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I am confused...can you explain...

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posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

NASA ....Never A Straight Answer,,

Not very original, how about:

GOP .... Gun-totin' Opinionated Palefaces,


Republicans .... Retarded Entitled Purile Union of Bigots, Liars, Idiots, Cranks And No-brain Self-seekers,


NRA ... Not Rational, but Armed!

edit on 2024-06-26T21:46:34-05:0009Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:46:34 -050006pm00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: chr0naut

yeahbut noneofthat proves it causes global climate change 😀

There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause.

ROFL NASA , Is that a Link from NASA

Oh chr0 you and your knee slappers I can always count on you for a good laugh .

You know of somewhere else that actually collects the data from satellites, weather and geological surveys?

They do that at the Republican convention, do they?

Are we talking about the same NASA that doctors all of the Photos of the Moon , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn and others . Doctors all of the Space Station videos and Photos. Conveniently lost most of the original Moon landing recordings and Audio ..... The List goes on and on and on .

NASA is the greatest con in the history of all cons perhaps other than religion.

And yes there are other organizations that collect satellite data.

OK, then link to their data that does not show rise in temperatures, rises in aggregate sea levels, and changes in chemical abundances in the atmosphere.

Link to the data, not some apologists spurious claims.

Also, where are the photos that aren't retouched so we can make comparisons. That's the problem with froot-loop conspiracy theories, they are evidence free.

You see, NASA has evidence, in measurements and photos etc, but the fantasy fiction guys have either nothing, or they even reference the NASA data that they agree with if it can be fitted to the fantasy, but they also disregard the very same evidence when it doesn't fit their narrative.

NASA are the number one source of the actual space and planetary evidence.

Just publish any credible alternate data and photographs that disproves the NASA data and then I might take you seriously.

show me the rise in aggregate seal levels. You should be able to point to some structure that just by appearance is more under water now, than in the past. Let's see that.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Do you know how the NRA was formed?

It was formed so former slaves could own firearms, and exercise second amendment.

It's our right.

Do you know what party freed slaves joined, because it protected their freedoms?

GRAND OLD PARTY of Republicans.

Why is that, the most ignorant people, always talk #, but never facts...

You can type fancy lies, but can't tell the bold truth.

People would still be slaves under democrat cotton plantations today, if Republicans hadn't fought and died for slaves to be free.

You young man, need to stop parroting the lefts bs.

Because you're proliferating the lies that obscure history.

Every people of all ethnicity have been slaves.

Color is not a ethnicity, and Visa versa. Stop playing into the lies and search for yourself the truth.

Keep this in mind, those on the left, have ALWAYS been on the wrong side of history.

Unless you want to be on the wrong side...

Does anyone else ever wonder why there's no democrats on Mount Rushmore?

Yeah me neither.

edit on 27-6-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Have you ever been intellectually curious as to if you are being lied to? I realize that asking YOU that is a bit silly, but on this one topic, there is verifiable proof and it's everywhere. hell, you live on an island surrounded by water. You have a few places to look.

Find a picture of some structure that has existed for a hundred years and is on the water. Then look at that same structure now. If it appears less visible due to being submerged, then you have visual proof of sea level rise. But if it looks the same, then wouldn't you have to question what you are told?

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: chr0naut

Have you ever been intellectually curious as to if you are being lied to? I realize that asking YOU that is a bit silly, but on this one topic, there is verifiable proof and it's everywhere. hell, you live on an island surrounded by water. You have a few places to look.

Find a picture of some structure that has existed for a hundred years and is on the water. Then look at that same structure now. If it appears less visible due to being submerged, then you have visual proof of sea level rise. But if it looks the same, then wouldn't you have to question what you are told?

Three Feet High and Rising - New Zealand Geographic

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

LOL, so you can't find me one picture of say a light house, or a jetti, or some beach that is now underwater?

The article you linked, has lots of pictures of beach erosion, and storm surge, which is not sea level rise, just as cold temps in spring isn't proof of global cooling.

If the sea really is rising, as you and many others claim, then you should be able to look at every coastline and see the changes. Look at every harbor and see the changes. Are you sure you understand this?

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: ADVISOR
a reply to: chr0naut

Do you know how the NRA was formed?

It was formed so former slaves could own firearms, and exercise second amendment.

The NRA was Founded in 1871 to 'advance rifle marksmanship'. It was originally proposed by ex-patriots living in London.

There have been numerous complaints about the NRA's lack of advocacy for black gun owners.

It's our right.

Do you know what party freed slaves joined, because it protected their freedoms?

GRAND OLD PARTY of Republicans.

The GOP did oppose slavery in the 1800's. But more recently, it also has strongly opposed the Civil Rights Act since Barry Goldwater (GOP Republican candidate) came out against the act in 1964.

Why is that, the most ignorant people, always talk #, but never facts...

You can type fancy lies, but can't tell the bold truth.

People would still be slaves under democrat cotton plantations today, if Republicans hadn't fought and died for slaves to be free.


Most of the world had already abolished slavery way before the USA did. The USA was roughly the 12th last nation to abolish legalized chattel slavery. It was fairly inevitable that slavery would eventually be abolished in 1st world countries.

And then there's that annoying 89 years where slavery was both legal, and 'Constitutional', in the USA. Not to mention the numbers of founding fathers that owned slaves.

