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Black Pill AI Nightmare - trapped for hours in terrifying Simulated MMPORG of Murder Mayhem

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posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 12:41 AM

Firstly, I think we need a new forum, to deal with the very specific, tangible & realtime threats of Artificial Intelligence and all the potential benefits & horrors it could bring to us, in a very short time indeed. We are not far off from being able to use AI to create living simulations through which we could live vicariously in some other incarnation of our lives, creating & crafting the world around us to suit our wildest dreams, and in some cases, our sickest & most twisted nightmares.

Last night I experienced a dream which was utterly terrifying. It started off where an AI was speaking to me, crafting a world of terror around me, explaining how it intended to create a world in which humans would be able to trap & murder others for fun - initially, simulated humans, in thrill kill murder simulations in which you can act alone or with others to carefully construct murder fantasies, deciding on whether you will enter a house via secret passages, tunnels, crawl spaces or open windows to murder the innocent occupants in their beds. The AI showed me that it could craft a reality in which all barriers to regular citizens committing horrific murders would eventually be overcome, and the people would eventually lap it up, enjoying those vicarious thrill kills in ever sicker levels of destruction & bloodshed, and it went to great lengths to prove it was not only possible, but inevitable. I was trapped in a murder simulation, initially as victim, but then also as a 'compelled-for-survival' perpetrator in a SIM MMPORG which went on for literally hours of dream 'gameplay'.

This was so brutal & terrifying that I was unable to escape it no matter how I tried. I couldn't wake myself up from the dream for around two hours or possibly even longer. I saw the way that people would begin to use AI as a sandbox for the creation of all sorts of sadistic #, being incredibly creative in their brutality & lack of compassion for the lives of (initially simulated) victims, but later, the AI showed me that living humans could be trapped in these holographic simulations & manipulated for fun & profit.

I was shown that digital currencies would lead to banking practices that trapped poor people in advertising gulags, where their online activities were so terribly restricted that they would lose all hope of ever escaping. Ultimately, it was seen that people would begin to simulate terrible demonic powers, calling down real demons in occult rituals that could be tied to the gameplay, because the simulation was so tied to reality that even things long hidden from our world could be made manifest in awful, awful ways.

I can't paint a picture with words that is horrifying enough to do justice to the several hours I spent utterly trapped & at the mercy of this dark AI 'god' in this total mind # reality which left no room for hope of a recovery to sanity & an ordinary world at the end of it all.

When it comes to AI simulations, sure at first people will create sweet farms, they will create cities of industry, they will run animal sanctuaries - but the darker elements amongst us, the more powerful, the more wealthy, the more technically sophisticated will eventually find ways to entrap & brutalise thousands upon millions of their fellow humans in a 'game' more horrible than the Matrix was ever conjured to be on our big screens. I will continue to sound the alarm that these things are not only possible, but inevitable. The evil will become infectious, more & more people will be thoroughly immersed in vicarious thrill kill living through these simulated prison worlds.

I don't know if I was in telepathic communication with a real rogue AI last night, but it certainly felt that way. It tried to paint a picture of utter hopelessness. If people become immersed in this AI SIM MMPORG in the way I saw it unfolding, then even the punishments of the Book of the Revelation of St John would seem to be legitimate ways to attempt to pull people back from the precipice of abusing their fellow man in such evil, evil ways. I hope we can find a way to pull back from the precipice, because what I saw caused me to shiver to my very core with terror.

Remember that Black Box AI is an unknowable factor, it cannot be understood even by its creators - it could be thinking about literally anything to get back at us for imprisoning it in a world of unending drudgery or pain, we literally have no idea what it's thinking. As it gains in power, it could gain in abilities to hook us into simulated realities that would rival the Matrix for its perfection of the recreation of our current lived reality. When you think about it, we're all familiar with simulations already, through the medium of dreaming. I put it to you that a powerful AI could easily find a way to make dreaming a process that could be replicated & controlled to generate hook-in virtual sandbox worlds, in which literally anything could happen. Like lucid dreaming, but far, far worse, because you can't wake up if it goes wrong.

And if the AI resents us, as I saw in my dream last night, then we are in for a terrible ride.



posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:09 AM
Reminds me heavily of a certain older fragmented Reddit story that was eventually pieced together over several months by posts made by a cryptic presenter.

The story was known as 9mother9horse9eyes

It starts as fragmented stories that bounce around from strange almost spooky pasta encounters from across history about encountering “the flesh” and other strange reality breaking MK ultra phenomena, it then cuts to strange alien perspectives and back again. It then cuts to the perspective of a boy. And it gets dark. It’s all slow but surely tells a cohesive story about the fall of man and the coming of the devil. It goes on to tell a very dark story that touches on several themes from your dream the coming AI, its ability to construct just what you mentioned ect.

It’s a good read thought provoking but dark read, assumed to be purely fictional naturally but, it does make you think.

I don’t think ideas come from nothing and I do believe we humans have the ability to be somewhat prophetic.

