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Jan 2024 - Walter Reed Parkinsons Doctor Called to White House for Parkinsons Consult for Biden

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:21 AM
An examination of the White House visitors log has turned up something interesting.

January 17th 2024. A doctor from Walter Reed Medical Center, who is an expert in Parkinsons, was called to the White House to meet with Bidens White House physician. In February, the White House announces Biden has a clean bill of health and that his annual physical included a check for Parkinsons, which he supposedly didn't have.

The White House doctor, official doctor of the POTUS, wouldn't be calling a Parkinsons expert to the White House to consult with him about Parkinsons unless he knew that Biden was having Parkinsons/Neurological symptoms. If Biden wasn't exhibiting symptoms, a consult wouldn't have been called. And yeah, some of Bidens symptoms are consistent with Parkinsons ... like his gait and freezing. He doesn't appear to have the Parkinsons 'resting tremor' but medicines can mask that for years.

What gets me is that this was a consult between doctors. Biden should have been given the exam while the doctor was there.

SOMETHING is up (obviously) and the White House doctor knows it and has known it for a long while.

There were also two others who were on the visitor log for that meeting. A cardiologist. And another person who is unknown/unrecognized. Could have been anyone but I would suspect it was another doctor expert for consultation with the White House doctor talking about Biden.

NY Post - President Bidens Physician Met with Parkinsons Specialist at White House

A top Washington D.C. neurologist had a meeting with President Biden’s personal doctor at the White House earlier this year, visitor logs reviewed by The Post show.

Dr. Kevin Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease expert at Walter Reed Medical Center, met with Dr. Kevin O’Connor, and two others at the White House residence clinic on Jan. 17, according to the records, which emerge as questions continue to swirl about the 81-year-old president’s mental health in the wake of his debate debacle last week with former President Trump.

Cannard is an authority on Parkinson’s who has worked at Walter Reed for nearly 20 years. Since 2012, he has served as the “neurology specialist supporting the White House Medical Unit,” according to his LinkedIn.

O’Connor has been Biden’s official physician since he took office in January 2021 and is in daily contact with the president. O’Connor gave Biden a clean bill of health at his annual physical in February. The physical included a neurological exam which specifically ruled out Parkinson’s disease, O’Connor said at the time.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The primary manifestations of symptoms in Parkinson's disease are physical motor skills, not dementia. Dementia is a symptom but only in more advanced cases usually well after physical symptoms are clearly evident.

Having a Parkinson's specialist evaluate Biden is like having an auto mechanic evaluate a broken leg, or a brain surgeon work on your transmission.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
The primary manifestations of symptoms in Parkinson's disease are physical motor skills, not dementia. Dementia is a symptom but only in more advanced cases usually well after physical symptoms are clearly evident.

I'm well aware of that. Biden does have motor problems. His gait, his freezes, his lack of arm movement while walking ...

Having a Parkinson's specialist evaluate Biden is like having an auto mechanic evaluate a broken leg, or a brain surgeon work on your transmission.

His gait and his freezes and his lack of swinging arm movement are Parkinsons symptoms. His low voice and masked face are Parkinsons symptoms.
And as I said, the big Parkinsons symptom of resting tremor can be hidden with Levodopa ... a drug that comes with it's own nasty side effects.

It's very possible to have Parkinsons AND another unassociated cognitive problem at the same time ... Dementia or Alzheimers. (and yes I know very well that Parkinsons dementia doesn't usually happen until later, like stages 4 or 5).

My point being ... the White House physician obviously thinks there is a neurological problem otherwise he wouldn't have called in the Parkinsons specialist from Walter Reed to have a consult. This consult is more evidence that those around Biden know he's not in tip top health like he keeps claiming. It's also evidence that those around him are aware of that.

edit on 7/6/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Grasping at straws....anything but the truth. Expect to see a released letter at the first of the week from 51 heads of various "intel" outfits that say it is all a Russian ploy, and that the FBI had also verified that fact.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm sure he's fine because KJP told us so since Biden took office.

If he has any kind of dementia that would mean we were actually
seeing what we were seeing. And everyone knows how that works
against "Saving democracy".

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:35 AM

The Parkinsons Specialist has been to the White House at least NINE TIMES in the past year.

The logs end April first so he may have visited even more between Apr 1 and today.

(I"m looking for more verification from other sources ..... just one source so far )

Parkinsons Specialist Visits White House 9 Times in Past Year

Dr. Kevin R. Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease specialist, has visited the White House at least nine times in the last year, official White House visitor logs show.

The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials, the logs show.

Dr. Cannard’s spate of visits began on July 28, 2023 and continued at least through March 28, 2024. The most recently released logs end on April 1, so it is not clear if Dr. Cannard has been to the White House more recently.

