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Let's be serious

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posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 02:40 PM
Right now, here in Western Ky the heat index is 104. I went out in the garden earlier to harvest and took a friend of mine some banana peppers, tomatoes, jalapenos, cucumbers, green beans and zucchini. [ hell of a crop this year ]

He was outside when I drove up and commented "I can't wait till Winter"..

Why ? There's nothing to do in Winter.

In Summer, you can go fishing, have a cookout, go to amusement parks, mow the yard, grow a garden and have fresh vegetables, fruit trees are just waiting to be picked, see women in bikinis, go on vacation and see women in bikinis, sit out on the porch in the evening and have a cigar, the grass and trees are green, flowers blooming, birds chirping...the list is endless.

In Winter you can.....well, you could still go fishing but I don't and my philosophy about grilling is if the snow is not deep enough to cover the grill, you're fine.

Other than that, Winter is mind numbingly boring and miserable. I hate cold and there's nothing to do.

Need proof ? If you take a little vacation in Winter, where do you go ? That's right, SOMEWHERE WARM

I rest my case.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 02:56 PM
I personally dislike summer and especially hate spring. Give me fall and winter any time. I like the cold and snow. I spend a lot of time out in the woods hiking and hunting. Much easier to warm up than cool down. Plus, little to no yard work and mowing. You generally also dont have to worry about storms and tornados in fall and winter.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 03:00 PM
Sounds like he is getting old, tired and just wants to hibernate for a while. Winter is good for that.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Right now, here in Western Ky the heat index is 104. I went out in the garden earlier to harvest and took a friend of mine some banana peppers, tomatoes, jalapenos, cucumbers, green beans and zucchini. [ hell of a crop this year ]

He was outside when I drove up and commented "I can't wait till Winter"..

Why ? There's nothing to do in Winter.

In Summer, you can go fishing, have a cookout, go to amusement parks, mow the yard, grow a garden and have fresh vegetables, fruit trees are just waiting to be picked, see women in bikinis, go on vacation and see women in bikinis, sit out on the porch in the evening and have a cigar, the grass and trees are green, flowers blooming, birds chirping...the list is endless.

In Winter you can.....well, you could still go fishing but I don't and my philosophy about grilling is if the snow is not deep enough to cover the grill, you're fine.

Other than that, Winter is mind numbingly boring and miserable. I hate cold and there's nothing to do.

Need proof ? If you take a little vacation in Winter, where do you go ? That's right, SOMEWHERE WARM

I rest my case.

I agree about the winter but here in Georgia they are mild, if I have a firepit, I do not at the moment Im good most times

I prefer spring and fall which are nice and long this summer has been milder but in the last 2 weeks, it's shot up.

Even then I miss my back deck and yard used to go out in the late afternoon and evening.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 03:08 PM
here in nw montana we got snow about 3 weeks ago and its been on and off crazy amounts of rain, now the pro to this is so far we have dodged fire season the con we have not really had a spring and its been over 70 maybe 5 days so far for our "summer" and after our long winter its slowly driving me nuts so kind of with you on the nothing to do in winter aspect as i dont ski or ice fish

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: DAVID64

If you want some weird weather come visit the north of Scotland where I live and you really do get 4 seasons in a day .

2 weeks a go the television was saying the hottest spring on record while out my window I was watching the pathway and grass vanish in white hail stones .

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 03:19 PM
Couldn't agree more.
Winter is when I clean, do crafts or other "indoor" projects.

Summer is for outdoors. Gardening, harvesting, hell even napping in the hammock! Just outside!

And you aren't kidding about the Great growing season!
The saying here in MI is "knee high by the 4th of July" (corn)

We have several fields, where it is up to our shoulders!
And my peas are ready!

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

That's on my bucket list. Back in the 80s my Dad hired a Genealogist to trace our family line. We've been in America since 1680, but are Scottish/Irish so I'd like to see where I came from.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: DAVID64
Winter is an endangered species here where I live, and I get to feel that all day since I work outside. I used to not like even the tiniest of winter in Florida. Now I pray for the cooler weather everyday, and the strength and determination to just keep on going. That shower at the end of the day fixes it all up anyways. I still do enjoy working outside, but damn let me tell you sometimes that sun is just downright vindictive.

You forgot to mention that in snow you can ski, sled, have snowball fights, build snowmen, snow structures with the kids or grandkids. You can still go hunting in the winter (varies by jurisdiction and species). The options are likely not as voluminous as summer options, but they are still up there.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: DAVID64

If you want some weird weather come visit the north of Scotland where I live and you really do get 4 seasons in a day .

2 weeks a go the television was saying the hottest spring on record while out my window I was watching the pathway and grass vanish in white hail stones .

Theres an Irish saying "four seasons in a day" which quite literally happens. Dont be fooled by that bright sunny sky, for rain is up behind it.
After that it cools down to an Autumn type temperature and to round it off a slight chill will hit like spring does.

