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Retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet on Grusch, UAP claims

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posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 10:38 PM
I found listening to this interview worth my time and thought provoking with regards to some of the "WHY's" everything is so darn stupid and complicated. I did have to smile at the Admirals response as to why the Navy and not the Air Force is more forth coming with information on UFO/UAP reporting.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: 727Sky


I was contemplating posting this….but between watching some of this vid (OP) and after having a hefty dinner….I fell asleep Zzzzzzzz.

He’s been threaded here before…..but it still comes down to….show us the solid proof.

We’re not there yet…imo.

edit on 21-6-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Interesting video , thanks for the post , Sky.

Seems the CIA have "lost" what could be an important UFO document.

In this short episode, I breakdown a few documents likely related, describing UFO “material” years after the U.S. government / military’s investigation into UFOs known as Project Blue Book.

The documents show that within the walls of the CIA, despite the U.S. government’s public stance, officials and personnel continued to watch UFO developments. They even reference “material” and something “hand carried” to the office of one of the CIA scientists. What was it? A document? A post it note? Piece of wreckage?

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 04:59 AM
Somehow everything has probably already been said on the subject without saying/disclosing anything, but obviously not yet by everyone.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 08:28 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Thanks for that. It's interesting. "Over classification"........I've heard that one about 2 or 3 times now. Probably something to it.

But then as to "disclosure" by the military, the same thought comes to my mind. Why? What's in it for them?

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: 727Sky


I was contemplating posting this….but between watching some of this vid (OP) and after having a hefty dinner….I fell asleep Zzzzzzzz.

He’s been threaded here before…..but it still comes down to….show us the solid proof.

We’re not there yet…imo.


That’s a problem, how to know when to post because it’s all been posted before.

I have a thread on this myself but it’s from different instance of this guy talking so….

And searching ATS can be frustrating at the best of times trying to find things already posted.

And Twitter constantly rehashing old stuff as new…. Yep it’s hard to guess when to post.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

I’ve mentioned several helpful changes to the ATS experience……all I ever get is crickets 😣


posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

"I did have to smile at the Admirals response as to why the Navy and not the Air Force is more forth coming with information on UFO/UAP reporting."

The joke was lost on you, I reckon. The Air Force, flatly, has more to hide, They cannot tell you when they starting to hide info because that would at least go back to the Air Force's top intel arm, ATIC (Air Technical Intelligence Command) writing the telling report in September 1948 that they had concluded that the mysterious craft were not from any country, agency, or industry on earth.

The report was entitled ""The Estimate of the Situation." Supposedly it was not accepted by the Air Force's commanding general, General Hoyt Vandenberg, and it was burned. --All of that is covered in the cheap book reprint available on Amazon by the former head of Project Blue Book, Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt. I mentioned here a few weeks ago. (I assume that CIA paid for it to be pulled from the closet.)

I get tired of trying to educate people running around like chickens with their heads cutoff screaming about the last words to drip from officials. That is, of course, just the way they want to enter the ET situation, slowly and awkwardly into the narrative for the public to consume. For heaven's sake, do some research for your own enlightenment. --Most of those fifty-year-old books are mostly legit to a great degree.

In the process of educating yourself, stop to wonder about when the Kenneth Arnold sighting of June 1947 happened to stir up the public about UFOs for the first time. It was rather incredible that the air force was being stripped from the army and given a big budget in September of that year, and BTW, the CIA also blossomed into our lives that month and year.
edit on 22-6-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2024 by CosmicFocus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet claims that he didn't see the "go fast" video until 2015, even though it happened in 2005, but he does admit it happened during a NAVY training exercise.

For some reason, he seems convinced that the technology seen in the "go fast" video is not ours. I'm not so convinced, but I can respect the fact that the DOD prefers to keep their technological advantages secret.

He admits that some of our technology is over classified, but ultimately thinks that the non human intelligence, effecting Earth, should be unclassified.

Here's my thoughts and speculation on these things:
1. I suspect that the "go fast" object could just be a steerable plasma, and is not an object at all. Technology possibly capable of this exist in the public domain, but on a much smaller scale.
2. NHI is likely advanced artificial intelligence, and possibly highly advanced AI or AGI, which the public is only starting to understand and take advantage of.
3. NHI could be merely the outcome of human technological developments, that have just been kept secret from the public.
4. If NHI is of extraterrestrial origin, I suspect that the Black Knight Satellite, and communications with it, may hold the key to understanding it.
5. I still wonder if advanced human technology will be used to fake the existence or presence of ET, aka project bluebeam.
6. Disinformation has always been abundant within the UFO/UAP community, and I can't dismiss the claims that human trafficking data has been said to coincide with UAP data. It's possible that some rabbit holes may lead to very dark places, which most people would never ever want to know about.

edit on 22-6-2024 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 07:48 PM
A long drawn out subject.
Here is one of the many videos on the subject from the 90s/early2000s.
May answer a few questions. And ask many more.


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