posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:18 AM
Domains of Unknown Phenomena:
Air: Between sea or land level and a height of 100km above the Earth.
Orbit: Between a height of 100km above the Earth and the distance to the Moon.
Sea: Within the body of water connected to the global oceans.
Land: Within the land mass of the Earth.
Outer Space:
Mass: Contains the Sun, planets, moons and other large bodies within the solar system.
Helio: Within the electromagnetic influence of the Sun not yet defined.
Galactic: Between the Heliosphere of Sol and the edge of the Milky Way galaxy.
Intergalactic: Between the edge of the Milky Way galaxy and the rest of the known universe.
Time: Beyond known temporal passage.
Inner Space:
Biological: Within microbiological processes. Includes spontaneous combustion, genetic divergence and miracle healing.
Psychological: Within cognitive processors. Includes MPD/DID, OBE, NDE, Memory, Consciousness, Spirituality.
Composite: Within molecular processes. Includes chemistry, crystals, alloys. isotypes, smell, quantum mechanics.
Energy: Within thermodynamic processes. Includes EMF, temperature, radiation, economy, flow of power.
Dimensional: All other domains not yet defined. Includes unknown.
In how we progress through the unknowns, this is a guide. With many of the documents around these topics still locked up under national security who
really knows? Each department does their own thing. With ATS a part of the open source community it is a place to find some common ground.
When using acronyms it is standard practice to capitalize the term at the start of the document. Eg Unidentified Flying Object before using the short
term UFO. Reference in the appendix also works when using an acronym short hand. There are a lot of acronyms and easy to get lost and confused in