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Some weird occurrences that are troubling me - Part 2

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posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 05:38 AM
Some weird occurrences that are troubling me - Part 2

Part 1 from 2018 can be found here:

ATS Link

I would like to thank everyone who gave advice in part 1 with a special shout out to Kurokage, RudeCherub and RAY1990.

Part 1 TL;DR

I have a chronic debilitating illness which started when I was 50 years old. It left me housebound and unable to do a lot of the things we take for granted. My mother returned to the UK in 2016 to look after me as I was really struggling. We both moved into an apartment in late 2016.

Unexplained events/issues started happening in 2018 such as:

• fleeting images of something black (approximately 12 x 12 inches in size)
• small items disappearing and showing up several days later
• feeling like something was watching me
• odd knocks and noises at night
• odd smells
• waking up at around 3am with an oppressive heavy atmosphere in the room
• problems with the security alarm going off in the early hours (different sensors on consecutive nights with no plausible reason). It has not happened since.
• halogen bulbs constantly blowing
• seeing very dark shapes during the night (no lights turned on) prior to falling asleep
• abnormal repugnant thoughts
• major arguments over minor issues
• hearing heavy breathing (metallic and electronic in nature) just prior to falling asleep
• my bedroom light being turned on and off frequently during the night despite my loud snoring as reported by my mother
• waking up to scratches on my body
• pressure on my bed like someone sitting down - it happened frequently both day and night
• rapid pummelling on my mattress at the foot of my bed then racing up to the top of the bed, stopping dead where I was sat with my legs hunched up
• being slapped while asleep
• having my left big toe pinched like a clamp which was very painful and woke me up
• visited one night by a very dark shape and printed on this shape was a body, arms and face but no legs

For context see ATS link at the top of this post.

As I am not religious I did not want to go down the priest blessing route. I also decided to avoid smudging rituals as I did not want to make matters worse. I decided against paranormal investigators as well for the same reason. I started using protective visualisation and positive thoughts throughout the day. I had been asked by people in Part 1 to look at causes such as black mould and hallucinations due to compounded medications.

Part 2 is 6032 words which can be problematic when reading within the confines of a forum thread. It would also mean shrinking the images to the website thread width parameter. Taking this into consideration I have opted to present Part 2 as a PDF file which makes for easier reading and better images. The pdf file is hosted on my Proton Drive (link below). I have checked the file with an anti-virus scanner.

The reason why Part 2 is so long is I wanted to document everything which is my primary reason for doing this, something I could refer back to at a later date. I thought some of you may be interested so decided to share it. Whereas in Part 1 I was asking for advice this is not required for Part 2 as I have done a lot of research in the past 18 months. Saying that any feedback is welcome.

PDF Link

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Morrad

How are you doing and are you coping any better with your illness? I haven't yet read your PDF but will try to get to it and respond.

edit on 17-7-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 06:42 AM

Some of you may wonder why I have not asked a priest to come and bless our property. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, to be able to accept this as a demonic influence, I would also need to accept the legitimacy of Christianity as the two things go hand in hand.

In looking how an exorcism works, it starts with the consent of the individual to remove the attachment. When you do define the attachment, there is a battle of wills that takes place. The priest is there to guide this process. By acting under the authority of Jesus it does provide some protection for them with the mental battles that do go on.

It is good to hear that you made some progress with protective visualisation and positive thoughts throughout the day. Perhaps you are closer to the aims of Christianity than what you give yourself credit for?

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 06:53 AM
Haven't read the link yet, but I like the decision to go positive right out of the gate! I will follow up later I have to go to work.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Morrad

I also stayed at a troubled property decades ago Morrad and experienced some of the things you write about namely waking up with a weird presence in a room , having doors open and close and objects fly across a room and pets disturbed and freighted by what ever it was .

It left when i confronted it as it was doing the big boots on the stairs routine , I merely let out a roar about it paying me dig money if it was going to be there any longer and to leave my pets alone - I stopped being afraid of it and it left !!! .

