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Are Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction is Toxic?

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posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 12:15 AM
This is what I've been seeing: Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction to women is 'Toxic'.

Am I the only one seeing it?

Because this is a dangerous trend that is blatant Bigotry.

I'd hate for something like this to show up on the news or somewhere during 'Pride Month'. That would be a sucky way to end the month.

Are you all aware that the FBI has a Foreign Influence Task Force? A country like Russia would encourage this kind of activity as activity such as this could reduce the population in the United States.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

It's only toxic if they don't like you.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: tamusan
a reply to: GotterDameron23

It's only toxic if they don't like you.

Did you notice they don't say anything about the 'beautiful people'?

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Yea it is only toxic if the guy is ugly. They LOVE it if it is a hot guy...the youtube proof is incredible...

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 01:25 AM
P***y is WAY over-rated!

Some women need to get over themselves!

The way 'some' women think, you'd think they controlled the Universe. Not all, but 'some'.

The World does not revolve around what is below a female's belt.
edit on 6/30/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: AlexandrosOMegas
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Yea it is only toxic if the guy is ugly. They LOVE it if it is a hot guy...the youtube proof is incredible...
Or if he's poor=toxic.
Women who come out with any of this crap,who the hell pays any attention to them let alone have them anywhere near your life?

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:22 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
P***y is WAY over-rated!

Some women need to get over themselves!

The way 'some' women think, you'd think they controlled the Universe. Not all, but 'some'.

The World does not revolve around what is below a female's belt.

I’m confused, are you angry about p***y? Or as you so eloquently put it ‘some’ women?

Sounds to me like ‘some’ women get you riled up and you have nothing of substance to say about them other than saying “p***sy is over-rated”.

You’re married, no? Is she exempt from being overrated just curious..

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:24 AM

originally posted by: GotterDameron23
This is what I've been seeing: Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction to women is 'Toxic'.

Am I the only one seeing it?

Because this is a dangerous trend that is blatant Bigotry.

I'd hate for something like this to show up on the news or somewhere during 'Pride Month'. That would be a sucky way to end the month.

Are you all aware that the FBI has a Foreign Influence Task Force? A country like Russia would encourage this kind of activity as activity such as this could reduce the population in the United States.
Nothing reduces the population like the encouragement of non sense like 'pride month' but of course it was big bad Russia,get a grip and stop sucking the msm teet.
Your own government encourages same sex relationships and mutilating children's sexual organs,think about that while you celebrate 'pride month'.Proud of what exactly ?That everyone has to pretend they are OK with having nothing about your personality except your perverted and let's be honest,not the norm sexual behaviours?
What ever happened to 'keep it in the bedroom and we no one will care what you do?'
Give an inch and they take a mile.
Not to worry,Africans and Asians will be imported by the million to take over via the womb but remember it's pride month and you can celebrate your pride at the demise of the white race.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:36 AM
I will repeat.

They are afraid to lose control, so they must keep people afraid - so they divide and conquer - repeatedly (until the majority wake up).

It's the oldest and meanest trick in the world!

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:42 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

" This is what I've been seeing: Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction to women is 'Toxic'. "

That Behavior is Usually Performed by Unattractive Females full of Self Loathing . The Opposite Sex has Always been Drawn to Idealic Beauty of the Mind and Body , and those who sometimes Deny that are only Spitefully Kidding Themselves .

edit on 30-6-2024 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Put a dress on, these same people dont seem to have a problem with trans blokes harassing women.
Problem solved.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Put a dress on, these same people dont seem to have a problem with trans blokes harassing women.
Problem solved.

Women shouldn't be harassed, in fact, nobody should be harassed.

But falling in love, and flirting is a part of life, and people who is against that is anti-life!

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 04:08 AM
I have never seen an attractive woman hating men, unless they had very bad experiences, in which case it's self preservation.

The men haters don't ever get the attention they hate so much, that's why they make such a fuss.

That said, I already noticed the women haters here ignoring the OPs distinction about 'man-hating' women, going full on women in general.

These are the male equivalent to OPs question.
They had bad experiences or don't know the limits of their sexual advances or creepiness or just can't pull.
So they turn it into general hate.

Meanwhile normal women and men understand how to play the nature game just fine.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction to women is 'Toxic'.

Man-haters aren't pretending; they actually believe with all of their being that all men are toxic.

Weren't man-haters credited with being the first lesbians?

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

It's more than that. Some of those 'man on the street' interviews and other such surveys, ask the gals what they rate themselves on a scale of 1-10. Almost every woman says 10. And let me tell you, many of them are barely a 5 after that many beers. Incredible, the self inflated ego of these women. Prima donnas - not much to look forward to as a man when that's what the buffet consists of. And all those 'upper crust' playdough pies want a man 6'1 or taller with a 6 figure income and a 'no questions or demands asked' relationship. They literally want to contribute nothing EXCEPT their vagina. I always crack up when they're asked: "what do you bring to the table" and not one has an answer except the frequent "I am the table". They are out of their friggen minds.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: GotterDameron23

Are Man-haters pretending that ANY Male sexual attraction is Toxic?

got your back jack, beyotch's be crazy

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:09 AM
People are gunna peep 🤷🏽‍♂️

a reply to: StoutBroux

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 06:23 AM
In my humble experience, courting the opposite sex is what it's always been. You find an interest, make a connection, and hopefully be charming and compatible enough to make it last.

I have noticed the younger folks I know being animatedly opposed to opposite genders, which I find quite frightening. I work with women who think lesbians are all "in hiding". I work with gay men who think all men are "too weak". They are all out. In the open. They are all shadow boxing.

Nobody actually cares about your sexuality. Be you. Leave me out of it. I don't wanna hear about a straight friend's sex life either. None of you.


ETA: most straight people I know are single and struggling to find meaningful connections, which breaks my heart. Nobody talks face to face anymore. I don't get it. Social media is a disease. Our social structures weren't ready for the plague of social media. We had time 20 years ago. I actually felt depressed typing that realizing it's been that long without any reaction from our infrastructure.
edit on 30-6-2024 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: cocnutcrab883

I think what he's saying and I agree, that there are some women out there who think what they have below the belt is so special that a man would do anything for it. And they're right to a point. There are men out there who see them as a challenge and will do anything to "conquer that mountain". There are women out there who do it on purpose to see how much abuse they can get away with, while they dangle that carrot.

Truth is, there is not a vagina on the planet that's worth the BS they dish out.

It's like a diamond necklace on a Rottweiler. You may get that necklace, but you're gonna get mauled in the process.

There are also women out there who are a 5, but think of themselves as a 10. They try to get a guy who actually is a 10 and then get pissed when they're rejected.

It's not them, it must be those toxic men.

posted on Jun, 30 2024 @ 07:45 AM
Being an old woman, I no longer attract so much unwanted male attention. This is of huge relief to me, I can now go out in public and live as a real person and not automatically be treated as an object of male desire or female jealousy.

Sadly, my experience has shown me how too many rebuffed or ignored men that make inappropriate comments or overt and disrespectful approaches take the rejection as my problem and will label accordingly.

I don't hate men, I hate some male behaviours that are toxic and I think until men accept they could try looking at themselves and their behaviours toward women, they risk staying in the single forever zone.

For any man looking for a relationship that has not yet understood real women are not like the women depicted in porn and stop treating women so appallingly and instead nurturing their own relationship skills, failure to attract a mate and maintain a real relationship with her will continue.

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