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What does a "threat to democracy" actually look like?

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posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
To answer it, you first have to look at what he did the last time he was POTUS. In the Fall of 2019, when the Democrats still had a clown car full of wannabe candidates, Trump correctly identified that Biden was the only one who could beat him. By late Spring of 2020, Biden had been identified as the likely Dem candidate and the Covid Pandemic was making Trump even more unpopular than usual. According to unguarded comments by Steve Bannon and Rudy Guiliani, Trump had made the decision by that time that the only way to stay in office was to try to bypass the Electoral College process. Otherwise, he was going to lose the election to Biden.

The issue is the Left has such a weak lineup, even still. The Liberals kicked Biden out of the Presidential race for a long list of lies that he basically told for decades, so what happened...they are still lies with more on top every year. What made it worse is WE all saw the dementia creeping in back when he was VP.

He couldn't explain exactly how it was going to be rigged.

One needs to think about how can a person get 82 million votes campaigning in a bunker. You were close to the answer... mass mailings based on outdated voter rolls, unsecured drop-off boxes, and what the liberals do harvesting. The problem was the mass mailings etc was like throwing gas on a fire for them. They manipulated it all in their favor and WOW did it work, almost topo well.

In any case, his intent is clear. As Steve Bannon put it, he wants to stay in power, but "doesn't want to ever have to face the electorate again."

Just a ton of assumptions. Trump will win and he will be done in 4 years. The good news is we can finally have some new faces and we can get out of the 60s finally.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 06:08 PM
The leftist jackass’s that would shoot our candidate. That’s what a threat to true freedom is. The socialist commies trying to kill the guy on freedoms side.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
What's destroying democracy?

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
Hosea 4.6

That's what...

"At times like these a prudent person stays silent, for it is an evil time." Amos 5:13

right now we can speak our minds. in a few years, maybe not.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

I can agree both parties did this overreach because both Bushes are in on the DS Cabal. Trump, we need some proof he was a threat to the COTUS rule of law that the D's and RINO's are hell bent on doing to us.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Might be going out on a limb here, but suggesting a bullseye be placed on your political rival and then an assasination attempt, might count. Not even counting all the election interference, democracy subversion, constituional rights violations, twitter files, etc.
Libs wont even read the twitter files because a meme told then Elon was the devil ... while they order from Temu on their slave labor phones.

edit on 13-7-2024 by Boogerpicker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 07:38 PM
What we call “democracy” is actually an illusion created by the reactionary conspiracy. They control all political parties and dictate all election results.

posted on Jul, 13 2024 @ 09:11 PM
“What does a "threat to democracy" actually look like?”

It looks exactly like what just happened to Trump. That’s what. Can’t allow the actual will of the people.

posted on Jul, 14 2024 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

Yep, now we know exactly what it looks like.

This is what that kind of talk brings. And it's been festering for years now.

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