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posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 07:10 PM
Well, Hollywood has done it again. Taken a classic and turned it into crap. They've done a remake of Time Bandits.

Why can't they just leave well enough alone ?

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Has anyone ever said… “I’d like to see a remake of time bandits” ?

I’ll just quote the original..
Don’t touch it!
It’s evil!

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

It's really feeling like Hollywood, amongst others, are trying to rewrite cinema history, and history in general.

I could tell by the typical, obligatory "menagerie of race" playing the "Time Bandits", smh. Which, by the way are normal sized people, "because".

This will suck too, but they'll keep pushing the garbage because they got nothing...


posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 12:01 AM
Not with a ten foot pole......

I recall anticipating the remake of Rollerball. The political and social message of the first with James Caan, the hero beating the system. Built into a movie with great action and what did the femake offer? Nothing but action. Garbage.

Reciently I have dipped my toe into the philosopher Mark Fisher. If I'm understanding his thoughts, one is that the future is out of focus and no one can really express a viable vision of the future. To this though he suggests that art is turning back on itself and repeating past successes because artists cannot see the future. He wrote

At a time of political reaction and restoration, when cultural innovation has stalled and even gone backwards, when "power ... operates predictively as much as retrospectively" (Eshun 2003: 289), one function of hauntology is to keep insisting that there are futures beyond postmodernity's terminal time. When the present has given up on the future, we must listen for the relics of the future in the unactivated potentials of the past.

I'm not sure what he means by all of that but it does ring with some thoughts of my own.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:01 AM
The good thing is that nobody forces us to watch and pay for such crap. Yet.
I am happy with the originals. Let them burn their money for remakes nobody wants to watch. At least it´s not our money but theirs.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:44 AM
Í was hoping this was another crappy AI hoax. I was wrong. Not only are they making this abomination, it is not a movie but it is a series.

I did find a reasonable explanation while looking into this. We have lost our focus for the future. It is harder to see what will be than used to be. With no focus, art is turning to its older visions and is eating itself.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:48 AM
I think remake, redo, upgrade, reimagined whatever, is about mediocre minds believing if they copy the innovators and originators, they will do a better job.

See it all the time. Stupid jealous people.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: DAVID64
I have the original Time Bandits on blu ray. I went out and bought it after I saw it on antenna TV last year. It really is a great movie. I don't see any issue with a remake, most of the world does not even know about this movie. A reboot could bring some fresh attention to the classic. You musn't forget that is what these reboots help to do is to bring attention to the classic for people who never knew about it.

Of course that could never help in Dune's case. I found the original so dull I fell asleep three different times trying to watch it over the years. So I gave up and decided Dune probably sucks, and I have not seen the reboot either.

I liked the trailer so far it has not put me off. Although they should have kept the Time Bandits midgets, it adds more charm when a child travels through time with a group of people his size. I cannot tell but it looked like Lisa Kudrow is one of them? I could not think of a better personality to be in a movie like this. Or is it a tv show since it said apple TV?? I don't know how that works but I am inclined to watch this .

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

Go watch the trailer and then get back to us.

It's reallllllly Badd.....

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: baddmove
I did watch the trailer, and although appalled at the forced diversity cast, I can still have fun with it because its #ing time travel FFS. Time travel is always very diverse and there are going to be eclectic character, alternate cultures even in the same location, and a general sense of surrealism and wonder.

Maybe I do not have a sort of nostalgic attachment because I did not see it when I was younger. I absolutely love the classic to the point I went and bought it at a local video store I support on Blu Ray, and it was not even a pre owned copy. I do have a respect for the original. I watched it three times now and I still am not so certain Sean Connery was not just the fireman and the kid had a whacky dream. I am probably going to watch it again this weekend now that we are talking about it, my kids find it amusing as well.

I like seeing modern graphics improve on the surrealism of past titles. I find it makes the experience more immersive. I will figure out how to watch it and just explore it with an open mind. Just because it carries a title does not mean it has to live up to the previous one. it can just be its own work of art inspired by the classic. I am ok with it. If I watch the first couple of episodes and I find the writing style no good then I will probably stop. But I will at least give it a try. I think the biggest fail up front for me is the lack of the bandits being midgets. For something geared more to the fantasy of a child, it would have given it a more Goonies-esque feel to it with midgets,

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

As a buddy of mine said, "If something is good enough to be remade, it's already good enough that it doesn't need to be remade."

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

Another Dwarfist remake , how this racism against Dwarfs can be allowed is beyond me , seems they're more discriminated against these days than white males !

Solidarity with the Dwarves , no Dwarves no Time Bandits.

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