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Social influencers dying like flies

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+11 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 08:07 PM
i was pretty shocked when I saw the amount of social influencers who have passed away after getting the "Safe and effective" The idea was to pay the people who had high followings on social media to publicize the jab..I bet they wish they had declined but being "wise after the event " does not help with this one. It seems Brazil really got hammered as quite a few have departed early. The power and influence of the Phamaceutical industries reach deeply into goverment and the public purse .With the growing class action lawsuits, it is doubtfull that they could ever pay out the compensation claims which now being generated. The only option for them will be a distraction worse than what has been unleashed
edit on pm620246America/Chicago630093024 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: annonentity

This was interesting, and I'm pretty sure that if I check in other sources, I can probably find the truth in it. My Son, after taking the jab at 15, received heart palpitations, so bad, that we had to call paramedics to take him to the hospital. he's fine now, but it was quite a scare.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: stelth2
a reply to: annonentity

This was interesting, and I'm pretty sure that if I check in other sources, I can probably find the truth in it. My Son, after taking the jab at 15, received heart palpitations, so bad, that we had to call paramedics to take him to the hospital. he's fine now, but it was quite a scare.

You didn't take the experimental Covid vaccine, but your 15 year old son did?

+8 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: stelth2
a reply to: annonentity

This was interesting, and I'm pretty sure that if I check in other sources, I can probably find the truth in it. My Son, after taking the jab at 15, received heart palpitations, so bad, that we had to call paramedics to take him to the hospital. he's fine now, but it was quite a scare.

You didn't take the experimental Covid vaccine, but your 15 year old son did?

Mandated for younger ones doing sports at the time.

I had to have the talk to some of my children whose babies were in sports.

it was heartbreaking.

edit on 100000006America/Chicago6pmMon, 24 Jun 2024 21:13:20 -050013 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Interesting video ....Wonder what the cause may be Hmmm

Good Read

Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot LINK - STUDY

The study, titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination,” analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found that a staggering 73.9% of deaths were either directly due to or significantly contributed to by the COVID-19 vaccination.

According to The Daily Sceptic, the reason given at the time was, “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.”

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 10:23 PM
It was with great interest that I chose to read this thread and be directed to further information on these social influencers who are dying or already dead.

I found no cases or names mentioned in OP so I decided to click on the link provided. What I found was again, no names of any of this rash of social influencers nor links to other sources that might have them, or at least some of them mentioned. Even one would have been nice but what I found was nothing.

Oh, I did find a library of videos that this site has put forth so I wrote into it's search bar '' social influencers dying'' and it came back with nothing.

Can anyone here help me discover who some of these social influencers might be?

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 10:43 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
It was with great interest that I chose to read this thread and be directed to further information on these social influencers who are dying or already dead.

I found no cases or names mentioned in OP so I decided to click on the link provided. What I found was again, no names of any of this rash of social influencers nor links to other sources that might have them, or at least some of them mentioned. Even one would have been nice but what I found was nothing.

Oh, I did find a library of videos that this site has put forth so I wrote into it's search bar '' social influencers dying'' and it came back with nothing.

Can anyone here help me discover who some of these social influencers might be?

Your post is one of the reasons I don't do videos. Even if I find other sources after digging, I'm usually disappointed. Also, I don't understand the saying "dying like flies". Do files die any differently than anything else?
edit on 6/24/2024 by TheMichiganSwampBuck because: for clarity

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
It was with great interest that I chose to read this thread and be directed to further information on these social influencers who are dying or already dead.

I found no cases or names mentioned in OP so I decided to click on the link provided. What I found was again, no names of any of this rash of social influencers nor links to other sources that might have them, or at least some of them mentioned. Even one would have been nice but what I found was nothing.

Oh, I did find a library of videos that this site has put forth so I wrote into it's search bar '' social influencers dying'' and it came back with nothing.

Can anyone here help me discover who some of these social influencers might be?

Not sure about in the video but did a Search and found these

Popular Beauty Influencer Who Promoted COVID Jabs Dies Suddenly at 36 - LINK

Massacre of social media influencers - LINK

Popular fitness influencer Raechelle Chase dies suddenly: She ‘inspired millions’ - LINK

edit on 24-6-2024 by tarantulabite1 because: bad link fix

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: stelth2
a reply to: annonentity

This was interesting, and I'm pretty sure that if I check in other sources, I can probably find the truth in it. My Son, after taking the jab at 15, received heart palpitations, so bad, that we had to call paramedics to take him to the hospital. he's fine now, but it was quite a scare.