Is there running water near where you live ? , as in my experiences with this fenomena running water was always close by , rubbish mobile signal in that area ? .

will read more later tonight

downloaded it and read your PDF Morrad , interesting that you have a cemetery so close to your property , as when this was going on in my life title did I know what I thought were pig bones in a old victorian garden that I was cleaning up behind this 17th century cottage were actually human remains from a genocide that was called the Highland clearences

edit on 17/7/2024 by stonerwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: Morrad
I read the PDF-that is pretty wild.

Have you checked out the history of the property?
That may be worth doing.
Does the property sit on a leyline,or on a leyline junction?
These places seem to be hubs for paranormal activity.

You mentioned odd smells-any burning or sulpher like smells?
Those are often reported where "demonic" activity takes place.

The "metallic" breathing/voices are interesting-that suggests some form of technology to me-maybe some kind of transmission?
Whatever is happening,it seems possible that these entities are trying to make themselves known maybe by using some unknown form of technology.

The behaviour of the cats tells me this is something actually happening-and you can rule out the possibility of a "folie a deux" situation between you and your mother.

I know you are reluctant to get a priest or other spiritual person involved-but it may help put your mind at rest if you were to get the opinons of a respected "sensitive" or even ghost hunter type person-but only if you find someone who has a good track record-and does not ask for money.
It doesn't matter if you believe in a particuar religion or not-an outsider may bring a different perspecive which could shed some light on the situation.
I would wish to find out if the "thing"is good or bad intentioned from a non biased third party-don't tell them anything before hand,just see what they come up with..

If you can find out,it may have a positive effect on your health.

The "Roman" guy is something else you should try to research-he seems important.
Maybe research local history-but dont just look for Roman stuff-he may not be Roman,just look that way.

Fasicnating story Morrad,thanks for sharing and I hope you get some answers and or respite from the strangeness.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Morrad

In your prior thread you mentioned taking antidepresents and Amitriptyline; both can cause visual and auditory hallucinations.

Are you still taking these medications?

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

Slightly worse unfortunately. It seems I have the progressive form of this illness. Thanks for asking Kurokage.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: kwaka

One of the exorcists to the Vatican stated that exorcism only contributes around 10% towards a good outcome. The rest is down to the individual's belief, mental state and determination.

Thanks for the reinforcement regarding protective visualisation and positive thoughts.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

No running water nearby. The River Humber is 2 miles north of my location.

We had a JCB type digger on both the front and rear gardens. No bones appeared thankfully !

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: Morrad

If it was not for the way my then young dog and cat were reacting to what ever was going on at that property I was thinking I was going nuts at what was going on .

Only later did I find out that I was the first person to stay there for 5-6 decades and not flee within a few weeks .

like you I do not give into a religious explanation to this phenomenon but what worked for me was telling it to FO and needed no priest .

I has been fun trying to explain the scratches on my back and shoulders to the then girlfriends but it did show me there was more to life than what I understood

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: onestonemonkey

Thanks for the feedback and your kind words.

Checking out the history of this property and the local area is on my list of things to do. I have a mobility scooter so a trip to the library and town hall is in order when I have a good day health wise. I am not sure if it will bring up any information on the Roman type guy but I can at least try.

The property is not on a ley line. The closest is 15 miles east. There is a major ley line hub around 30 miles north from here.

I have encountered fleeting odours with no obvious cause. Sulphur (rotten eggs) is one of them. There has also been a burning oil type smell and an old man's pipe smoke.

I along with my mother have a red line now. When this becomes unsafe eg affecting our health, accidents.

We are both opposed to having anyone come in 'blind'. I have read numerous reports of psychics/demonologists doing this and be followed home then attacked. I have contemplated finding a neutral type person with knowledge/experience in this area to have an informal discussion with after they have read Part 1 and 2. My mother is against this.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Yes I am. There is a whole section on this in Part 2.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 03:50 PM
In my experience, these types of things are always related to you in some way. The fact the supernatural occurrences are happening along with a physical illness tells me there is a psychological component. Usually related to suppress emotions/fears/trauma (shadow) and it is now manifested in your reality as this demonic being which either is manifested from your shadow OR it is a being using the shadow as fuel/permission.

