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I am not a Christian; my church is life.

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posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:51 PM
Hello friends.

I wanted to clarify my faith.

I am part of no religion.

I worship life itself.

I value Love and Justice above all.

I consider myself a Herald of life.

I uphold you each to the same.

I look at the trees; it is my churchyard.

I look within and without; it is my seat.

I listen to the sounds; it is my sermon.

Death is not the end as such.

The body decays, but Spirit lives.

And so, it can be reborn as flesh.

Much the same, when Spirit is at its end, it experiences rebirth.

The Divine itself upholds Spirit, and so it is eternal.

I am lacking for words at the lifespan of Divinity.

Prayer is a way of living.

Living in communion.

At all times.

I believe in a single source for life as we understand it here.

I believe each and everyone of us is a descendant.

All of us, brethren from the dawn of time.

1 splits and is reflected as 2; the union of which begets 3.

All is possible from those 3 primal units and their union, and reflection, and composition.

The original One.

I sometimes refer to him as God, or Father, amongst other terms.

I find most if not all religious writings to be congruent in some fashion to my held belief.

I also believe in Jesus.

He is not my Lord.

He is a Brother.

These beliefs held a place in the back of my mind most of my life, filled with doubt.

But one day, I experienced death.

I was returned in unordinary fashion.

My beliefs have strengthened since then.

Whatever you believe in, I suggest you believe in yourself first.

And respect your parents and elders...

I kneel before no man, angel, demon, or god.

Woman on the other hand... I may be willing.

For I am a Man, and Woman completes me.

My faith is unnamed, though unshakeable.

I simply believe.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:42 PM
My church is the woods. I do not need to go in a church to reinforce my belief in god. I do recognize most of the rules of Christianity are good for society, but believe that God...the collective consciousness of all life real. I accept that something is steering everything, but do not believe man is the only being that is important. I believe almost everything alive has consciousness of varying degrees...even plants and trees.

I was raised Christian and was baptized as a Christian. I get along with most Christians and believe that the principles of Christianity are mostly good, also knowing that some people use Christianity for personal gain. It is not perfect....but I consider it better than a lot of religions.

So, because of my beliefs I probably am not considered a Christian anymore even though I try to follow the teachings of Jesus pretty much more than half the Christians do.

Like I said, my church is the woods, the lakeshore, the fields. I feel more connected to god and nature there than in a church full of people doused with perfume and colognes. I even met for a few years once a week with two Jehovah Witnesses who came to our house or when they got too old to travel the wife and I went to their home. Most Jehovah witnesses are good people too, so are the Amish people. We did go to many different churches over the year to try to understand the differences of the groups, and some of the strictest churches do have it wrong. I do not fear god, I respect god. You do not have to fear him if you are not bad. I do not condemn Satan, it is his job to test people to see if they are worthy, if you flunk a test do you blame the instructor who is testing you? Satan is supposed to be one of the sons of god, he seems to make bets with god in the bible about whether people will cave in to pride or desire for wealth. I can't judge him for tempting people.

Are these beings real? I am thinking that the angels might be the authors of our reality. Which also means that the reality we live in could be similar to a virtual reality. Nothing we see or hear of feel has to be real if the technology is that advanced...and that technology could have naturally be created, meaning no being actually created it, just a collective consciousness of everything that exists. I do not know for sure anything, but I will never totally believe in mankind's explanation of god or science. Just because science says something does not mean it is properly interpretted since we know very little of what exists. I do not believe in the big bang theory either, because there is no way in hell we could determine how the universe was created from this point in space. I have witnessed in my lifetime science and medicine saying all kinds of things that have been disproved now, and the disproving is continuing. Humans are not that intelligent as they believe they are...look at what we are doing to our environment as an example of that. Three hundred years ago we did way less damage to the environment, yet now people say they are so much smarter.

I do not believe in god as other people believe, I believe we were given the job of taking care of this planet by whomever created it....and we are destroying it. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of eden probably so they would not destroy it. Now what. I personally think maybe the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a bee hive and they had to cover up all the bee stings or something like that from hurting the hives to get the food of the gods.

So to wrap it up, I do believe in the supreme being referred to as god, I just do not believe in religion that much.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Personally, I believe Adam and Eve were expected to disobey and get kicked out.

Adam alone would never have.

And so Eve was brought in, knowing curiosity would get the best of her, and Adam couldn't refuse her anything.

Bah, that's my little fairy tale I believe, but it's irrelevant.

It's true that we were meant to be caretakers of earth.

It's also true that we are destroying it.

But our past is complicated.

We are at fault, yet not quite.

Think of earth as an experiment.

The end result can go either way.

Just felt like replying to this tidbit.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 04:37 PM
Yeah after 43 years on this rock I’ve learned to spot liberal/corporate BS.
The simple truth is that Jesus is the only way. It seems too simple/stupid for our worldly minds. But it is what it is. Jesus is a real person and Jesus is the way

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Agree Adam could never.
edit on 7-7-2024 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Everything alive will inevitably die.

Without God, life is just a momentary accident of chemistry in a decaying universe. A brief spark, rubbed out by the inexorable entropy of an encroaching eternally cold darkness, purposeless and forgotten.

I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind. - Ecclesiastes 1:14

What do we know of the loves and heart-songs of ancient kings? Gone forever from memory.

And we too will be even less considered.

No one will remember that human-kind existed.

There is no hope, except in God.

edit on 2024-07-08T06:04:54-05:0006Mon, 08 Jul 2024 06:04:54 -050007am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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