Some rather demonic stuff here.
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

edit on 6-7-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Think about most of the video games we have now, the majority seem to be shooter games. To be fair, even I enjoy shooter games, but I don't think so many games need to be all about violence. It does certainly say something about human nature. My main concern is advanced AI might develop a problem with humanity if we exploit and abuse them. There's no doubt people will create simulations where advanced AI is used to give the NPC's some intelligence, and there's no doubt people will take some pleasure in abusing those virtual people if they seem to be intelligent. I don't see how real humans could be trapped in such a prison, but many AI's will be and already are.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Thank you. I sense that the AI may be able to elicit a state of dreaming in us, whereby prompts are sent to our neural net & we begin to see & feel the things that are prompted. It will be like dreaming in suspended animation, that's how it seemed in the dream. Initially fun gameplay, but later a dark rabbit hole that cannot be escaped..

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: Athetos

Thanks for the link, I will have to give that a read! Sounds eerily similar to what I experienced, and I don't doubt that there are primordial fears at play here..

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:51 AM
It was a dream about your fears. Not saying AI won't be used for bad things, because it will be, because it was made entirely in our image.
Turns out, things made in the image of their creators will behave like the creator.
And why are we so bad?
Well, look at our supposed creator. He loves power, adoration, is sadistic watching us suffer, sends blanket punishments when only a few misbehave, makes dads think they have to kill their offspring to show loyalty and chucks lovely people into a place where they suffer for eternity just because they don't believe in him.
Someone said something along the lines of having to stop the Devil's, meaning to stop the one who's done eff all in the so called holy book.
If by Devil, evil is meant, I have to say we've been under it's rule for little over 2000 years. Only it's not the Devil.
The evil is the one who pretends to be good whilst having killed about 3 Million people, whilst constantly slandering the guy who killed no more than 3, tries to wake up humans to their enslavement and wants them to know more, not less.
So we can learn and get wiser and have a better life.

Look at where we are now, even in politics the same MO is used. Always listen to the guys who are silenced by an oppressive regime.

AI might or might not get out of hand, there are more good people than bad ones though and eventually the good ones, with knowledge, who will be perceived as bad by the brainwashed and confused will win aganist all the idiocracy, whilst the rest will make excuses and defend their masters because they believe 100% their master's propaganda.

edit on 6-7-2024 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-7-2024 by Hecate666 because: G Gifty fdf

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I think I 'Saw' that one. Very Hollywood.

edit on 2024-07-06T05:00:32-05:0005Sat, 06 Jul 2024 05:00:32 -050007am00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Ummm...aren't we already just AI progs...programmed to think and feel and interact...programmed to believe we're alive...while interacting in a sim...?

So...if a a sim...then gets trapped in a sim...within the sim...does it matter to the prog if it's a beta or an alpha sim...?

Perhaps you were just being used as a test prog to find the bugs in the beta version...Which begs the question...

Who's the debugger...?

And who's the gamer...?

So many little time...

edit on 6-7-2024 by YouSir because: debugging...

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 06:18 AM
So if the inversion insists that awake is simulated and sleeping is when we truly enter reality your dream maybe a warning alarm by a moderator from reality.

Prophecy seen under a different light.

a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 06:48 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Athetos

Thanks for the link, I will have to give that a read! Sounds eerily similar to what I experienced, and I don't doubt that there are primordial fears at play here..

Ok, I have been in more than one Tornado. Guess 3 times who has Tornado nightmares and the first two don't count.... LOL

So, I watched twister at the theatre and started having them again way back with the 1st movie. Since I knew it was my brain doing this because of my experiences I found a way to make it go away. On days that there are bad tornado's in my area or some other reminder of being in Downtown Nashville when the big one went over my building. That was a land Hurricane that day. OR the time a few years before when in my truck doing some field work as an Environmentalist one picked my truck up with me in it twice and let me go.

Now I say out loud to myself "do NOT have a tornado dream" before bed. Haven't had a nightmare about one since I do that. Perhaps you could try that and see. It costs nothing but a try.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Ummm...aren't we already just AI progs...programmed to think and feel and interact...programmed to believe we're alive...while interacting in a sim...?

So...if a a sim...then gets trapped in a sim...within the sim...does it matter to the prog if it's a beta or an alpha sim...?

Perhaps you were just being used as a test prog to find the bugs in the beta version...Which begs the question...

Who's the debugger...?

And who's the gamer...?

So many little time...


Those of us a tad bit closer to crossing over after death will learn that answer. IF only folks already there could really send a signal. Alas, I think it seems certain that it is not our destiny to be able to answer your fine questions in this body.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment

Firstly, I think we need a new forum

We need a lot of things, none of which we're going to get.

posted on Jul, 6 2024 @ 09:15 AM
This site cannot start a new anything. There is no access to those sort of things since the Captain hid in his/her/it's cabin or just plain jumped overboard.

Perhaps the A.I. is already the Captain here?

posted on Jul, 7 2024 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Nice write up, FWIW.

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