Understand this depends on you. You’re in control. Analyze any addictions you have that might be feeding this (food, porn, internet, drugs, alcohol, TV, unnecessary meds etc) as these also allow things to enter.

Hanging fresh cut garlic and onion keeps negative thought forms away, recycle every 24hrs for a few days and then every 48
Keeping a physically clean house is good
Using a mixture of salt and water and sprinkling the water on all doors and windows in the name of the Creator is good
Jesus also holds power

Think loving thoughts towards others and imagine good things for them and send them love and truly feel love for them. This is extremely powerful.

posted on Jul, 17 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Morrad
I read your posts. I do believe you not believing in Jesus, this is your big chance to test the theory.

Say this a few times and see what happens.

"I command you in the name of Jesus the Christ to leave now" , "in the name of Jesus Christ all spirits not from God must depart".

The worst that will happen is you won't get rid of it. You don't have to be faithful to say those words either.

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Morrad

Did you have any success in recording any of your interactions, did you capture any audio or video? The last time you posted in part 1 you were setting up video recordings? Part 2 didn't seem to show any? (This isn't a criticism my friend.)

The reason I asked about recording and documenting any evidence was to help take this from a possible mental health issue connected to your illness and/or medication, to something more tangible to help you move on with this problem.
If you had something, you could look into a paranormal investigator or something along those lines as you're not religious.
You appear to be in the Sc unthorpe/Hull area and a quick search found quite a few. A good one should look into the phyiscal, and not just the spirtual.

This has been with you for over 5 years now and weather you believe it to be paranormal or not, you've given over a large part of your life to it without really getting any further with an investigation, and by doing so have given this "thing" power (real or not). Having something like this playing on your mind for 5 years will affect your thoughts and mental well-being, real or not, this will creep into your daily life and routine.
If you do want to get to the bottom of this, I would look into family history, past family health issues, the history of the house and area, all of which which should also help an investigator.

Keep us up to date.
(ATS has been having issues of late and many members have also joined another site called Deny Ignorance)
edit on 18-7-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 01:33 PM

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Morrad
a reply to: stonerwilliam

No running water nearby. The River Humber is 2 miles north of my location.

We had a JCB type digger on both the front and rear gardens. No bones appeared thankfully !

Try looking into lay lines in the area or get someone into use diving rods for you as twice in my life I have been sitting right on top of old disused coal mines faces one had a drop of 280 ft the other over 600 ft and there was homes built on top but 30 ft under the concrete plug were these open pits ? .

As some point out maybe it is worth looking into your family history and seeing how many of your family pick up on this phenomenon, maybe it is something some pick up on while othere notice nothing ?

posted on Jul, 18 2024 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Morrad

These are troubling experiences, but very interesting. I don't post much anymore since the site issues got severe and even more rarely do I reply to this topic, but you seem sincere. You've done some of your own work and have been dealing with this for years. You've earned some assistance, assuming I'm able to provide any.

I collaborate with a very small group of people that study and experiment in this space. For me it falls under a broader topic interest of human consciousness, but most paranormal experiences have a deep and complicated connection to our consciousness. Consciousness is important in explaining a great deal of what happens during these experiences, including ways to alter or curtail them. A holistic approach to explaining paranormal events, or ending them in the case of disruptive ones, is incomplete without consideration of the experiencer's consciousness.

My perspective on human consciousness and the cosmology it exists within can answer some of the questions you've posed, like how does a religious sigil or uttering the name Jesus stop a dimensional entity from harassing you. These often work even for those that don't practice the religion from which these symbols are derived. I believe there is a reason, but it's found within the experiencer rather than some outside agent. It touches on psychology and neurology, but is fairly straightforward. We can discuss it in more detail if you wish, but you needn't know all the reasons to have success exploiting the methods.

