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CHATGPT4 -12 Points on Tulsi Gabbard as VP for Trump

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posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 05:43 PM
1)Shortlist Position: Gabbard is on a relatively small shortlist along with a few other prominent figures, indicating serious consideration. This could suggest a higher likelihood compared to other potential candidates

2)Trump's Preferences: Trump has expressed admiration for Gabbard's common sense and appeal, which aligns with his criteria for a running mate who can help him win and govern effectively

3)Electoral Strategy: Gabbard's diverse background and military experience could help broaden Trump's appeal, especially among independents and moderates, which might make her an attractive choice.

4)Her Political Stance and Background: Gabbard has a unique political profile. As a former Democratic congresswoman with military experience, she appeals to some moderate and independent voters. Her stances on foreign policy, particularly her anti-interventionist views, resonate with certain segments of the electorate, including some women who prioritize peace and military reform.

5)Women's Issues: Gabbard's positions on women's rights and health could influence her appeal to female voters. She has supported paid family leave and advocated for gender equality in the military.

6)The Trump-Gabbard ticket would also be affected by Trump's broader appeal to women. Trump's presidency saw a significant gender gap, with many women opposing him, particularly those with more progressive views on social and gender issues. Gabbard's inclusion might soften some of this opposition.

7)Youth Appeal:
At 43, Gabbard is significantly younger than both Trump and Biden, potentially appealing to younger voters who may feel disconnected from older political leaders. Her presence could invigorate the campaign with a sense of generational change.

8)Potential to Shift Focus:
Gabbard's selection could help shift the narrative away from Trump's controversies by focusing on her unique story and perspectives. This could provide a fresh dynamic to the campaign and potentially attract media attention in a positive light.

9)Military Credentials:
Gabbard's military service (she served in the Hawaii Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq) could enhance the ticket's appeal to veterans and active-duty military personnel, a key constituency for the GOP.

10) Diverse Representation:
Gabbard's background as a woman of color (Samoan and Hindu heritage) might help the GOP appeal to minority voters, which is traditionally a demographic where Republicans have struggled. Her selection could be seen as a move towards inclusivity and diversity within the party

11)Bipartisan Appeal:
As a former Democrat, Gabbard's presence on the ticket could signal a willingness to bridge partisan divides. This could attract some disaffected Democrats and independent voters looking for a centrist option

12) Appealing to Independents and Moderates:
Gabbard's independent and often unconventional political views could attract voters who are dissatisfied with both major parties. Her military service and anti-interventionist stance might appeal to moderates and independents who value these positions

Some points are just reworded I know, but it is very interesting what it pulls up when asked.
edit on Wed Jul 10 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: all caps title

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Never happen.
She endorsed/supported Bernie Sanders.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33

1)Shortlist Position: Gabbard is on a relatively small shortlist along with a few other prominent figures, indicating serious consideration. This could suggest a higher likelihood compared to other potential candidates

2)Trump's Preferences: Trump has expressed admiration for Gabbard's common sense and appeal, which aligns with his criteria for a running mate who can help him win and govern effectively

3)Electoral Strategy: Gabbard's diverse background and military experience could help broaden Trump's appeal, especially among independents and moderates, which might make her an attractive choice.

4)Her Political Stance and Background: Gabbard has a unique political profile. As a former Democratic congresswoman with military experience, she appeals to some moderate and independent voters. Her stances on foreign policy, particularly her anti-interventionist views, resonate with certain segments of the electorate, including some women who prioritize peace and military reform.

5)Women's Issues: Gabbard's positions on women's rights and health could influence her appeal to female voters. She has supported paid family leave and advocated for gender equality in the military.

6)The Trump-Gabbard ticket would also be affected by Trump's broader appeal to women. Trump's presidency saw a significant gender gap, with many women opposing him, particularly those with more progressive views on social and gender issues. Gabbard's inclusion might soften some of this opposition.

7)Youth Appeal:
At 43, Gabbard is significantly younger than both Trump and Biden, potentially appealing to younger voters who may feel disconnected from older political leaders. Her presence could invigorate the campaign with a sense of generational change.

8)Potential to Shift Focus:
Gabbard's selection could help shift the narrative away from Trump's controversies by focusing on her unique story and perspectives. This could provide a fresh dynamic to the campaign and potentially attract media attention in a positive light.

9)Military Credentials:
Gabbard's military service (she served in the Hawaii Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq) could enhance the ticket's appeal to veterans and active-duty military personnel, a key constituency for the GOP.

