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INTEL Community Thugs tell President Biden that Donald Trump Had Better Not Win in Nov 2024.

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posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:07 AM
Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Via Senator Marc Warner (D-VA), the "Six Ways From Sunday"** Intelligence Community leadership sent President Joe Biden a coded Twitter message yesterday, telling him that Donald Trump better not win in November.

From the position of the intelligence community (IC) Joe Biden is less important than their priority of ensuring President Trump does not win reelection.

It is an existential and/or zero-sum battle from the standpoint of the IC. If Trump wins, they could be destroyed; ergo, Biden or someone, anyone, must defeat Trump.

The IC doesn’t care who removes the threat Trump represents – that’s the “strongest path forward” part; however, Trump must be defeated.

Warner says Biden must take a meeting with the IC “broader group of voices,” and listen to them tell Biden -in person- what the real priority is.

The IC is not going to be ignored, so sayeth Mark Warner.
Extracted from:

This could be really bad for Biden, or for Trump, depending on what the Intelligence Community's PREFERRED method of keeping Donald Trump out of office is.

Americans need to make certain the leaders/officials in OUR Federal Government know that many of them will be (at the very least) removed, if "something happens" to candidate Donald J. Trump. 😠


**"Six Ways From Sunday" is a term Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) used, when describing to President Trump how the Intel Community would hurt him and his family, if he (President Trump) came after them when cleaning out corrupt or criminal actors from the Federal Government.. aka: "draining the swamp". Supporting Article:

edit on 972024 by WeMustCare because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

At some point it's in these kind of peoples nature to turn against
each other. Can't always tell when or at what point with any accuracy
but it always happens. It's inevitable when to many of their kind
come together. And it usually starts with something miniscuel or
petty that knocks over that first dominoe.

No loyalty among thieves.
edit on 9-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:38 AM
Biden may not be an issue if there's any truth to this article:

Proposal circulating for Biden to exit and launch 'blitz primary'
top news
1 Min To Read
in 3 hours
US President Joe Biden recently faced pressure to exit the 2024 race following a lackluster debate performance against former President Donald Trump. A proposal authored by Georgetown University law professor Rosa Brooks and Democratic donor Ted Dintersmith suggests an expedited Democratic primary to choose a new nominee before the August convention.

The proposal outlines steps for Biden to announce his exit in mid-July and for prospective candidates to submit bids for a blitz primary. This primary would involve social media campaigns and forums moderated by celebrities to engage voters. The final nominee would be chosen at the Democratic National Convention.

While the proposal has received positive feedback from Democrats, including donors and campaign officials, the Biden campaign has not commented on it. Brooks and Dintersmith acknowledge that the plan may be ambitious but believe it could lift America from its current state.

Despite initial skepticism, many are beginning to see the proposal as viable. The authors emphasize that the plan is a living document and subject to change based on feedback. While the likelihood of the proposal being executed remains unclear, the positive reactions it has received indicate a growing interest in the idea.

Overall, the proposal presents a potential solution to concerns about Biden's ability to defeat Trump in the 2024 election. It highlights the desire for a more engaging and inclusive primary process, appealing to a wide range of Democrats who are eager for change.


posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare

One more reason to vote for Trump and be sure he wins. It was 50+ of those idiots who signed off on the Russia Russia Russia scam they tried to hang Trump with.. If they say go left run to the right !!

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
Biden may not be an issue if there's any truth to this article:

Proposal circulating for Biden to exit and launch 'blitz primary'
top news
1 Min To Read
in 3 hours
US President Joe Biden recently faced pressure to exit the 2024 race following a lackluster debate performance against former President Donald Trump. A proposal authored by Georgetown University law professor Rosa Brooks and Democratic donor Ted Dintersmith suggests an expedited Democratic primary to choose a new nominee before the August convention.

The proposal outlines steps for Biden to announce his exit in mid-July and for prospective candidates to submit bids for a blitz primary. This primary would involve social media campaigns and forums moderated by celebrities to engage voters. The final nominee would be chosen at the Democratic National Convention.

While the proposal has received positive feedback from Democrats, including donors and campaign officials, the Biden campaign has not commented on it. Brooks and Dintersmith acknowledge that the plan may be ambitious but believe it could lift America from its current state.

Despite initial skepticism, many are beginning to see the proposal as viable. The authors emphasize that the plan is a living document and subject to change based on feedback. While the likelihood of the proposal being executed remains unclear, the positive reactions it has received indicate a growing interest in the idea.

