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Congressman Wesley Hunt REVEALS jaw-dropping Trump story

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posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:05 AM
Ok this is my new favorite POTUS story .

Congressman Wesley Hunt revealed the absolute Gangster side of Trump in a story about a meeting with Taliban leaders

He said Trump told the Taliban leader we are going to pull out of Afghanistan but it was going to be a conditioned based withdrawal and if any American was harmed he would kill him.

Then he pulled out a satellite photo of the guys house and gave it to him and walked out of the room.

Hunt then goes on to say and for the next 18 months not a single American was harmed .

Great story , and he tells way better in the clip. I want everyone to remember its 2024 and he is black so if you disagree with him or think he is lying you are a racist who hates the military.

I didnt make the rules.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 02:17 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

Honestly, in the last year or so I have grown to see more and more just how Trump may not be the outsider we think he is but instead, the perfect piece of the planned and staged puzzle that the globalists are pushing for in the end to bring about the evil one world government and religion. I am seeing more and more of the connections and feeling less and less reassured by DJT. But I WILL say that I do love this story either way.

I have a weird feeling though that I heard this same story from someone several YEARS ago...

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
a reply to: pennylane123

Honestly, in the last year or so I have grown to see more and more just how Trump may not be the outsider we think he is but instead, the perfect piece of the planned and staged puzzle that the globalists are pushing for in the end to bring about the evil one world government and religion. I am seeing more and more of the connections and feeling less and less reassured by DJT. But I WILL say that I do love this story either way.

I have a weird feeling though that I heard this same story from someone several YEARS ago...

Well DJT was President several years ago, you might have heard it before. Hell it sounds like something Trump would have said, does it not?

several /sĕv′ər-əl, sĕv′rəl/
Being of a number more than two or three but not many.
"several miles away."

I said it before here and elsewhere Im not a fan of Trump, mostly from reading the book from the USFL days. He rubbed a lot of wealthy egotistical men the wrong way, not all of the wealthy men of the world are egotistical but it's a high percentage. BTW since politicians have to deal with the wealthy most of them are egotistical too, ie it's going to irritate the average man and especially the average woman.

That doesn't mean they can't lead semi effectively, this is where I don't see leadership from the left, I see fear-mongering we are doomed BS, which is an example of poor leadership The difference in thier words during COVID. Remember Biden's it will be a dark winter and the unvaxxed will die BS. I never heard that crap from Trump.

I don't doubt for a moment Trump said that, hell why would Congressman Hunt lie?

It can't be easy for a black man like Wesley Hunt in Houston Tx, yet he served his country in the military and is now serving his country in Congress. Winning in 2022 at 65% of the vote after losing in 2020, his district seems to be behind him he has no reason to lie and give his opponent something to chew on.

As for the NWO stuff, I don't prescribe to it myself, wealthy people hang out with wealthy people, they run in the same circles and a wealthy person always has easier access and a more attentive politician when they want to speak with one.

wealthy person + politician = money making or power and control scheme sometimes, but does it mean NWO.

I listened to a Democrat supposed wealthy donator, talk about Biden, and he damn near seemed pissed off he wasn't getting what he paid for, I'll see if I can find the clip.

Till I see some concrete evidence that it is more than that, it's normal wealthy/political malfeasance. Which FWIW is bad enough, if you are going to pull all of this off wouldn't the NWO mantra be a nice distraction from what is occurring?

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 05:12 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

Some kind of alternative timeline where Trump is meant to have met Taliban leaders.

In reality Trump and Pompeo forced the Afghan government to release the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar from jail alongside 5000 other Taliban prisoners as part of the US surrender deal.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 06:12 AM
Logic 101.

As a U of TN fan I had a habit living in Nashville of going to see a Vanderbilt College football game against the SEC foes. I had an incident one evening based on parking habits of the fans. I had a habit of parking next to an old Grocery store named Comptons with other fans. Normally I was there in time to park in the gravel but I had noticed something for later reference. The last cars always parked on the sidewalk at a 7 PM game on a Sat night with only football going on in the area beside it being a neighborhood at the time. Some guy from the top floor of a building said he was calling the law on me. I was about 30 then and I said I wouldn't dare do that if I was you after letting me see where you live.

Never heard a peep out of him again over the years either. That was what people did for years there, park on a dead sidewalk behind a store. Why should he care to tell me? He should have just complained and found out Nashville approved of game day parking there.


No longer live there and that area is starting to look like NY City.
edit on 4000000113120247America/Chicago07am7 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

(post by BernnieJGato removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

Some kind of alternative timeline where Trump is meant to have met Taliban leaders.

In reality Trump and Pompeo forced the Afghan government to release the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar from jail alongside 5000 other Taliban prisoners as part of the US surrender deal.

