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Looking for new conspiracy topics/video sites

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posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 09:05 PM
Hey y’all,

It’s been a minute since I posted. I’m currently working at home in Montana it’s been awhile. I need some strange and obscure sites to occupy myself while I’m not at work. Does anyone have any good sites or topics to watch videos on? Mainly just doing it out of curiosity.

Thanks !

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

I find documentaries on cults educational. From far out hippie type cults that believe in a woman called ''Mother God'' to much more seemingly down to earth self betterment cults such as NXIVM

There are liberal cults and there are conservative cults. Cults of spirituality and cults of UFO enthusiasts. Take a look at some sports fandom cults as well. Cults centered on entertainers like Elvis. It truly is amazing.

You can find them scattered all over the video services. Sampling them from a cross section of political and religious belief systems has offered to me at least a glimpse of both peoples gullibility and peoples happy willingness to exploit that gullibility.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

The Why Files on Youtube offers some of the best. He just reports the conspiracies with the pros and cons so the viewer can decide what they want to believe.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof
I’ve been sucked into the Chateau Des Armerois chronicles lately. The so called “mothers of darkness” it’s a pretty rattling thing to read about.
It’s quite dark and gripping to find out about what goes on and still likely is to this day. I recently watched eyes wide shut with Tom cruise. I was telling myself earlier today that, I bet that to the powers that be, there’s a lot of dark art and magic that goes on day to day than we are led to believe. On a complete other side of the spectrum, I’ve been hooked into the 1-3 books of Enoch. Cult stuff and ancient religion always peaks my curiosity.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: Liquidiron

I find documentaries on cults educational. From far out hippie type cults that believe in a woman called ''Mother God'' to much more seemingly down to earth self betterment cults such as NXIVM

Odd that you think that NXIVM was a self betterment cult.

It was a sex cult.

Several members of the group, including the leader, Keith Raniere, were charged with various crimes and ordered to serve time in prison.

Nxivm founder sentenced to the remainder of his life in prison

From a news source you can trust... CNN.

Now I understand why you are a Democrat fan.

You are all about self betterment.

edit on 100000007America/Chicago7pmWed, 03 Jul 2024 23:27:05 -050027 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Liquidiron
Hey y’all,

It’s been a minute since I posted. I’m currently working at home in Montana it’s been awhile. I need some strange and obscure sites to occupy myself while I’m not at work. Does anyone have any good sites or topics to watch videos on? Mainly just doing it out of curiosity.

Thanks !

Just hit the archives circa before 10-12 years ago here.

It was a zoo of fascination, insight, and esoteric knowledge shared by many from all walks of life.

Before politics took over.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

People are tribal, and if you pay attention it's easy to see what kind of tribe they ascribe to.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Lumenari
There was a short glimmer of hope where I thought
the whole house would come down on the NXIVM cult but JUST like the mothers of darkness case the man who was convicted in France lived quite high off the hog in jail and was soon released back doing what he did. Kidnapping children. It’s something that I find deeply disturbing that it goes on such a level that most
People don’t bother to think about daily. Where do
All these kids disappear off to ? Underground? Adrenochrome harvesting? I mean it’s all up for speculation. It’s just sickening

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

Oh gee wizz Lumena. Your reply to that post is complete, I don't know what it is but it demonstrates something I''m sure.

See, of course it was a sex cult. But that is not how it was sold to those who became interested in it. It was sold as a ''self improvement course. SEE? That's how cults work. Sell a an answer to a hope and then drag in the trusting, the unsuspecting. And that is the conspiracy in cults over all. Selling something that sounds good or looks good yet behind the scenes is really a form of skullduggery.

If you were under the impression that I was suggesting that a cult could be a simple '' self improvement'' program, you must have miss the part where I said ''seemingly'''? Oh, no you didn't because you quoted that in your reply.

See, some people manage to wake up to the fact that they are in a cult while others do not. EVER. In that Mother God cult they had been driving the dead corpse of they ''mother'' around in a car over state lines for several days because they knew she would be coming back to life.

In the Raniere cult, after it had become common knowledge that he had been grooming sexual slaves under cover of the ''self improvement'' veneer, had been found guilty and then imprisoned there were STILL members demonstrating how innocent he was outside his jail cell.

Those in a cult do not believe that they are in a cult and will twist every fact around to suit that belief, that they,'' no not us'', are IN a cult. As I pointed out in the first post, there are liberal cults and cults there are conservative cults. Religious cults and self improvement cults, all where those in the cult deny it.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Indeed, people ARE tribal. That is a simple truth about cults. Tribes are tribes because for one thing, they have a common belief system. We can focus on small belief systems like any of the cults mentioned so far in this thread or we can search out the larger belief systems and focus on them, doing our best to learn how we as individuals might be immersed within any of them either by choice or worse, from birth.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Some can get very very depraved. The Manson cult was monstrous. The Jim Jones cult was more than most could even think about once the front page fervor had past. The list goes on and on. The worst thing though, I think, is that most all of us always suppose that there is something wrong with those who get sucked in, that this could never happen to me. Yet this I think is how they thrive, by people wanting to believe, never me, no, not me.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Liquidiron
a reply to: Lumenari
There was a short glimmer of hope where I thought
the whole house would come down on the NXIVM cult but JUST like the mothers of darkness case the man who was convicted in France lived quite high off the hog in jail and was soon released back doing what he did. Kidnapping children. It’s something that I find deeply disturbing that it goes on such a level that most
People don’t bother to think about daily. Where do
All these kids disappear off to ? Underground? Adrenochrome harvesting? I mean it’s all up for speculation. It’s just sickening

What likely ruined it here for you is one side of the two political parties the D"s have become pure evil the R's side in congress is helping them and pretending to not be helping take your and my freedoms away.

People can't stand by and ignore that here on a "deny ignorance" platform. Right?

I came because Phage was flat out lying and I as an Environmental scientist of 35 plus years can't let lies like that go unchallenged. I hope I didn't run you off defending the truth.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Origins Explained
Dread Captures
Impossible Channel

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Man, good ol phage. I haven’t seen that name for awhile now. I’ve been a loooong time lurker here on ats and things sure have changed in the last few years. Not sure what to make of it. There were a lot of riveting topics being posted and some great debates. Maybe I don’t come on often enough anymore. Hopefully I don’t get chased out but, it’s (ats) has been lacking substance for sometime now.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Well, if you think about it those groups of people the really dark cults have been going on for ages now. The whole “ufos are real” amongst many other things leads me to believe that whatever they are doing has been going on for far longer than we have been lead to believe and there must be some dark and depraved beneficial reason they are doing it for their own sick agenda. It seems there are a lot more paranormal things popping up and they have been struggling to keep the lid on it all.

posted on Jul, 4 2024 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Liquidiron

Hi Montana

Leak Project has been going strong for years. Lots of videos.

JWTV has current updates on going ons.

And this manic, Juxtaposition. Very smart man, from Cali, worked for one of the top accounting firms, really got around in life. I have learned so much from his videos. Unfortunately, a raging a antisemite.

I hope they fit the bill. I might be back with more.

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