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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:59 PM

I believe there's a scenario coming soon that will attempt to wipe out all things in history pertaining to nefarious activities in the governments and corporations of the world.

Are the facts in the video-TRUE?! Did she really find this evidence?! ATS... WE NEED TO SHRED THIS PART!

for our freedom and being the truth to light once and for all!

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Arthurox1717

Can you add a little more information for those of us who don't- and won't- use TikTok? Maybe a link to another source?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:39 PM
Nope! Not today china.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: SomeStupidName

You Need to take a Good Clean Shower after Watching Anything on TikTok !

edit on 6-7-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

And microwave your phone or computer.

Nuke it from orbit. Just to be safe.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: Arthurox1717

Strange, that this topic come up tonight. Last night, on YT I was watching an old film of how Mao had all of the old Chinese cultural works and traditions eliminated and handed out, in their place, his little red book. The exact tactics foresaw in the book 1984

I've repeatedly pointed out in my posts how our entire system is being subverted by an agenda to make us give up our old ways and be ready to absorb new ways as dictate directly, casually, and subconsciously by governments and social media. And grimace if you will, but the ETs are dictating that we WILL change our old ways toward what they would have for us. That is the pathway toward the New World Order whether you can accept that possibility or not. After all, the ETs have a purpose. The quicker you can understand the connections between changes being wrought upon us by governments and media, the better you will understand our predicament.

edit on 6-7-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-7-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Arthurox1717

Can you add a little more information for those of us who don't- and won't- use TikTok? Maybe a link to another source?

There's very good reason TikTok is banned on US govt issues phones. Only about 75% of why has been put into open source.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: nugget1
In summary, this is a Fruit of the Loom Mandela effect allegation by random internet alleged human, couple with a theory of Mandella Effect being a testing method of a sort of time weapon that will be utilized to erase history altogether. If I just ignored my instinctual desire to be logical I may be inclined to speculate that perhaps this conspiracy has not yet been fully implemented due to the unknown instigators not yet understanding how those who experience Mandella effect are unable to register any supposed correction/erasure of a historical moment or event and still perceive the original timeline. Maybe just swatting the right fly did the trick, or failing to do so even.

One could even speculate that the increased claims of Mandella effect are intentional as a way to discreetly study more folks who claim to experience it after identifying them. This could even be related to the global push to get everyone injected with some strange technology a couple years ago.

It makes a great sci-fi story though!

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Agreed on your assesment of the situation.

It's tricky, because of all the subtle nuances of the interconnectedness of social media, trends, ideologies, manipulation, misinformation and so forth and the potential for abuse by manipulators and opportunists is a very real danger, because Humans don't always think things through before they act on their passions and interests, and TPTB are fully aware of this weakness and have used it to their advantage since the beginnings of Civilization.


Heavens knows I enjoy a funny stupid slice of life avauilable online, and as a rule of thumb to keep my mind as safe and sane as possible (heavens knows that's one hell of a challenge in and of itself) I always keep my guard up when it comes to certain topics or discussions, because Human Psychology is a Hell of a Drug, and the more attention we give certain matters, the more of a hold it can have on our psyches, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Right now, a good majority of the internet is devoted to mindless consumerism. Be it material goods, services, pornography, political ideologies, mindless makeover and trends, the full gamunt of just about everything under the sun is at our fingertips, and I have no doubt our search histories ar being monitored, as well as our contributions, spending habits, aesthetics, personal profiles and politial opinions.

I know it sounds cheesy, but I keep thinking about thestory of the Archangel Uriel, who keeps every action, thought and minutia of our lives written in the Book of Life for review whten the Day of Judgement comes to fruition. Is not our online history similar in many respects?

It's very complicated, and these are very passionate and confusing times for a lot fo us who have been around since before this technology came to it's current incarnation, but please, please, please, for the love of Sanity and Peace be cautious about being influenced by a device that is full of so much opportnities for temptation and the radicalization and infalmation of the passions that you lose perspective of all that is Beautiful and Good in the world.

Sorry about the prothetizing, I woke up with a fire under my ass todaty and I've been typing nonstop since I woke up.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K. Keep your eyes open, choose your battles wisely, and Peace Be With You and Your Spirit.

Shutting up now because I know full well I'm an archaic relic from a time they'd like to erase completely in the name of Pure Science and Deranged Secular Reasoning because some people just trhive on neverending conflicts.

edit on 7/7/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/7/24 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K. Keep your eyes open, choose your battles wisely, and Peace Be With You and Your Spirit.

I am very curious why you chose to write about Circle K all of a sudden. I enjoy stopping for their 80 cent any size sodas. Any particular reason you decided to bring up Circle K?

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

It's a Generational Reference to the movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. The Epicenter of the Heroes Journey begins with an execpected and unusual encounter in the parking lot of a Circle K which starts of an epic and hilarious time traveling adventure that not only helps two slackers pass a History Exam with flying colors, but also showcases the power of Humor and Music to restore Planetary Harmony.

Seeing as how Gen X was recently "activated" as a counterbalance to the current wave of insanity and loss of proper perspective happening all over the place right now, I woke up with another fire under my ass and have been on a roll all day fighting the Good Fight. I apologise infinitely to my elders for my brand of contribution, but I'm a hold out and an optimist and it's just one of those days I can't seem to shut up.

We recently had several Circle K installations pop up in my community over the past five years, and it's been my observation over the course of my young and infinitely bizzare life that gas stations are usually hubs for all manner of interesting people from throughout the Cosmos, and in light of the recent wave of hyperbolic "Newcomers" hell bent on World Domination and the "Evil's of Capitalism" I feel it's absolutely imperative to spread the Good News and Healing Power of a variety of cool and Tasty Beverages to help these hotheads cool down and calm down and focus on Life's Little Pleasures and to take a break from the Oppressive Terrors of Global Warming. phase of operations is to convince 7-11 to bring back the Almighty Grape Slushies and we're one step closer to restoring Harmonious and Sane Relations within the American Landscape.