10) Diverse Representation:
Gabbard's background as a woman of color (Samoan and Hindu heritage) might help the GOP appeal to minority voters, which is traditionally a demographic where Republicans have struggled. Her selection could be seen as a move towards inclusivity and diversity within the party

11)Bipartisan Appeal:
As a former Democrat, Gabbard's presence on the ticket could signal a willingness to bridge partisan divides. This could attract some disaffected Democrats and independent voters looking for a centrist option

12) Appealing to Independents and Moderates:
Gabbard's independent and often unconventional political views could attract voters who are dissatisfied with both major parties. Her military service and anti-interventionist stance might appeal to moderates and independents who value these positions

Some points are just reworded I know, but it is very interesting what it pulls up when asked.

Yes. Yes. Yes. All the above and then some...

Bonus: Gabbard winning VP would piss of Hillary & Kamala. That’s a two-fer I would eagerly support.

edit on 10-7-2024 by UnRepentantHarlequin27 because: Add YT link

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 06:08 PM
Oh the debate between Harris and Gabbard would be epic, Pence held back on Harris last VP debate.
Some even said a white male on black female can not go scorched earth, the optics are just too negative.

Tulsi already ripped her up so bad in the 2020 debate and they were on the same team back then, it was so bad she never recovered from it, and had to drop out shortly afterwards.
edit on 10-7-2024 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
Oh the debate between Harris and Gabbard would be epic, Pence held back on Harris last VP debate.

Tulsi already ripped her up so bad in the 2020 debate and they were on the same team back then, it was so bad she never recovered from it, and had to drop out shortly afterwards.

So what you’re saying, is that Tulsi put out the trash?!
Imagine the (White) house cleaning she could do!

To quote a certain someone, “It would be a beautiful thing.”

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

A source is needed for this quote
Please provide it and I can add to the OP.
Closed pending reopened
edit on Wed Jul 10 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

I'd like to see that! A male, especially not brown, will be accused of misogyny, racism etc. I like Tulsi Gabbard. She just recently switched (2022) to being an Independent, meh, but I've listened to her several times and she has good common sense, isn't afraid to speak up, she's very clear and concise, young, attractive, female, Samoan-American and a veteran. For what it's worth, she checks all the boxes. She'd give Kamala a heck of a run for her money.

However, her past voting on issues both with the Left and against the Right will come back to haunt her. She was for Obama's Iran deal, is not against abortion and leans very heavily liberal. In that respect, she's not aligned with the Republican party on several issues that would make or break the deal for many people. As she herself has stated, she would be happy to be appointed to another position in Trump's administration which might be a good fit for her. VP, no, not enough red in her.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I can not link a CHATGPT4 answer link, does not come up, it blanks out, sorry.

But this is what CHATGPT said when asked several different questions about Tulsi as VP, I just thought it was interesting.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Donald Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009
His political affiliations have changed multiple times throughout his life, reflecting a complex and evolving political identity.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: CarlLaFong
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Never happen.
She endorsed/supported Bernie Sanders.

She resigned the DNC party VP to break with Hilary in the 2016 run, she was later attacked by Hillary in a very slanderous way.

She is an independent moderate that got pushed from the left into the center which now seems to be right, because the left went bonkers.
edit on 10-7-2024 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
Thanks for The info.
Didn't know that from The OP.
I don't "do" intro would have been a good addition to the AI list ......

edit on Wed Jul 10 2024 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Why do I always see names that are on a supposed "short list" in news stories, but never hear Donald Trump read it off?

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 10:31 PM
I did some stalking on Tulsi a few years back to see how she really was...She is a politician after all, so you need to make sure she is mostly truthful and a decent person. She does seem to be legit in wanting to act for the interests of Americans. I think she would go do her job as vice president, unlike our present vice president.

I would think it would be a plus if Trump picked her to run myself, but it may be difficult for her to work with Trump because he is a little self centered like Biden is. She has some of the personality traits of Pence it seems, so I do not know if Trump would pick her and I do not know if she would want to work with him either.

I voted for the best vice president in the last election, and my choice did not win. I did it in the election before that too, Hillary vs Trump, and my VP choice did win then. When you aren't enthused with either presidential candidates, you choose the best VP candidate and hope that VP candidate can moderate the president and do their job. Kamala was not good at doing her job, she did not want to do what she was assigned to do sometimes. And she did not try to keep Biden on track nearly enough either. The president may be elected by the majority of the people in a country, but he is supposed to represent all the people, not just those who voted for him. Same with Congressmen, they are supposed to represent everyone in their state, not just their political parties agenda. This problem with our elected officials needs to be corrected.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I did some stalking on Tulsi a few years back to see how she really was...She is a politician after all, so you need to make sure she is mostly truthful and a decent person. She does seem to be legit in wanting to act for the interests of Americans. I think she would go do her job as vice president, unlike our present vice president.