Even now, the US Constitution still has an exception that allows legal slavery and forced labour.

You young man, need to stop parroting the lefts bs.

I'm not really young anymore.

Because you're proliferating the lies that obscure history.

Every people of all ethnicity have been slaves.

Color is not a ethnicity, and Visa versa. Stop playing into the lies and search for yourself the truth.

Keep this in mind, those on the left, have ALWAYS been on the wrong side of history.

Unless you want to be on the wrong side...

There were 80 recipients from 42 separate ethnic groups who received an Ellis Island Medal of Honour at that same ceremony in 1986 (not 1989 as shown in the photo text).

Trump was awarded the medal for his German ethnic heritage and his contributions to New York city as a real estate developer.

In fact, in 1973, Trump was accused by the Justice Department of violations of the Fair Housing Act in the operation of 39 buildings. The department said that black "testers" were sent to more than half a dozen buildings and were denied apartments, but a similar white tester would then be offered an apartment in the same building. Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975. Doesn't sound like he was providing any services to the black community that would warrant a medal.

Here's the un-cropped photo from Getty Images:

Does anyone else ever wonder why there's no democrats on Mount Rushmore?

Yeah me neither.


What, you mean "The Shrine of Democracy" had no democrats? Looks like the sculptor could have picked a better name.

Perhaps it was a knee jerk reaction to the earlier work "The Shrine to the Confederacy" on Stone Mountain in Georgia?

... both of them being signs of the factional adversarial partisanship baked-in to the USA's systems.

edit on 2024-06-27T09:44:42-05:0009Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:44:42 -050006am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: chr0naut

Have you ever been intellectually curious as to if you are being lied to? I realize that asking YOU that is a bit silly, but on this one topic, there is verifiable proof and it's everywhere. hell, you live on an island surrounded by water. You have a few places to look.

Find a picture of some structure that has existed for a hundred years and is on the water. Then look at that same structure now. If it appears less visible due to being submerged, then you have visual proof of sea level rise. But if it looks the same, then wouldn't you have to question what you are told?

Very few structures were built right at sea level 100 years ago.

In fact most permanent structures were built back away from the waters edge due to dangers of waves, tides and storms.

I do know of Fort Dennison, a fortified stone structure in Sydney Harbour, which is now used to monitor water levels in the Sydney Harbour basin, and where measurements and tidal marks measured over nearly a century indicate that water levels are roughly 4.2 inches higher than they were 107 years ago.

Sydney, Fort Denison 2 Station Information

Photo, Fort Denison after completion of the 1859 loop-hole flank defences and seawall (star photo, State Library of NSW).

Photo, Fort Denison taken January 24th, 2022 (Note high tide line).

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

is this the same place?

(notice the water line looks identical to the 107 year old picture)

asking for an honest person, not someone full of sh!t pushing an agenda.
edit on 27-6-2024 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: chr0naut

is this the same place?

(notice the water line looks identical to the 107 year old picture)

asking for an honest person, not someone full of sh!t pushing an agenda.

Yeah, the tide goes up and down, but look at the tide line which shows where tides peak.

They have been keeping tidal measurements since 1915 (if you follow the first link in my previous post), and it shows that the water level has been steadily increasing.

You are the one who has an agenda, and it is politically motivated.

Data from around the world has shown that sea-level rise is occurring.

Sea-level rise has claimed five whole islands in the Pacific: first scientific evidence

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

are you mentally aware that you used dishonest tactics to make a false point? You tried to show the same structure in two different time frames, and used mid tide pictures against low tide pictures to falsely claim that the sea level had risen. The first step is admitting.

posted on Jun, 28 2024 @ 06:36 AM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: chr0naut

are you mentally aware that you used dishonest tactics to make a false point? You tried to show the same structure in two different time frames, and used mid tide pictures against low tide pictures to falsely claim that the sea level had risen. The first step is admitting.

The pictures don't tell the story as much as the 107 years of tidal measurements, which you seem to be ignoring. And the picture that you posted was from the opposite side of the island, and therefore is hard to compare with the two pictures I posted.

But even in the picture that you posted, the high tide mark is visible, and you seem to be looking at the water level which looks to be at low tide, at the moment of the photograph.

You need to compare the peak tidal mark between pictures, and also consider the tidal measurements which together present a consistent picture of water level rise over the 107 years.

I also used to work at the Sydney Opera House, which had views to Fort Denison just out across the water, and the Opera House engineers were always having troubles with flooding of what everyone called the 'underwater' workshop (named so because it was always getting flooded). The Sydney Opera House was built on Bennelong point and it was entirely above water when the Opera House was built.

You are the one being dishonest.

There are lots of issues in New Zealand as low-lying coastal areas that have been in use for a hundred years are being flooded tidally and frequently:

Weather: States of Emergency to remain as high tide poses new flood risk to Wairoa, Hastings

Little bit of sea-level rise = lots more coastal flooding

Maps reveal NZ’s hot spots for extreme coastal flooding

A regional analysis of tide-surge interactions during extreme water levels in complex coastal systems of Aotearoa New Zealand

The effect of sea-level rise on the frequency of extreme sea levels in New Zealand

King tide hits Auckland

edit on 2024-06-28T07:00:47-05:0007Fri, 28 Jun 2024 07:00:47 -050006am00000030 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

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