Same as Scotland apparently according to stonerwilliam, so yeah theres that

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 04:30 PM
I like each season. It's the change that I enjoy. I tolerate the heat, spring is a rebirth if we get one for a few days. Fall is nice but winter is my favorite.

I live in the Ozarks and in winter you can see through the forest. The tourist's and part timers leave and life seems to slow a bit. I also love my trip to Colorado to ski.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I have a Brother in Law that lives in Augusta. He's from Illinois and has 2 little girls who had never seen snow. They had a reunion in Illinois during the Winter a couple years ago and it was amazing to see those 2 playing in snow for the first time.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: stonerwilliam

That's on my bucket list. Back in the 80s my Dad hired a Genealogist to trace our family line. We've been in America since 1680, but are Scottish/Irish so I'd like to see where I came from.

Be prepared for some horror stories when you dig into that David , bare foot servants to should have been indentured servants in all along the watchtower by Hendrix but they hide things well .

I met a bunch of American tourists at that church many decades ago who were researching their family tree back to that incident and told them the real truth of how so many from Scotland and Ireland had ended up going to America and for 90 + % of them saying no was not a option

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 05:43 PM
I hate summer.
It's so freak'n hot.
You sweat.
You feel like crap. It's uncomfortable.
And when you don't feel well, it makes that worse too.
Can't do anything because of the heat.
I turn up the airconditioning and watch TV for months.

Best time of year ... Oct, Nov, Dec.
Nice and cool, but not freezing cold.
No snow yet. So that's great.
That was okay when I was a kid, but not now as a 62 year old.

You can go outside and not get sweaty and gross.
The air is cleaner than summer. Crisper.
And the big holidays are at that time.

Gimme' fall .... Screw summer.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: putnam6

I have a Brother in Law that lives in Augusta. He's from Illinois and has 2 little girls who had never seen snow. They had a reunion in Illinois during the Winter a couple years ago and it was amazing to see those 2 playing in snow for the first time.

I was talking to a Australian couple years ago who were dying to see snow and winter , I loved watching their faces as I explained the cold winter months that awaited them

I told them your freezer is about minus 5 to 10 centigrade, we get minus 30 c some years for months at a time ,

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 05:59 PM
Blessed to have a career that keeps me outside mostly, regardless of the season or weather.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I hate to break it to you, but we get snow in Australia you know. No-one here has to go "Norf" to find snow.
Every Winter the Australian Alps are covered in snow. Most of southern Tasmania gets snow. A couple of southern cities have had snow. Thank goodness, nothing like Northern America or Europe to Asia. You know there was an Ice age in Australia too?
FYI the First and Oldest Ski club in the World, is in Australia!! The Kiandra Snow Shoe Club, formed in 1861.

posted on Jul, 3 2024 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: putnam6

I have a Brother in Law that lives in Augusta. He's from Illinois and has 2 little girls who had never seen snow. They had a reunion in Illinois during the Winter a couple years ago and it was amazing to see those 2 playing in snow for the first time.

Yeah i still remember my oldest daughter the first time she saw snow, real snow. She stood on the back of the couch looking out the window saying SNOOOH. So fun playing with them

Its been awhile since we have had significant snow but it is a lot fun when it happens. But Ive been in the mountains of Virginia and up New Jersey during storms where the snow is piled up for weeks, its a blast in the mountains but in suburban and urban New Jersey after 2-3 days Im sick of the snow, I don't mind cold even bitter cold but it's the hassle that snow becomes.

It's why North Georgia Is perfect it usually hits for a day or two and it's gone.

posted on Jul, 5 2024 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: gort69
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I hate to break it to you, but we get snow in Australia you know. No-one here has to go "Norf" to find snow.
Every Winter the Australian Alps are covered in snow. Most of southern Tasmania gets snow. A couple of southern cities have had snow. Thank goodness, nothing like Northern America or Europe to Asia. You know there was an Ice age in Australia too?
FYI the First and Oldest Ski club in the World, is in Australia!! The Kiandra Snow Shoe Club, formed in 1861.

That couple were from Melbourne. but I have had a good laugh with other Australian couples and the mammoth drives people go on there . And the fact water is unrestricted and they could have a bath every night amazed them

I can drive from the east to west coast here in places in 45 minutes and from north to south in 13/14 hours .

I have had side splitting laughs at Australian people doing the east /west thing ,driving non stop for 3.5 days ,peeing in bottles and chucking it out the window ,it always amazed me about the fuel tanks that made that possible .

I have come across a few people In my life who have never seen snow in their entire life ( lucky sods ) & I am one of those lucky people who can go from mountain snow to beech in 40 or so miutes .

the nuttiest two were two hot Australian girls decades ago who drove from London to a small village called Ulapool in Scotland 900 + miles just because they liked the name and for no other reason then drive back first thing in the morning ??.

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