Overall, the proposal presents a potential solution to concerns about Biden's ability to defeat Trump in the 2024 election. It highlights the desire for a more engaging and inclusive primary process, appealing to a wide range of Democrats who are eager for change.


There is a definite push or putsch if you will, I know how ATS just loves those WWII analogies, but here is one where it might be on target somewhat.

Is Biden Paul von Hindenburg and he needs a little putsch out the door.

Democratic primaries and proper procedures be damned

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:08 AM
I found this article rather interesting...

Biden’s final decision will be based quid pro quo, pre-emptive pardons for himself and virtually his entire family.

Finding a new candidate to replace Joe Biden is the easy part. Getting him to resign or drop out of the race without triggering a political firestorm will prove to be far more difficult. Despite reports to the contrary, the Democrat establishment is not reluctant to nominate Kamala Harris in all her bubbleheaded incompetence. Their problem is what to do with an incumbent who does not give a damn about the future of the party or, more importantly, the country.

In all likelihood, the Democrat elites and Biden family will settle for an extremely lucrative arrangement that allows Joe to drop out of the race and remain in office in exchange for waiting until after November 5, 2024 to issue pre-emptive pardons.

The Democrats are certain that once Joe is out of the race he will no longer be the center of attention in the campaign. However, if Trump and the Republican Party consistently expose the specter of pre-emptive pardons and continuously and plausibly ask, based on the Biden family history, what deal did the Democrats agree to get him drop out of the race, then, rather than a new Democrat nominee being the focus of the race, a venal, corrupt, and exposed Joe Biden will remain the center of attention in the campaign.


posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:14 AM
Government institutions are suppose to stay apolitical when it does come to the voting process. As for every other large institution, there are going to be people voting different ways. Otherwise, has the IC community been infiltrated by the Borg and all assimilated into one hive mind? Could this existential threat involve an individuals free will and right to self determination as this globalists takeover continues to slowly creeps forward?

As for some that have gone public in the past on the election issue, they are consistent running on fear and intimidation trying to get their way.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

They realize they can't even cheat Biden thru a second time.

Anyone else they can blow up like a ballon at a Pink Floyd concert.
And cheat em on thru. Because that leaves a question in everyones
mind. Where Biden would leave everyone knowing on both sides
without a doubt. It was rigged to keep Trump from being martyred.
The ICs less attractive resolution then just keeping him out.

Note: less attractive in no way indicates off the table.

edit on 9-7-2024 by Astrocometus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 06:54 AM
This is called "the tail wagging the dog". But, one must realise that putting the emphasis on the "intelligence community" is totally the wrong impression. It is not the community it's certain people in that community and it's these manipulators/blackmailers/traitors to democracy that need weeding out of the system.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

Right. The thugs.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: 727Sky

They realize they can't even cheat Biden thru a second time.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 09:27 AM
The IC policy is clear. It's Paramount that puppet leaders be in all high government positions. Looks like Schumer as Majority Leader has appointed Warner as the IC SPOX 😀

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: crayzeed
This is called "the tail wagging the dog". But, one must realise that putting the emphasis on the "intelligence community" is totally the wrong impression. It is not the community it's certain people in that community and it's these manipulators/blackmailers/traitors to democracy that need weeding out of the system.

From the viewpoint of the IC, Trump is the manipulator/blackmailer/traitor that needs weeding out. I remember talking to some of my friends in the IC back in May of 2017 just after Trump invited Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Kislyak into the Oval Office and shared highly classified sensitive information with them that we got from Israel. Apparently, he did it impulsively, with no thought of what the consequences might be. One of my friends suggested that maybe the CIA would take him aside and show him videos of the Kennedy assassination as taken from the grassy knoll.

Ditto earlier in 2017 when he revealed to Philippines President Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines positioned off the coast of North Korea.

Ditto in 2018, when he released photos that showed the faces of Seal Team 5 members.

Ditto in 2019, when he Tweeted out photos of a failed Iranian rocket launch that revealed to the entire world how good our spy satellite resolution is.

Ditto in 2022 when it turned out that he deliberately took hundreds of classified documents with him as a civilian when he left the White House, refused to give them back, hid them, and obstructed justice in the process.

As a civilian and following normal rules, he could not get a security clearance now, and I would not be surprised if Biden refuses to give him one after he becomes the Republican nominee.

If he becomes POTUS again, intelligence sharing from our allies will dry up, since they won't trust either his competence or his motives.