Perhaps some of the events do have mundane explanations and, due to the stress of the more vivid unexplained experiences, a carryover effect is occuring. This is entirely possible. You seem to have quite a volume and variety of experiences though, some of which seem undoubtedly paranormal in nature and involve others experiencing the same things. Even if this were all some psychiatric condition, the methods I suggest using have shown promise in studies at working to alleviate those symptoms as well. I don't believe that you're just experiencing a mental illness episode though.

You are correct about hypnogogic states. There are many varied sources throughout history that associate hypnogogic states with paranormal encounters and I think it's suggestive that these states (and other even less radically altered states) do cause higher sensitivity to these energies or entities. I don't have any set belief about what they are or exactly where it all comes from. I leave that to others. Angels, demons, aliens, ghosts, djinn, are all acceptable terms to me. They're incomplete terms, placeholders, that are most meaningful to those immersed in the particular culture from which they're derived. That's sort of the nature of all things really, their associations are cultural and personal rather than universal.

Existing sigils are sort of a shortcut for the same work that can be done via visualization. The power of a sigil, like the power of visualization, is based on what it is associated with in the mind. In Western culture nearly everybody has some degree of familiarity with Jesus and the main angelic (and demonic) entities. These associations exist, even for those that are not members of these religions, and it gives the sigils power. For those of us not practicing these religions though, these symbols do not hold as much sway. They have associations in our mind, but are not reinforced through things like meditation or prayer. They're passive associations.

They're also attached to a lot of convoluted dogma, which for me gets in the way of them being effective tools. The related dogma is as heavily associated with these sigils as the meanings of the sigils themselves to me, which serves as a distraction. This is really just a personal hang-up. If I worked at it, I could adopt these sigils for their intended purpose and purge the negative assocations. I like doing my own work though, for better focus.

It's possible to establish your own sigils, power words, or visualizations. These are really sort of like a sticky note reminder for your subconscious. Through effort and intent you associate a symbol, word, or sigil, with a particular state of mind or broader conceptual framework. During events, having embedded these associations into your subconscious, they become accessible to you. This comes with practice.

I think your work on visualization to eliminate intrusive thoughts is a good start, but I believe through visualization you can also begin filling a toolbox for handling these events. Visualization, done properly and with a plan, can help you begin to operate more consciously within altered states. These states might be hypnogogic, but also may be other types of neurological entrainment or bleed through perception of your non-local consciouness. No matter which state or why you are able to perceive these entities/disturbances, learning to navigate altered states and even remain in conscious control during wake/sleep transition would likely be of great benefit to you.

When using these techniques, using existing sigils or creating your own tools, you're working to alter your mental state and by extension your field of consciousness. This field of consciousness is the agent that acts on these energies. There is also a competing idea that these actions are purely internal, which sometimes incorporates simulation theory as the backdrop for the material universe. I don't have any evidence that points toward one conclusion over the other. In some ways it's merely semantics. I actually believe both can coexist without contradiction in our complex experiences.

I have sent you a private message with contact information if you'd care to discuss things further. While there is no concise singular text that I can point you to for further reading, I can direct you to a few sources or summarize what I've distilled from a broader survey of the topic. There are several methods for building on your visualization practice for greater effect, but aside from a general flow of progression the methods can be adapted to your ability and needs. You needn't memorize the cosmology, the psychology, or any of the complex mechanisms at work to engage the process successfully. You just need to know what to do and be willing to experiment a bit to get the results you desire.

I meant to keep this brief, but I still had to edit the post down. If you don't see a PM please reply here and I'll send it again. The site is unreliable for messages. I also failed to check if the private message exceeded the text limit when I pasted it, so it may be truncated. If so I can relay the rest at your leisure.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: ksihkahe

You and I have never seen eye to eye, and we always seem to rile each other up when ever we've exchanged comments. But I would just like say, that after reading your comments here, I have to say that I mostly agree with you, and also think your comments are well explained and very helpful for Morad.
I recommended visualization to help take some control of the situation whilst investigating the more normal explainations before moving forward in Morrads Part 1 thread.
It's funny how people can have very different, and even opposite views on one subject, and yet have very similar on another....

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