
In Marx's vision, a communist society would produce enough goods and services to meet everyone's needs, and the production and distribution of those goods would be based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".
In such a society, there would be no class divisions, government, or personal property. Marx believed that capitalism would eventually disappear as work became more enjoyable and automated, and goods became more abundant.

This is Kamala’s vision of America.
Watch for yourself….

Now that you’ve seen it for yourself, don’t let them tell you otherwise.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I have no doubt that Harris is a complete commie, socialist loser.

But to read there that Obama wanted her in 2020, you would think he would have funded her better so she wouldn't have been one of the first to drop out after getting only an abysmal 844 votes in 2 state primaries.

I could have found 844 fools to vote for me too.

posted on Jul, 25 2024 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: RazorV66

Maybe that is why the primaries were scrap for Kamala after ditching biden, he brought the votes, kamala is reaping the benefits.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR


And Trump has German ancestry and is right-wing, so therefore, a Nazi.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: marg6043

Absolutely treasonous.

The Founding Fathers placed power in the People, rather than a monarch, but they feared tyranny over a minority. This is why the Constitution is filled with a number of measures that prevent majoritarian rule of democracy.

“The representatives of the people, in a popular assembly, seem sometimes to fancy that they are the people themselves, and betray strong symptoms of impatience and disgust at the least sign of opposition from any other quarter; as if the exercise of its rights, by either the executive or judiciary, were a breach of their privilege and an outrage to their dignity.” – Alexander Hamilton

When representatives of the people gather in a popular assembly, they often seem to think they are the people themselves. This is evident by their impatience and disgust at any sign of opposition. However, this attitude can have negative consequences for the people, as representatives who imagine they are the people can make bad decisions on their behalf.

It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising their sovereignty.” – James Monroe

In order for a population to be sovereign, they must be able to govern themselves. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When people become ignorant and corrupt, they are no longer able to make sound decisions. This results in a populace that is incapable of exercising their sovereignty. This is what happens when the people allow their government to become corrupt.

Every one who is anti American should just leave and make their own damn commiecrat country.

It's not happening here, in these not so un United States of America. People don't want socialist, communist government. If they did they'd move to one, there's plenty take your pick.

We the People, are responsible for holding Corrupt Career Parasite Politicians accountable, if we don't who will...?

The founding fathers also established term limits and a quite rigorous electoral process for determining who governs.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Now now, she''s a good little communist...tsk tsk.

posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Ideology is not ethnicity. People need to use Common Sense.

Meh...there are no more Nazi's, they were defeated, if you believe the official story. By the way not just German people were Nazi's, there were also Nazi Jews...🤫

There is a list of the last surviving people suspected of participation in Nazi war crimes, based on wanted lists published by Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Beginning in 2002, Zuroff produced an Annual Status Report on the Worldwide Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi war criminals.

Trump is not on there, nor are any one bearing the Trump name.

I couldn't care less about what people call one another.
However, using the Nazi term out of context devalues the actual genocide that occurred. Misusing terms for hyperbole is not the same as actually being a genocidal Nazi.


posted on Jul, 26 2024 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: Vermilion

Now now, she''s a good little communist...tsk tsk.

Every o'buma regime era political appointee is a commie.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Ideology is not ethnicity. People need to use Common Sense.

Meh...there are no more Nazi's, they were defeated, if you believe the official story. By the way not just German people were Nazi's, there were also Nazi Jews...🤫

Neo-Nazi and Nazi sympathizers exist in the US to this day.

Operation Paperclip relocated about 10,000 Nazi war criminals from Germany to the United States due to their scientific and engineering backgrounds, for the purpose of their assistance in the development of weapons technologies.

The German Nazi Party was particularly anti-Semitic. While there may have been Jewish collaborators, there are doubts whether they remained so, or did so voluntarily.

Nazism in the Americas

There is a list of the last surviving people suspected of participation in Nazi war crimes, based on wanted lists published by Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Beginning in 2002, Zuroff produced an Annual Status Report on the Worldwide Investigation and Prosecution of Nazi war criminals.

Trump is not on there, nor are any one bearing the Trump name.

Not all Nazis have been convicted of war crimes and there are numbers of avowed Nazis currently in the USA.

For instance, Kanye West has identified himself as a Nazi and has praised the policies of Adolf Hitler, and TV personality Tila Tequila has also declared herself a Nazi.

I couldn't care less about what people call one another.
However, using the Nazi term out of context devalues the actual genocide that occurred. Misusing terms for hyperbole is not the same as actually being a genocidal Nazi.


Adolf Hitler was initially elected popularly, and then he manipulated several situations, blaming them on his opponents, he changed the law to remove term limits and suspend elections in response to the 'emergency' situations that he may well have caused.

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