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Let's talk about Jamie Foxx's headache and psychics/NDE

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posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 04:53 AM
Jamie Foxx said he saw "the tunnel but not the light" and the tunnel was hot and he thought he didn't know where he was going!

Foxx was filmed in Phoenix opening up to fans about his his medical emergency - revealing it began with 'a bad headache' which saw him 'ask for Advil'- before he woke up almost three weeks later with no memory of what had happened.

Oscar-winner Foxx snapped his fingers and said: 'I was gone for 20 days' as fans around him gasped - and added he 'does not remember anything.'

The Ray star said his sister and daughter took him to his 'first doctor' and said: 'Next doctor said, "[There’s] something going on up there"' - while pointing at his head.

Didn't John Lear tell Art Bell dont go toward the light its a trick? I can't remember if Lear said that or Dannion Brinkley.

Anyways. What do we think? He's said that after this ordeal, he couldn't walk.

Do we think we had a stroke? What would cause these symptoms other than stroke? The article goes onto say that Foxx "won't say on camera" what the actual problem was. Just the stuff about the headache, not being able to walk etc.

I respect everyone's right to medical privacy but he's putting himself out there like this and we need something to talk about so here it is.

Has anyone had an NDE? I inhaled industrial water proofing spray accidentally and almost died. Didn't have that panoramic life review thing Dannion talks about or the tunnel just a small point of light in the far distance.

Do you guys believe in what Dannion talks about in regards to his NDE? Art said beyond a shadow of a doubt he believed Dannion was psychic because he proved that to him and Ramona.

Do you guys believe in psychics? There is a story about the lady who found Melanie Uribe's body on Unsolved Mysteries, her name is Etta Smith I dont know if anyone's seen it but I believe that lady's story about her psychic vision of where Melanie's body was how else would she have found it? Dorothy Allison is another psychic featured on Unsolved Mysteries im on the fence about. Obviously Sylvia Brown is very questionable and i don't buy John Edwards' BS for one second!
edit on 2-7-2024 by Shoshanna because: can't spell

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
Didn't John Lear tell Art Bell dont go toward the light its a trick?

Some people believe that the light at the end of the tunnel is a trap.
That you get caught in it and reincarnate over and over.
To break free of reincarnation, you aren't supposed to go into the light.
Of course, that's just some people's thoughts on that.
No one really knows.

Do we think we had a stroke?

The very little information we have points in that direction.
And with strokes come hallucinations.
So does drug abuse. So that's a possibility too.

The article goes onto say that Foxx "won't say on camera" what the actual problem was.

Which is weird. If it's a stroke, what's the big deal? Why secrecy? Those happen all the time. Only reason I can think of for not wanting to talk about it is that there may have been illegal drugs used at the time.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 07:15 AM
I personally think two things about Mr. Foxx's "illness"

1. He's using the "mystery" angle of his sudden illness to drum up media attention. It's like telling a group of people you know a "secret" and then baiting them along to get attention. Six year old's play this game on the playground in grade school, and still adults fall for it. And/or...

2. The reason for all the non-disclosure is likely not because he inhaled some "industrial water proofing spray", but rather because he forcefully inhaled some "industrial strength Coc-aine" (which just happened to be laced with Fen-tanyl), and then went into coronary arrest. He was probably clinically dead for several minutes if not longer, and when he was rushed to the hospital (following their diagnosis), the medical staff put him into an induced coma called "Therapeutic Hypothermia". Therapeutic Hypothermia is now a fairly common medical practice for persons in experiencing heart failure and cardiac arrest where the person is placed in an induced coma and then their body temperature is lowered down to roughly 89 degrees. This state is maintained for however long the medical staff feel is appropriate to prevent brain damage.

Couple these two things together, and what do you have?

Answer - A perfect explanation for what happened to Mr. Foxx, and for why everything is a big "mystery" and "secret", and why he doesn't want to say what happened "on camera".

Just another Hollowood actor engaged in the age-old art of self-promotion and self-celebration and who uses their celebrity status to be a hypocrite and to bite the hand which feeds them.

Sympathetic? Nope.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I figured a part of it was for media play but I didn't even think about the idea that it could have been some fentanyl laced drugs and thats why he won't say. That is for sure food for thought.

I dont know much about the guy I guess I just assumed he was more straight laced since he dated Katie Holmes for so long and she seems pretty straight laced but who knows what goes on behind closed doors hehehehe

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Thanks for explaining the thinking behind the light being a trick i couldn't remember what all was said or what the theory was just a foggy memory of a C2C show.

I agree if its a stroke why the big deal but it could also be something dumb where he I dont know his stance on the fauxine but maybe he's worried if he says it people will go off the deep end on the fauxine you know if he took it and then stroke who knows.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 01:30 PM
I thought P Diddy drugged Jamie Foxx.Diddy wanted to diddy Foxx.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 01:51 PM
Jamie Foxx Finally Breaks Silence on the Terrifying Near-Death Experience That Kept Him Hospitalized for 20 Days (VIDEO)

I think this part bothers me the most:

According to the details given by Hollywood journalist A.J. Benza, Foxx allegedly suffered partial paralysis and blindness, among other complications, following his vaccine administration.

“Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it,” said Benza during an interview with Dr. Drew.

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 03:15 PM
Sounds about right. All the symptoms and the coma and everything. I know neither of us are doctors but that sounds like a on the nose “pun intended” diagnosis.

Logical rational explanations, the razor.
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
Jamie Foxx Finally Breaks Silence on the Terrifying Near-Death Experience That Kept Him Hospitalized for 20 Days (VIDEO)

I think this part bothers me the most:

According to the details given by Hollywood journalist A.J. Benza, Foxx allegedly suffered partial paralysis and blindness, among other complications, following his vaccine administration.

“Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot. He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it,” said Benza during an interview with Dr. Drew.

That was my theory too because like he hasn't outright said it or anything but thats what the "rumors" are and now he himself is saying it was supposedly a headache that led to it so it makes it sound more plausible of a blood clot. But then Flyingclaydisk came in with the accidental fentanyl theory so now I dont know. Well I didn't know before but I know less now hehe

posted on Jul, 2 2024 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Drugstorecowboy56
I thought P Diddy drugged Jamie Foxx.Diddy wanted to diddy Foxx.

I think there's a whole secret gay black guy club in Hollywood but thats a whole 'nother post entirely!

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