Please, give us a link on that. I don't recall that. I am willing to read all the real facts about it.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 07:04 AM
That's quite the story! It's definitely a dramatic account that underscores a strong stance on foreign policy. While it's important to consider different perspectives and verify the details of such stories, it's clear that some people appreciate a tough approach in international dealings. It's also crucial to remember that agreeing or disagreeing with someone's account should be based on the facts and the content of what they're saying, not their race or background. Respectful dialogue and critical thinking are key in these discussions.
a reply to: pennylane123

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 07:04 AM
Pretty much the only way to deal with muslims.

Death is all they sow.

Death is all they will understand.

He also most likely didn’t give 2 craps that Trump would blow up his entire family. They don’t think that way he knows he has many wives many house many kids. He cares not for this life but his death cult demands he thinks,prepares and lives for his next life.

Like ash used to say….gotta catch em ALL

a reply to: pennylane123

edit on 4-7-2024 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

Quite a story but the insane Liberals will probably be upset that Trump “threatened” the guy.

And I can guarantee you that they think Congressman Wesley Hunt is an Uncle Tom, an embarrassment to his black race for supporting Trump.

Trump could cure cancer and these Liberal pee-ons would still have a problem with him.

That’s how morally bankrupt they are.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: pennylane123

Brilliant timing posting this.


Many of us already know the real DJT.

He's been a true American for decades.

Not politicans, they're just fools and tools.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

Some kind of alternative timeline where Trump is meant to have met Taliban leaders.

In reality Trump and Pompeo forced the Afghan government to release the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar from jail alongside 5000 other Taliban prisoners as part of the US surrender deal.

yeahbut when were those prisoners actually released? 😃 Who could have stopped it? 😊

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 08:21 AM
Surprised Vindman didn't say he was there for the call. 😀

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

As a U of TN fan

Nashville has gone Liberal and it's turned into a hellhole.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

There was an 18-month stretch that saw no combat, or “hostile,” deaths in Afghanistan: from early February 2020 to August 2021.

There was a total of 45 deaths during his 4 years. Obama averaged 218 deaths per year for 8 years and Trump averaged 11 per year for 4 years.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: pennylane123

Unfortunately, one of the only ways to learn about how President Trump operates is by listening to what he shares at rallies. Most media are missing the boat by not reporting very important revelations that surface during those huge events.

For example, President Trump described how he told Vladimir Putin that if he invades Ukraine again, like he did when Obama-Biden were in charge, he (Trump) would bring down the Kremlin bedroom on Vladimir and his family while they slept.

And, one week after HAMAS attacked inside of Israel in October 2023, former President Trump told his rally audience how Benjamin Netanyahu is either afraid to kill HAMAS leaders, or is compromised in some way, because he backed out of a major joint US-Israel terrorist-strike operation at the least minute, leaving the U.S. to go it alone. ni/

Some would LOVE to hear this about Netanyahu, and others would not want to believe it. But because DJT mentioned it at a of many rallies...the story didn't rise to radar level.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: pennylane123

If you watch his rallies you would have heard that story many times, it's one of his favorites.

Here he's telling Hannity -

edit on 7 4 2024 by underpass61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2024 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

Some kind of alternative timeline where Trump is meant to have met Taliban leaders.

In reality Trump and Pompeo forced the Afghan government to release the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar from jail alongside 5000 other Taliban prisoners as part of the US surrender deal.

Please, give us a link on that. I don't recall that. I am willing to read all the real facts about it.

Certainly. The US-Taliban truce conditions/details are here including the release of 5000 Taliban. US Taliban peace deal
BBC link

The founder of the Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who went on to take over Afghanistan/current deputy head was released by the Trump admin, in 2018 but was held in Pakistan not Afghanisistan like I mentioned earlier. Zalmay Khalilzad was the US representative who got him released:

The deal gave the Taliban all their demands and the US didn't allow the Afghan government to have any say. Taliban were put in charge of protecting US bases instead of Afghan Army which meant they took control of US bases and equipment and captured Afghanistan as soon as US forces withdrew.

Trump spoke with him on the phone a couple of times but there's no record of him ever meeting Taliban in person for obvious security reasons - Pompeo witnessed the signing and Khalilzad did all the regular negotiations with Taliban.

It was a terrible one sided deal that all allies pointed out would ensure Taliban would retake Afghanistan and Biden failed to scrap it or replace it with a deal where the US bases were handed over to Afghan forces/government control.

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: bastion

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: pennylane123

In what 18 month period were no Americans harmed in Afghanistan?

Some kind of alternative timeline where Trump is meant to have met Taliban leaders.

In reality Trump and Pompeo forced the Afghan government to release the Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar from jail alongside 5000 other Taliban prisoners as part of the US surrender deal.

yeahbut when were those prisoners actually released? 😃 Who could have stopped it? 😊

In early 2020 when Trump was in power - The last few were released Aug/Sept 2020 -

Biden certainly bears responsibility for not scrapping the deal and transfering power and security to the Afghan government though as it was obvious Taliban would control Afghanistan under Trump's agreement.
edit on 5-7-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

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