At some point, it would not be surprising if they take some direct action, as a matter of self-preservation.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 10:51 AM
Sounds like justification to use those new immunity powers...if the right thinks only they get to use it, that'd be funny. I'd like to see it happen, it wont though.

a reply to: WeMustCare

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Boomer1947

👆The BAMN Tactic -- PR for the 2024 election👆😀

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The IC policy is clear. It's Paramount that puppet leaders be in all high government positions. Looks like Schumer as Majority Leader has appointed Warner as the IC SPOX 😀

July 9, 2024

Democrats are being assured (in private) that Donald Trump will not win in November. JERRY NADLER (D-NY) has changed his mind, and now believes Joe Biden will be President in 2025.

Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-NY, walked back his call for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race on Tuesday.

Nadler had been among the most prominent Democrats to privately break off from Biden and call for his replacement.

"At this point he is the best candidate he is the only candidate," Nadler told reporters on Tuesday.

They have been assured the CHEAT will work, or Donald Trump will be removed in some way. I hope its not the latter.. Even Trump's running mate (no matter who it is!) can easily beat dementia Biden. "They" have to know this.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: mechtech87

You'd like to see Trump assassinated? Are you calling for the murder of a U.S. Presidential candidate?

There's still time to edit your post, if that's NOT what you are calling for.

edit on 9-7-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 11:26 AM
So here's the actual Xweet:

Right now the Left is in freefall. They have a lot to deal with. The house they built upon the sand of lies and deceit is failing fast. Lots of finger pointing, lots of division, it's a true sh#tstorm and it will get worse. And this isn't just a tiny Broadway show for those paying for the viewing privilege. It's a full blown reality show, loud and proud, not a drop of shame......for the whole fu##ing world to witness. An embarrassment for the USA for sure, but the blame lies fully on the Demoncrats! They have destroyed any credibility the party might have had. Sure, they'll still have a base but a base of idiots. And I mean that sincerely. I watched some people on the Left just last night being interviewed who said they would still back Biden, still thought 'Orange man bad' and after all their opinions of the two candidates were aired, were asked one question. "Were you better off four years ago than today?" Everyone one of them said yes.

So they are willing to sacrifice quality of life for what we have now. They're aren't voting with intelligence, they're voting with fear that has been instilled by mantras of lies and they don't even know it. They simply follow the leader with no critical thinking.

posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Boomer1947

originally posted by: crayzeed
This is called "the tail wagging the dog". But, one must realise that putting the emphasis on the "intelligence community" is totally the wrong impression. It is not the community it's certain people in that community and it's these manipulators/blackmailers/traitors to democracy that need weeding out of the system.

From the viewpoint of the IC, Trump is the manipulator/blackmailer/traitor that needs weeding out. I remember talking to some of my friends in the IC back in May of 2017 just after Trump invited Sergei Lavrov and Sergei Kislyak into the Oval Office and shared highly classified sensitive information with them that we got from Israel. Apparently, he did it impulsively, with no thought of what the consequences might be. One of my friends suggested that maybe the CIA would take him aside and show him videos of the Kennedy assassination as taken from the grassy knoll.

Ditto earlier in 2017 when he revealed to Philippines President Duterte that we had two nuclear submarines positioned off the coast of North Korea.

Ditto in 2018, when he released photos that showed the faces of Seal Team 5 members.

Ditto in 2019, when he Tweeted out photos of a failed Iranian rocket launch that revealed to the entire world how good our spy satellite resolution is.

Ditto in 2022 when it turned out that he deliberately took hundreds of classified documents with him as a civilian when he left the White House, refused to give them back, hid them, and obstructed justice in the process.

As a civilian and following normal rules, he could not get a security clearance now, and I would not be surprised if Biden refuses to give him one after he becomes the Republican nominee.

If he becomes POTUS again, intelligence sharing from our allies will dry up, since they won't trust either his competence or his motives.

At some point, it would not be surprising if they take some direct action, as a matter of self-preservation.

Good, I hope the need for intelligence sharing dries up and those agencies dodo their way into history.

It would be for the benefit of humanity and perhaps American politicians can stop having their dirty secrets used to blackmail them; used to jail them instead.


posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: WeMustCare

Nice thread, Care. Bumped @ local.

No complaints here, if they wanna dance and the
onus [for sitting it out] is more thumbtack in one's
they just might get their little war.
And it won't go the way the computers predict it will.
Actually beyond desperate is a bad look. And I haven't
updated my photo for years citing just that reason.

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