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Was Manly P. Hall murdered?

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posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 12:25 PM
Does anybody have any good resources for looking into the possible/probable murder of Manly P. Hall?

I just found this out and I NEED more info because well guys, this is personal. Not that I am in anyway connected to Manly P. Hall but yeah. This one made me so mad.

The trial itself started in mid-1993. A handful of followers of the charismatic Hall listened glumly as details of his final days and his death--a coroner’s report blamed heart disease--were discussed.

For her part, Marie Hall said there are still some loose ends that need tying up. Manly Hall’s death, for one: Los Angeles police homicide detectives say the case is still open.

“I firmly believe it was murder,” she said in an interview.

So my question is, according to the Manly P. Hall website, his widow paid 12,000 for a second autopsy but does not say and I have to be honest that maybe I missed it because this is a hard read guys.... but it doesn't say what the result is from the 2nd autopsy anywhere and so in order for it to be an open homicide investigation if as reported in the LA Times article I quoted above it was ruled natural due to heart disease, the 2nd autopsy had to have changed that to homicide or it wouldn't be an open investigation. USUALLY. IN MOST CASES I'VE SEEN.

Here is what his widow said

About one or two days later, after I had regained some composure, I called Forest Lawn to find out if Manly's body had been cremated. Luckily Labor Day had intervened. Even though I was still unaware of Brandt's insidious complicity in the murderous deed—he had ordered embalming of the body so as to fully minimize discovery of the foul deed—I simply stopped the cremation to order an autopsy.

Probably because of Manly's age and the prospect of immediate cremation, the first autopsy turned out to be a sham-performance with illegal implications. We had to order a second autopsy by a reliable and honorable expert; it cost me over $12,000. The situation is a most revealing account all by itself and related findings.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 01:43 PM
I'm not sure what the purpose of murdering him would be at such an advanced age, and it's certainly not unusual for a 70+ yo male to die from heart trouble.

From Wiki:

The Mystic in Decline
By the late 1970s, sickness had become a way of life for Hall, who was nearing 80. His gall bladder problems had gotten so bad that he stopped lecturing outside of Los Angeles; the organ was removed in 1972. His thyroid glands had been removed when he was young, which might have contributed to his obesity. His eyesight was so poor that he could barely get through the daily mail. His joints ached with arthritis. His days were spent visiting one doctor after another, and stocking his shelves with prescriptions and supplements.[29][30]

In the late 1980s, Hall appeared to lose his personal judgement. He turned over all of his household and business affairs, and even his and PRS’s financial assets, to a self-professed shamanic healer and supposed reincarnate from Atlantis named Daniel Fritz. Hall disregarded anyone who questioned the relationship.

Ill and dangerously overweight in his final years, Hall had apparently bought into Fritz’ claims as a mystical healer and his promise to spread Hall’s work across the world. Hall did drop weight through diet and exercise, and Fritz administered regularly colonics. Hall signed his estate over to Fritz less than a week before his death.[31]The circumstances of Hall’s death were more than suspicious. An autopsy revealed several bruises, smudges of soil, and evidence of trauma, and some called it murder. [32][33] There were charges but they were never pursued and after Fritz’ death in 2001 and his son’s passing in 2003 the file was closed. [34]

Manly P. Hall died on August 29, 1990. A Masonic memorial service dedicated to “The Illustrious Manly Palmer Hall, 33 degree, Grand Cross of Honor, was held on September 23rd, 1990.[35]

I supose his care givers could have gotten tired of waiting for him to die....or the accumilation of health issues not properly treated could have done the job.

One thing is certain; there's no way to ever know the truth.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: nugget1

In view of the fact that my own exit from this planet had been expertly contrived by the three con-artists in question—that is in connection with or shortly after the demise of my husband—I would like to record why I believe, in fact know, that Manly left this world on August 28, 1990, by way of murderous causes.

Obviously con-artists who pretend to care for and heal elderly people have more or less murderous motives to begin with, even if they are experts in covering up their tracks by hypocritical pretenses. The three con-artists in this case managed to do so for three years while representing themselves to us as "Godsends."

Hopefully, for their own sake, God will repay them according to their desert. Aware that the police might not be able to convict them of murder short of a confession, provable fraud and grand theft charges do readily confirm my conviction: the culprits have recently been served with summons from the Superior Court of California.

So his widow thought that his according to her SUPPOSED physiotherapist took them on an rv vacation and purposely used a trailer to tow the car in order to overheat the rv to cause problems and isolate Mr. Hall in order to murder him. She believed and this is why I want more info on the 2nd autopsy because she believed that they smothered him and then brought his body back home and pretended he was alive but resting in his room then "discovered" him dead the next day? Her recounting of the ordeal is somewhat disjointed.

The motive would be the fact that Fritz the supposed physiotherapist and cronies tricked the late Mr. Hall into signing over his extensive library to them upon his death.

By all accounts, Manly Hall would have been mortified by the scramble caused by his death on Aug. 29, 1990--six days after he signed his estate over to an assistant who was helping with the day-to-day operations of the Philosophical Research Society.

Widow Marie Bauer Hall went to court to overturn the will, alleging that Daniel Fritz and several associates had conned her husband of 40 years into signing over personal and society property worth $10 million after he had become senile.

He died or was murdered as it says only 6 days after he was tricked into signing the will over to this Fritz character.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

He died or was murdered as it says only 6 days after he was tricked into signing the will over to this Fritz character.

Which is what his wife believes to be true, but may not necessarliy be acurate. She lost control of the finances of her aged husband who had serious long-standing health issues, so there's not enough evidebce to convince me of foul play.

A lot could be cleared up had she-or someone else-released the second autopsy report. Since she held that information back, I'm a hard sell on this one.

I enjoyed the story, though-and the rabbit hole! Thanks, Shoshanna. It's nice to have somethibg besidees politics and the state of our world to think about!

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Yeah that's what I was wondering because I scoured the web looking for this 2nd autopsy results. Like homicide or natural causes. I just get so mad when it seems like people are taking advantage of confused old people.

Hehehe I never even knew about the circumstances of his death and the first thing I found was his wife's hard to follow story of it so I was interested. Im on the fence. I just think its a little suspicious that he died just 6 days after he made the new will.

posted on Jul, 20 2024 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Shoshanna

I agree with the timimg, but if,say, Biden were to die of a hearttattack while on AF1 there would certainly be speculation as to whether he really did.
If Jill claimed he was taken ould, even though an utopsy showed his heart stopped AND she had proof via an independent autopsy I think we'd all want to see tht 2nd autopsy before greeing it was murder.

It's especially easy to say an old person in ill health was murdered if they were wealthy or had enemies, and claiming you have proof-which you decline to show-leaves me doubtful.

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