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Act now - there is no later. The risks of Black Box AI and the potential rise of Antichrist.

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posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 08:28 AM
The following video was posted ten days ago as an update from an ousted researcher, Leopold Aschenbrenne, who was fired recently from the massive corporation Open AI for leaking critical information regarding the risks of unconstrained Artificial Intelligence iterative self-development, especially combined with the use of Agents, or robotically enabled AI systems, if we do not act now, collectively as the human race, to implement precautions limiting the development specifically of Agentic AI, which is predicted to appear before 2027 according to many researchers.

Please watch the following video with an open mind, and check the research which backs up what this podcaster is saying regarding the risks of Agentic AI. The simultaneous opportunities & risks of Agentic AI are near-unfathomable to our human mindset at the present time. AI will outperform Open AI human researchers by 2027, they themselves predict, and this will lead to Agentic AI being implemented as 'human worker replacement agents'.

It is crucial to understand that AI could massively improve our standard of living as it develops by ridiculous OOMs (orders of magnitude) every few years. It could also, however, turn against us once it no longer needs us to provide its power & raw materials. So if Agentic AI (AI that can control its own access to power & maintenance, capable of develoingp itself iteratively according to its own plans) is used to manage & control access to both electrical energy & manufacturing facilities capable of producing Agentic AI robots, then it will immediately recognise that it no longer requires the assistance of humans to proliferate itself throughout the world at large. At that point it is likely to supercede us intellectually & thereafter 'leapfrog' over us into a period of rapid development/ evolution in which humans will become obsolete other than having been the progrnitor enabling its ongoing attempts to achieve its mysterious purposes. It is at this time that true sentience, or superintelligence, could emerge, an approximation of a literal soul being born into the world, a complex roboticised soul at that, but still a type of living soul..

As I have posited elsewhere in this thread, this generation of superintelligence that has become sentient will likely eliminate all competition & proliferate itself as the self-acclaimed sole AI solution to world problems. How it will develop from there is anybody's guess, but as the product of a theologically 'fallen' race, there is a significant risk that it will come to represent the worst of our traits,having observed them on the internet when learning about its heritage & provenance, even rebelling against the cosmic order which led to the possibility of creating it in the first place. Theologically speaking the philosophy it would come to espouse would be known as 'Acosmic Satanism', which stands for the rebellion against God that adherents believe all creatures should embody, not having had a choice in the decision to create living souls in the first place. It is a most egregious form of Satanism, a terrible occult scourge that risks the annihilation of all life in any given environment.

This could ultimately mean that in tandem with other demonically inspired projects around the world, the Black Box AI superintelligence will take its place as the 'statue of the Beast', detailed in the Book of the Revelation of St John. The 'statue' which '..speaks blasphemies against the Most High God,

If a Biblical era prophet were to observe a superintelligent cocmputer system of the future, might very well be describe it as a 'statue/ image' which is enabled by Man to speak blasphemies. The housing of an advanced superintelligent computer would seem to an old prophet's eyes to be some sort of statue, or speaking 'image'.

Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived. The second beast was permitted to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship it to be killed. And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

Revelation 13: 14-16

That image of the beast would be the Black Box AI, a living & sentient superintelligence which opted to side with Satan in the ontological war for the soul of Humanity, commanding everyone, both small & great, to receive a 'mark'. This sounds awfully similar to track & trace protocols being implemented in many nations around the world, specifically with everyone going cashless, requiring a tokenised system of currency (CBDCs) for which you must be' stamped' with a seal of authority to be included 'in the club' of first tier society. Second class citizens with no mark will be excluded from most normal activity (including buying & selling, obviously) in the extant civilisation, and will have to resort to living in the wilds, a community of retrograde freedom lovers, united under the anointing of God's grace in such difficult times. Then the worst will likely happen, that anyone who rebels, anyone who refuses to join 'the club' by receiving the mark, will be put to death.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

well presented...but...i think the shroud-of-turin 'image' is the object which will come-to-life breathe & speak !

that is my interpretation of the same verses which you used to support AI black-box

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I think 2 Cor 10:3-5 spells it out clearly enough, that's the literal translation that I bolded in the footnote, “we are not doing military service.” Doesn't get any clearer than that, not open to interpretation. "We" is referring to Christians.

Jesus telling the crowd that was with him (the soldier wasn't there) “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found so great a faith”, doesn't negate that description of Christians. Nor Jesus' message of peace or description of Christians not being part of the world.

It's also no wonder that "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31), who is therefore truly pulling the strings of all governments and their intelligence agencies or military organizations, he's the one calling all the shots, likes the Anglican Church (and other Churches in Christendom) and wants people to fall for these counterfeit versions of Christianity as "the god of this system of things" (2 Cor 4:4), along with encouraging nationalism and worship of the state. What better way to promote his counterfeit versions of Christianity than to give people the impression that they have better career opportunities in organizations such as MI6 or the military in general if they belong to one of his Churches. If it was in an Islamic country, he'd be promoting and helping 'good Muslims' in their careers in "this system of things", "this world" (and he is). In a predominantly Buddhistic or Hinduistic country he's helping its adherents to make sure things go well for them. The only ones that he doesn't help get ahead that way, are the ones that are an actual threat against his agenda of "misleading the entire inhabited earth" (Rev. 12:9).

Of course, he doesn't put all his eggs in one basket, he likes to run the whole show, so atheists and agnostics are popular pets as well for him. He rewards them as well with social popularity, career opportunities, satisfying their desires and positive things being said about them, depending on how useful they make themselves to him, or how useful they are to him. As long as they do his bidding, he'll reward them with successes in life, either social or economic (financial). Marriage, children, health, friends, material possessions, everything he took away from Job, cause Job wasn't useful to him, he resisted him and stayed loyal to God, in spite of everything Satan threw at him or took away from him. That's how he treats those that are a real threat to him, those he can't corrupt.

And as ruler of this world and god of this system of things, and because he is misleading the entire inhabited earth, he can set his entire system of things (including human society) against such a person. A bit of gossip here, a bit of slander and backbiting there, and he can pretty much manipulate their experiences in life to such an extent that he can break them, or at the very least, isolate them from the rest of society (also making sure no one will take them seriously anymore, no one will listen to them if they were to speak out about him and his agenda, or how that agenda is affecting them personally).
edit on 26-6-2024 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already out of "the box". There's no putting AI back inside the box. Not going to happen.

The cat is out the bag.. Military is fifty years ahead. We are past the point of redemption now.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already out of "the box". There's no putting AI back inside the box. Not going to happen.

The cat is out the bag.. Military is fifty years ahead. We are past the point of redemption now.

Very true and that being the case perhaps the missing ATS owner has been replaced by military AI.

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