I wonder for how long after you get the jab that it can be dangerous for? I knew someone as well that got bad heart palpitations to and went to hospital, that was about 18 months ago or so maybe a bit longer (he got 3 shots all together). I ewinder if he needs to worry still?
edit on 24-6-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: Typo

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 11:42 PM
Can’t say the reasons why, but I certainly have noticed there seems to be quite a number of young whatever they are called social media entities passing lately. Seems I see a headline about once a week …or more.

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 11:51 PM

originally posted by: TheMichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
It was with great interest that I chose to read this thread and be directed to further information on these social influencers who are dying or already dead.

I found no cases or names mentioned in OP so I decided to click on the link provided. What I found was again, no names of any of this rash of social influencers nor links to other sources that might have them, or at least some of them mentioned. Even one would have been nice but what I found was nothing.

Oh, I did find a library of videos that this site has put forth so I wrote into it's search bar '' social influencers dying'' and it came back with nothing.

Can anyone here help me discover who some of these social influencers might be?

Your post is one of the reasons I don't do videos. Even if I find other sources after digging, I'm usually disappointed. Also, I don't understand the saying "dying like flies". Do files die any differently than anything else?

Flys die fast when hit with a swatter that's probably what it means

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 12:07 AM
Some of you might remember how the troops of the Vietnam war fought for years saying their lives were destroyed by agent orange. After many died with no disability or medical from the military years went by and finally the military figured out Agent Orange really could turn you nails to mush and kill your liver just for starters .

Now fast forward to today with a horrible story out of the military of how one girl is fought and dumped after a sever medical condition from the Madera forced vaccine... The older I get and the more I see and hear the less I trust institutions..especially if they are caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: tarantulabite1

I think that it is now getting a bit to obvious as people are realizing that they have been conned into taking an experimental gene therapy which is not fit for the purpose stated. Which will require a bigger distraction like the threat of imminent nuclear war. Or imminent financial collapse. Food shortages etc. or the whole lot at once as a cluster #.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: tarantulabite1
Thank you for answering my request for assistance. I checked out your links and what I found was pretty much what I might have expected but in attempting to be open minded about it I looked at them all.

In the first link, a single death was described but only in the headline was there a mention of her having promoted the jab. That link was noticeably a right wing website.

The second link offered a large number of young dead women but in the half dozen or so that I read through, none of them mentioned that they had promoted the jab.

The third and final link was once again about a single death and like the previous link, did not mention her having promoted the jab nor did any of the family comments in any of them mention it either.

So again thanks for the help though as far as putting any real connection between the women and COVID support it was extremely sketchy.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

Maybe it was the jab and maybe not. In the list of links provided to me by tarantala, all of those young women were noticably fitness buffs. One thing that young women of social influencing seem to have in common is a desire to be very thin with lots of curves. It may also be diet or what ever weightloss regime they are on, not to mention the possibility of an active social life. I'm only guessing here of course.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

It was well planned with most of the patents filed years before so that the CDC and big Pharma could reap the biggest payoff in history. But it will be there undoing as they are in a real catch 22 situation and will need a completely different distraction to get them out of the spotlight. The Catch is that they patented covid...since you cannot patent Nature that's a problem, the only way they could get a patent is if it was a genetically modified virus... which is also illegal. So if the regime changes they are toast. This explains it and shows the problem that they have, since every branch of government has had to be compromised at least at the top they will not go quietly.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: annonentity
I think that it is now getting a bit to obvious

Then provide us with a list of names to back up your thread title.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: Euronymous2625

Celebrities and sportsman are dying everyday at ever increasing rates. Or haven't you noticed?

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: annonentity

Celebrities and sportsman are dying everyday at ever increasing rates. Or haven't you noticed?

So a link to a 'nothing burger' in the opening thread, and again more posts of 'people are dying every day' without any evidence.
I never knew people actually died every single day!! The horror of it!! sarc/

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 05:27 AM
Until you know whether they even had the jab or an autopsy, it's an assumption to connect it to the vaccine.

The first lady(full of fillers, implants, etc) is an influencer on a yacht. Not sure if you're familiar of influencers who are considered "yacht girls". That's a lifestyle that includes fabulous pictures of them hanging out on yachts, however it is because they are paid by men to be there, usually for sex and partying. Again, without knowing, we can see she's full of synthetic substances in her body and likely a partying lifestyle. Drugs could most certainly be the culprit.

Another from your link Raechelle, involved in a messy divorce from a violent drug trafficker. Cops are closed mouth while they investigate.

I recently saw of one death, not linked here but on another social media. It was drugs.

Until you have autopsy reports, it's careless to link a death to anything. Unless it's purposeful fear mongering.

There used to be a lot of threads like this. Many of them easily debunked if you searched behind the linked news story. There were people openly battling cancer from before 2020, people who were battling other illnesses, people who died of heat exhaustion after being forced to practice in 95 degree weather with no water, etc.

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