I would think it would be a plus if Trump picked her to run myself, but it may be difficult for her to work with Trump because he is a little self centered like Biden is. She has some of the personality traits of Pence it seems, so I do not know if Trump would pick her and I do not know if she would want to work with him either.

I voted for the best vice president in the last election, and my choice did not win. I did it in the election before that too, Hillary vs Trump, and my VP choice did win then. When you aren't enthused with either presidential candidates, you choose the best VP candidate and hope that VP candidate can moderate the president and do their job. Kamala was not good at doing her job, she did not want to do what she was assigned to do sometimes. And she did not try to keep Biden on track nearly enough either. The president may be elected by the majority of the people in a country, but he is supposed to represent all the people, not just those who voted for him. Same with Congressmen, they are supposed to represent everyone in their state, not just their political parties agenda. This problem with our elected officials needs to be corrected.

Here's the thing, conservatives, moderate Republicans disenfranchised Democrats and Independents need to come together it's the only way the Democrats got close the last 2 times and being fractured is why they are freaking now.

First of all who in their right mind thought we would be here 3 years ago, Im a fan of Gabbard and she definitely brings some thing to the ticket no other candidate does, she might help make Trump palatable to some, turn down the heat and let him be less of target IF he wins. Hell I wanted DeSantis as President 4 years ago never even thought Trump has a shot but here we are.

If Tulsi keeps us from Biden/Harris sequel I can live with that.

but here's what CNN says..

Tulsi Gabbard
Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ran as a Democratic presidential candidate in 2020, but left the party to become an independent in 2022, alleging that her former party is “under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness.”

Gabbard, a veteran, was first elected to Congress in 2012, making history as the first American Samoan woman and first practicing Hindu member in Congress. She also served as the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee. She left Congress in 2021.

As a congresswoman, she voted “present” on both articles of impeachment against Trump in 2019. And in recent months, she has ramped up her praise and defense of the former president, alleging at a Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this year that “the Democrat elite and cronies” are “using our criminal system to prosecute” Trump and “undermine his support.”

Gabbard has publicly expressed interest in joining the ticket, telling an audience in response to a question at a book event, “If asked to serve in that way, I would be honored to do so,” according to the New York Times.

In 2016, Gabbard was considered by Trump for jobs at the Defense Department, State Department and the United Nations, a source then told CNN.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Tulsi"s father is a Catholic and she seems to respect Christians rights in the country from what I have read.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
a reply to: StoutBroux

Donald Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009
His political affiliations have changed multiple times throughout his life, reflecting a complex and evolving political identity.

I used to be on the Left, when I was younger and stupid, I get it. And viewpoints and opinions change as we grow and learn, fortunately. But there are [some] issues where the position you took was/is extremely defining.......and unforgiving. And she hasn't changed her position of some of those issues. And as a politician, the views and issues she supported are very public.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 10:58 AM

But this is what CHATGPT said when asked several different questions about Tulsi as VP, I just thought it was interesting.

a reply to: Blue_Jay33
AI has it's limitations and even giving Tulsi Gabbard any sort of odds at being Trumps VP pick is clear evidence of CHATGPT's limitations.
Tulsi Gabbard has zero chance of being VP. Trump is/was just being nice when he spoke to her possible candidacy. Trump has made it clear that a VP pick needs to be someone who can take over as president and Tulsi is not presidential material. Maybe she can be in charge of the National Gaurd or something like that.
I think it's going to be Govenor Doug Burgum. He's got a great business mind, strong negotiator and has extensive experience & knowledge in the energy sector. I wonder what CHATGPT has to say about him? I like Rubio but not a big fan of Vance. My money is on Burgum. Tulsi has zero chance, not even a consideration.

edit on 11-7-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: Blue_Jay33
Thanks for The info.
Didn't know that from The OP.
I don't "do" intro would have been a good addition to the AI list ......

Because chatgpt may refer to facts but does not properly source them, nor does it constitute any type of journalism or scholastic review of said fact. It's a bot pretending to be Quora but doesn't boast the credentials and publication history required to hold SME status or anything close to it.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

nor does it constitute any type of journalism or scholastic review of said fact

And you know this is what I like about it, CNN or other news organization always want to spin the facts into a news narrative.
I don't want a narrative, I want facts that I can analyze myself, save the spin.

I am enjoying CHATGPT a lot, the more specific the question the better, it responds very well to leading questions as well.
Ask it basic generic questions, see it's answers, and then grow the direction with more specifics from there.
I found basically you can be like lawyer/Attorney questioning an expert on the witness stand, and there is no other lawyer to object or judge to stop where you want to go with the information, very useful.
edit on 11-7-2024 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 04:57 PM
Fine. She's better than PENCE

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