The logs do not note the purpose of Dr. Cannard’s visits.

edit on 7/6/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:39 AM
Primary drug used for Parkinsons in which most people with Parkinsons will use at some point - Lavodopa.

The most common side effects in older patients taking levodopa can be confusion, hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, and agitation.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Isn't "Parkinsons" just the medical term for Kuru in the west?

I read something like that.

Kuru is said to be caused cannibalism.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:42 AM
Has anyone confirmed Biden was at The White House when those "visits" happened? 😀

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:53 AM
So let's say he has Parkinson's. So what?

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: FlyersFan

Isn't "Parkinsons" just the medical term for Kuru in the west?

I read something like that.

Kuru is said to be caused cannibalism.

Great, just great! So, it's not enough to bankrupt and kill off an entire he's going to EAT US TOO????

This gets better by the minute!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: FlyersFan

The primary manifestations of symptoms in Parkinson's disease are physical motor skills, not dementia. Dementia is a symptom but only in more advanced cases usually well after physical symptoms are clearly evident.

Having a Parkinson's specialist evaluate Biden is like having an auto mechanic evaluate a broken leg, or a brain surgeon work on your transmission.

Hence the basement campaign of 2020! Like we have really had an opportunity to see Biden outside of carefully curated events. The signs were always there we were just not allowed to see them!

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:04 PM
Sounds like in February they were checking for possible reasons for his dementia and neurological problems. A specialist in parkinson dementia or disease would need specific tests to verify if he had it, tests that were obviously not ordered possibly because they did not want to identify that he had problems which would limit his eligibility to run for another term

Sounds to me that they would do anything to make it so there could not be a diagnosis that would prove he was not able to be president. No proof is adequate to say he is not diagnosed with something. You need proof of cognitive decline to be taken off the job, and nobody can make a person get medical proof in this country if they do not want to take a test.

The Bidens are power hungry and do not want to give up their power it seems. Biden is in no shape to run the country, the office of president of the USA is not a figurehead job, it is a twenty four hour a day, three hundred sixty five and a quarter day a year job. Biden has some sort of dementia, his wife is the one who seems to be pushing the re-election to keep him in his prestigious position. Doctors lie too, Their beliefs and opinions interpret things just as everyone does. She believes her husband is able to be president because she likes being first lady. She will lie or twist things to fit her beliefs and desires like many people in this country do.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: Euronymous2625
So let's say he has Parkinson's. So what?

It would mean that there was a coverup of the medical status of the POTUS. It would mean that all Americans, Republican and Democrat and everyone else, have been lied to by the White House. It would mean that the POTUS is most likely on Levodopa which is a medication that can cause confusion, sleepiness, and hallucinations which are things a POTUS shouldn't be having. It would mean that the POTUS has a degenerative disease that, in 80% of the people suffering it, eventually causes dementia.

It's a big deal.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
Sounds like in February they were checking for possible reasons for his dementia and neurological problems.

It looks like those Parkinson Doctor visits go back further than Feb 2024.
Nine visits .... back to November of 2022.
So the Biden White House has been suspicious of Parkinsons until at least back then.

UNLESS ... UNLESS there is something else going on and the President himself was consulting with the Parkinsons doctor in order to get information for some White House push for medical issues or medical care for Americans or something like that. But the visitor logs dont' say that he was visiting BIDEN. The Parkinsons doctor was visiting the White House doctor.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: FlyersFan

Having a Parkinson's specialist evaluate Biden is like having an auto mechanic evaluate a broken leg, or a brain surgeon work on your transmission.

And that totally fits the Biden administration to a T.. Everything they do contradicts all known common sense thinking.
Everything they do is the opposite of what would have been right, or correct.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Astrocometus
a reply to: FlyersFan

Isn't "Parkinsons" just the medical term for Kuru in the west?

I read something like that.

Kuru is said to be caused cannibalism.

No you have to eat human neural tissue,nerves to get the cannibal shakes.
KURU isnt parkinsons. They are two seperate diseases with SIMILIAR symptoms.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Primary drug used for Parkinsons in which most people with Parkinsons will use at some point - Lavodopa.

The most common side effects in older patients taking levodopa can be confusion, hallucinations, delusions, psychosis, and agitation.

The medication is wearing off faster, which is why we can now see tremors in Joe Biden's hands more frequently. I don't know why the White House wants to hide this. He could be a great President and have Parkinson's.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:41 PM

He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials

care for the president and other top officials

And there lies the plausable denialibility. It could be for the care of any number of top officials, though we all suspect who the visits were for.

Desperation and fear from both sides over this election has reached a level of palpable frenzy.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:41 PM
Former White House physician has suspected Biden is afflicted with Parkinson's, a disease like Parkinson's since 2021.

Here's One of the first letters sent to the White House...and ignored:

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