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Once we are able to talk about adult stuff....

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posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: yeahright

The "intelligence community" AKA 3 letter mafia crime syndicate, has been rumored to run its own massive network of human/drug/weapon trafficking rings for decades. Probably the main reason our border stays open.

I honestly think elected government is just a "front" to run cover for their massive crime organization.

edit on 30-6-2024 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: network dude

What baffles me, is that those who are protecting him (the same one's that if Trump has 1/10 of this kind of thing going on, the world would be outraged and demanding his execution) also live in the US, and are subject to his actions. If he is compromised by China, and making this odd push to EV's to give profits to China, as it looks on the surface, then wouldn't the effects of that, also effect those folks? Or is there some money grab that those on the right are missing out on?

I am curious to know from the left, but until they are allowed to talk about it, I don't think they will.

So, as I understand it, your theory is that one or more Chinese businessmen funneled money through Hunter Biden to Joe Biden in 2017 in return for Joe agreeing to sell out the USA to China after Joe became POTUS. Is that it?

A few comments:

First, Joe wasn't even a candidate for POTUS when Hunter was making money by selling access to important people, much less even his party's nominee. If someone was trying to buy influence from a future POTUS, they would at least wait until their guy was the candidate. Otherwise, they would probably just be throwing their money away. The idea that a Chinese businessman would pay money in 2017 to Joe Biden to do him a favor after becoming POTUS 5 years later and before Joe was even a candidate makes no more sense than the idea that Donald Trump would pay money to a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him without her actually having sex with him.

Second, Joe Biden has always released his tax records publicly, and the IRS automatically audits the POTUS and VPOTUS, every year. Any cash transaction over $10,000 automatically gets flagged as a suspicious transaction, especially if the money comes from China. There's no way Joe could receive a substantial payoff from China without it having a paper trail or showing up as a sudden improvement in his life style without a paper trail.

Third, about a month and a half ago, Biden put into effect by executive action a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, effectively pricing them out of the US market. In the same action, he put into effect a 25% tariff on Chinese batteries, steel and aluminum and a 50% tariff on solar cells and semiconductors. During his first 3 years in office he negotiated and then signed 3 different bipartisan bills to boost American industry with subsidies to build modern steel, aluminum, battery, solar cell, and semiconductor manufacturing facilities--some of which are already under construction. Joe's actions in these areas are not some kind of payoff to China. He's been working systematically to make the US LESS dependent on China for EVs, not MORE dependent. I guess you didn't get the memo.

And we haven't even talked about military strengthening of the US against China, where Joe has entered into deals to provide nuclear attack submarines to Australia, additional military bases in the nations surrounding the South China Sea, strengthened alliances with South Korea and Japan, and increased spending on military systems aimed specifically against China.

Joe has been much, much more aggressive on getting in China's face than Trump ever dreamed about.

Your theory is that there was some surreptitious quid pro quo between Joe Biden and China, but you can't produce either a quid or a quo.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 04:22 PM

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

well then. we can put this one to bed based on your personal guarantee. You do personally guarantee that information as true and correct, right?

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

I heard he was going to bring back the whole "burn them at the steak!" or was it stake. Hell I don't know. But he's going to do it. Probably already ordered the wood. That rat bastard. I bet he's gonna grab someone by their lady parts!

If they want to jail Trump because a payment of reimbursement to his attorney for a non discosure agreement that was categorized as a legal expense rather then a campaign expense and have jailed others and used lawfare to bankrupt patriots including 5star General Flynn. Should Obama, Susan Rice, Biden, Clinton, FBI agents and others get jailed for spying on Trumps campaign by obtaining FISA warrants fraudulently? Unmasking people whose identity should have remained anonymous. How about election interference by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken who orhestrated the letter that the 51 intel agents and cia chiefs signed knowing that the laptop was not Russian propaganda as NSA chief Ratclife pointed out. And those 51 intel agents? What kind of jail time do they get? How about Hillary Clinton who brokered the russian Steele dossiere and used the law firm Perkins Coi to facilitate the payment. Paul Ryan knew all about the phony dossiere far in advance. There is much more but you get the idea, some of this people may have committed treason and if convicted would be executed. This is serious business as we can all see the demonrats scurrying and terrified at the prospect of Trump coming back. The Jan 6th committee comes to mind, they're all schiitin their pants and rightfully so. And this is just some of what we know, how about what we haven't learned yet. This is definitely adult stuff. How much legal responsibility does the msm have if they knew what they were reporting was nothing more than propaganda, a smear campaign as Nancy Pelosi described. And really not just propaganda or a smear campaign but part of a coup!
edit on 30-6-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

If they want to jail Trump

How much election interference has been used to get 34 felony charges for a candidate in the lead up to an election? How the polls and campaign donations have be going bonkers since the conviction has been hilarious, Some bad blow back for the Dems on that one.

With how the leadership of the Dem machine is currently imploding, a foundation of lies and misinformation has left them on shaky ground. However this power struggle turns out? They are leaving it late, it is going to be rushed, the laughs will continue.

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