This is about Evan but it is also about anyone who has been targeted and set up to fail by bad management.
And secondly guys I had no idea these people took a freaking grocery store so seriously this is like some kind of weird power play 1980s wall street
movie. But its real life. I was like wow these people are petty. And its all pretty well documented by multiple people that is what is insane about
First, links:
This is the PDF of the lawsuit his parents filed against the Kroger corporation for wrongful death. Much of the facts of this case are found in these
documents and this is my main reference point so unless I cite something all the facts come directly from this lawsuit.
This is a Washington Post article that gives more of Evan's personal background info and talks about his family filing the lawsuit.
This is an article about Kroger's attempt to get this lawsuit dismissed and failing and gives some info on the protests that went on following
Evan's suicide.
Evan Seyfried was a loyal guy. A Dairy department lead at Kroger. He had worked there for 19 years. Loyalty, unfortunately matters not to corporations
and psychopaths. In 19 years Evan had never once gotten in trouble. No write up. No talking to. Nothing. Until, as reported by another associate's
call to the company's ethics hotline the store manager started bullying people so they would quit and she could replace them with who she wanted.
What, you may ask would be the impetus for management at the Kroger corporation to target and bully Evan until he killed himself? Thankfully Evan and
several associates at his store documented all of this in real time for us through photos, detailed notes, written complaints to their UNION [grocery
union is a scam guys dont fall for it] and calls to the company's ironically named "ethics hotline".
The impetus was as it usually is with these things. Nepotism. The store manager hired the grocery manager's brother and sister in law and together
they fomented a plan to cause Evan to fail and lose his job so they could give it to the brother-in-law.
How could they cause him to fail? You may ask. Through a multi-pronged approach involving other associates and subordinates. See, at these big
corporations it takes a lot to fire somebody because they never want to have to pay unemployment. They need documentation after documentation. Write
up after write up. Otherwise it could be considered as not being a "for cause" termination and the company could end up paying unemployment [I am
aware companies pay Unemployment Insurance all the time constantly but the amount they pay goes up if they actually have to pay unemployment pay to
someone they fired If. It's all dollars and cents to these people]
If you didn't go along you would probably be bullied as well so one fellow associate quit because he didn't want to participate in the store
manager's elaborate scheme of randomly hiding expired products in Evan's department for a regional walk through because despite the months long
reign of terror already inflicted on Evan he had not buckled. He had not quit. They sent him threatening text messages and followed him home from work
and sat outside his house on multiple occasions. Of course they would be long gone by the time the police showed up. This was witnessed by his parents
and their neighbors as well once he moved back in with them due to being afraid to be alone at his house with all the harassment, threats and stalking
going on.
That associate quitting because he didn't want to comply with management's scheme made it even harder for Evan because that associate was not
replaced. Evan was told his job was on the line because everything wasn't getting done but he wasn't allowed by management to work overtime and was
missing a 40 hour a week associate in his department so he was expected to get two people's job done with the labor hours of one.
He took photos documenting the conditions of his department constantly. He kept finding random expired products. They sent in undercover shoppers to
pretend they bought expired products from his department.
The store manager made him uncomfortable flashing her cleavage at him repeatedly which he complained about and that made the bullying worse.
Now other managers were telling him that by using the Kroger employee website on his phone, he gave Kroger permission to monitor all of his internet
usage at HOME and at work. They taunted him. They bullied him. They took a job he loved and turned it into one he hated. They called him Antifa for
wearing a mask during Covid, but Kroger's policy mandated the masks. And that is a snapshot right there of the corporate hypocrisy.
The day of the regional manager walk-through Evan was on high alert. He wanted to make sure there were no errors in his department. He documented
every single time that day he went back to a shelf and had to pull off another expired product he hadn't put there. It happened 7 times that day. His
department's walk through was initially scheduled to happen during his shift, but it kept getting pushed back. Evan figured they were pushing it back
to set him up to fail after he left which is what ended up happening.
After he left, 9 violations were found by the regional manager in his department. This was Evan's worst nightmare. He had already been written up by
the store manager once for expired product. A second write up for the same issue can and usually does result in termination.
An ominous meeting was scheduled. Evan was worried he would get fired.
Evan saw himself as being fired from a job he had worked at for 19 years. He was only 40.
What makes me sad is Evan obviously took pride in his job, at one point really loved his job. How can someone that dedicated get fired over a bunch of
fake bs which then because he is fired he will have a hard time finding another bs job because he got fired and you can't say in an interview "my
management waged a months long campaign of terror against me in order to replace me with someone she wanted" that sounds INSANE!
Evan, seeing no options as someone who had followed the steps. Reported incidents to his union, reported issues to the company's ethics hotline.
Several other associates had also filed complaints with the union and the ethics hotline to no avail.
Evan decided to end his own life. 19 years at a job only for one group of people to state their aim "make his life a living hell" that is a direct
quote from management in this case and fulfill that.
After Evan's death, of course the manager's brother-in-law got his job. A month and a half after his death an associate called the ethics hotline to
report that she had gone to her bakery counter and found the handwritten complaint Evan had made about the manager flashing her cleavage at him
repeatedly next to a department report for that associates department dated that day and signed by the manager. This was taken as a threat and
intimidation tactic by the manager.