posted on Jul, 9 2024 @ 03:47 AM
"What is the biggest issue that people have with Disney?"
It is one of these "you will own nothing and be happy about it"-things. Like all that streaming stuff.When that hype came up i had Netflix for three
months. After three weeks there was nothing i could watch left because everything that was worth to watch was already on one of my hard discs. Like
finished series of all kinds, countless movies and way more documentaries. Plus more than enough music so i can be my own "streaming service".
After that try with Netflix i asked myself what that streaming hype is all about, are people too lazy "to sail the seven seas"(get something like
LinkSnappy and you don´t have to torrent anything) and then keep forever what they have? I don´t care if the internet has hick-ups, hard disc via
USB attached to my TV and when all the streamers can´t stream because of internet problems which sometimes happen i only have the agony of choice to
worry about. And that even without monthly costs.
Or you get such a hacked "box" (sometimes it´s just a code for smart TV or firestick etc, no box needed) for around 50-100 Euros per year and then
you can watch everything, on every language, from every country, from every streaming service, live sports etc.
So the next issue with all these streaming services is that they are pretty redundant at all, tbh. They can get woke as they wish but i know one
thing, they don´t use my money to do it. And if i don´t pay for these services i don´t even know how woke or whatever they and their productions
are because I don't even come into contact with all this stuff i don´t want to watch or hear something about.
People in the internet will tell me how bad they are anyway. While these people are still or at all paying for these services so they can have a
temper tantrum from time to time about how bad these streaming services are, their woke and political agenda is. Not least because of the money that
these services bring in from exactly these paying customers and use that money to push their agenda.
Don´t get me wrong, i don´t want to see all that "woke" and rainbow colored BS too but to make such corporations stop with their BS agendas we
average people should simply stop to throw money at them or even better, don't start at all to throw money at them.