Oh sure, every social influencer on the block is raving about iced coffees like they're the end all be all to existence, but I will be a Silent Majority no longer! These idiots are dehydrating their brains and they're not working properly anymore.

We will rise in defense of tasty cool beverages everywhere and settle our differences about our various idenitfications, classifications and social alignments and aliiances on the Battlefield like True Americans!


To Arms Comrades! To Arms!

In Defense of America!

Don't be fooled by Communist Indoctrination and Marxist apologists!

In Soviet Russia there is only Pepsi, and you will drink it whether you like it or not!

Long story short, Circle K kicks ass and I'm Gosh Dolly Proud to be an American.

Next step, getting these liner notes to the Trump adminstration as Conservative Talking Points to drown our the Radical Threats like decent and God Fearing Americans and get back to a proper Country where the worst thing we have to deal with is worrying about whether or not asking for Dijon mustard on a burger is a subtle reference to the Trials of the Working Class and out of touch people and a vieled reference to Class Warfare.

I jest, but am serious at the same time. Just taking a break from the very hard issues and trying to spread some healthy absurdity during these troubled times and complicated issues. I'll be back to my usual serious and sober (and slightly odd) self soon.

Thanks for putting up with me, but we all crack under the pressure from time to time and I'm no exception to the rule.

Thanks for reading, we now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

edit on 7/7/24 by GENERAL EYES because: spelling, grammar and all the usual suspects. I'm a complete idiot but my hearts in the right place.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 02:47 AM
I'd like to see ATS ban any links to tiktok.

Its a known chinese government info gathering tool

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

^^^^^^^THAT, my good sir, is PURE GOLD!!!^^^^^^^^^

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 08:46 AM
They've been erasing and creating History for 1000s of years. 😊

Especially lately.

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: CosmicFocus

Agreed on your assesment of the situation.

It's tricky, because of all the subtle nuances of the interconnectedness of social media, trends, ideologies, manipulation, misinformation and so forth and the potential for abuse by manipulators and opportunists is a very real danger, because Humans don't always think things through before they act on their passions and interests, and TPTB are fully aware of this weakness and have used it to their advantage since the beginnings of Civilization.


Heavens knows I enjoy a funny stupid slice of life avauilable online, and as a rule of thumb to keep my mind as safe and sane as possible (heavens knows that's one hell of a challenge in and of itself) I always keep my guard up when it comes to certain topics or discussions, because Human Psychology is a Hell of a Drug, and the more attention we give certain matters, the more of a hold it can have on our psyches, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Right now, a good majority of the internet is devoted to mindless consumerism. Be it material goods, services, pornography, political ideologies, mindless makeover and trends, the full gamunt of just about everything under the sun is at our fingertips, and I have no doubt our search histories ar being monitored, as well as our contributions, spending habits, aesthetics, personal profiles and politial opinions.

I know it sounds cheesy, but I keep thinking about thestory of the Archangel Uriel, who keeps every action, thought and minutia of our lives written in the Book of Life for review whten the Day of Judgement comes to fruition. Is not our online history similar in many respects?

It's very complicated, and these are very passionate and confusing times for a lot fo us who have been around since before this technology came to it's current incarnation, but please, please, please, for the love of Sanity and Peace be cautious about being influenced by a device that is full of so much opportnities for temptation and the radicalization and infalmation of the passions that you lose perspective of all that is Beautiful and Good in the world.

Sorry about the prothetizing, I woke up with a fire under my ass todaty and I've been typing nonstop since I woke up.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K. Keep your eyes open, choose your battles wisely, and Peace Be With You and Your Spirit.

Shutting up now because I know full well I'm an archaic relic from a time they'd like to erase completely in the name of Pure Science and Deranged Secular Reasoning because some people just trhive on neverending conflicts.

Excellent post! Thx you! I gotta run but definitely will be back!

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:19 PM
Hi guys and gals! Thank you for posting I got to run and I was really tired when I posted that last night because when I saw it I freaked out but I will be back and thank you so much for some of your posts are absolutely gold keep the discussion going!

posted on Jul, 8 2024 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Aw, shuckiedarn Sir, a compliment of that caliber coming from such a genetlmen of your claiber sure is a nice gesture!

Thank ya!


posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 12:48 PM

It's the horrible TikTok that... uhh.... Gubment says is bad, so it bad! We don't need any actual evidence of anything happening, we just need a bunch of Goomers in congress that don't understand how to open a PDF going on about how TikTok puts a dozen tiny chinamen in their pocket when they open the app and it takes control of their WiFi!

Seriously. Jesus Christ.

posted on Jul, 10 2024 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: CosmicFocus
a reply to: Arthurox1717

Strange, that this topic come up tonight. Last night, on YT I was watching an old film of how Mao had all of the old Chinese cultural works and traditions eliminated and handed out, in their place, his little red book. The exact tactics foresaw in the book 1984

I've repeatedly pointed out in my posts how our entire system is being subverted by an agenda to make us give up our old ways and be ready to absorb new ways as dictate directly, casually, and subconsciously by governments and social media. And grimace if you will, but the ETs are dictating that we WILL change our old ways toward what they would have for us. That is the pathway toward the New World Order whether you can accept that possibility or not. After all, the ETs have a purpose. The quicker you can understand the connections between changes being wrought upon us by governments and media, the better you will understand our predicament.

I also believe that the only thing makes sense with all the gender stuff, etc is that it is the alien will. But as long as it is all done behind close doors, I want nothing to do with it.

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